Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 939: Super Secret Realm!

Tang Wuji's memory fragments.

After Qin Ye entered the first angle of view, he knew the origin of the evil poison on his body.

A magma cave nearly 10,000 meters deep underground.

The scorching red magma was churning with flame dragons nearly tens of meters long. The fire dragons seemed to be psychic, each coiled on the stone pillars several meters long.

The pressure of the breath on each fire flood is above the eighteenth level. When you look at the sheep, you can see the number of fire floods in the line of sight, at least as many as hundreds of thousands.

Among them, there are many of the nineteen realms.

With Tang Wuji's strength in the 20th realm, among them, there was almost an invincible existence, and each shot could easily kill a few fire scorpions that flew towards him.

After Tang Wuji flew for nearly a few miles under this underground cave, he killed nearly dozens of fire scorpions before reaching the destination of his trip.

In the depths of this cave.

On the towering fiery red rock that was nearly a few hundred meters long, a crack nearly a hundred meters long emerged, and the pitch-black crack was several meters wide.


Tang Wuji's figure paused in the air, and then directly turned into an afterimage and entered it.

Within the cracks.

It is a barren underground space.

Look up at the sky.

Above the sky, there are a series of sealed rune chains that traverse the sky. Those rune chains are densely packed and dark. Only the light transmitted from the gaps in the chains can be used to see the ground below. An outline.

Just after Tang Wuji entered this place, what came into view was a dark figure. The figure was covered by dark mud. Only the outline of a human figure could be seen vaguely, but the head was a single figure. A dog's head that has been half rotten.

Half of the dog's head was rotted with flesh and blood, and black worms could even be seen wriggling from it, and the whole body exuded a disgusting smell.


Not waiting for Tang Wuji to do anything.

The rotten kobold roared in his mouth.

From his hands, he immediately ejected sharp claws nearly half a meter long, like daggers, and the figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In terms of speed, it is no longer inferior to the powerhouses of the general primary physical flow in the world realm!


It's like teleporting.

The rotten kobold appeared a few steps away in front of Tang Wuji, immediately swiping the sharp claws of his hand, and a few cold lights flashed in the void.

At this moment, Tang Wuji took out the spirit sword he carried, and immediately slashed it down.


A dazzling spark broke out immediately between the two.

The rotten kobold's claws were only cut by one point, and Tang Wuji was blasted back more than a hundred meters away because of the terrifying power on the rotten kobold's claws.

With his feet on the ground, two deep gullies were pulled out.

Bang bang bang!

"The field unfolds!!"

Tang Wuji immediately unfolded his domain power.


In an instant, his body was submerged in a sea of ​​blood, and even the rotting kobold was involved in it, and the bodies of one person and one demon disappeared in it.


After more than ten breaths, the sea of ​​blood that covered several miles around, which exploded several times before everything was calm, and the sea of ​​blood that was originally turbulent gradually calmed down.

In the end, Tang Wuji in the center of the blood sea burst out a terrifying suction force from all over his body, causing a whirlpool with a diameter of more than 100 meters to form around him.

All the blood was integrated into Tang Wuji's body.

At this moment, Tang Wuji's figure also had a bone scar on his right arm. The scar was filled with black smoke, and a disgusting smell emanated from it.

Although the rotten kobold had been dealt with by him before, he was also injured.

He didn't expect it.

Just entering here through the cracks in the outside world, the guardian beasts encountered can reach the primary existence of the heaven and earth realm.


Like a heavy voice from a hair box, it came from Tang Wuji's mouth.

He took out a few healing pills from the demon he was carrying with him, and swallowed them all together, before he waited for the demon poison in his body to be suppressed.

Abnormal changes occur suddenly.


After a few muffled noises.

On the ground a few steps away in front of him, the ground exploded, dust was splashed, and two rotting kobolds two meters high appeared, and the aura and coercion on these two kobolds was slightly more powerful than the previous one. Not weak.

The pupils in Tang Wuji's eyes shrank suddenly.

A sense of crisis suddenly appeared in my heart. Just one of the rotten kobolds had already left him with demon poison, and now he couldn't get rid of it.

Now there are two more rotten kobolds, and it is impossible for him to break through.


Tang Wuji glanced at the distance again.

There are still many huge monster bone figures in that barren land. If you want to go all the way, you may not only encounter these rotten kobolds, but more crises are probably still behind.


This time Tang Wuji didn't hesitate at all.

Instead, he immediately retreated to the rear. From the void on both sides, a dazzling sea of ​​blood rushed out of thin air, flooding the area hundreds of meters in front of him, covering the two rotting kobolds. Behind the sight.

Tang Wuji quickly retreated straight to the rear.

After he backed a kilometer.

In front of him.

In that sea of ​​blood.

Two black afterimages burst out immediately. The two rotten kobolds whose bodies were covered in dark liquid were almost identical to the one that appeared at the beginning!

Both hands soared out sharp claws nearly half a meter long.

A cold glow appeared at the tip of the sharp claws.

Two pairs of fierce eyes stared at Tang Wuji. In the end, Tang Wuji took the lead and left the grave area under the ground, after he passed through the crack.

The two rotten kobolds in the crack area stopped. They seemed to be bound by that area, although their eyes revealed a strong desire for killing.

But there was a rotting kobold among them. When he stuck his arm out of the crack, his arm immediately seemed to be severely burned the next moment.

On the arm wrapped in the dark liquid, a series of babbles immediately began to sound, and along with the sound, there were black smoke rising from the arm.

The right arm shrank visibly with the naked eye, and it was only for a while, and the kobold's right arm shrank into a dead branch-like appearance.


The rotten kobold left the crack in fear, and stepped back dozens of steps. The ferocity in his eyes had long since disappeared, and it was replaced by fear.

Seeing this, another rotten kobold took a few steps back with fear in his eyes.

Tang Wuji, who had escaped here, felt his anxiety relieved after seeing this scene.

Thanks to the restrictions of the rules in this tomb, if it weren't the case, their blood river clan on the mainland would have been swallowed up by the heaven and earth monsters in this tomb.


Tang Wuji sighed in his heart.

Although he found a crack in the tomb this time.

I wanted to try my luck in it to see if I could find any treasures, but what I didn't expect was that I didn't get the benefits, and I hurt myself.

The demon poison of the rotting kobold in his body, like a tarsal maggot, quickly spread from his right arm to his internal organs, the healing power he swallowed before.

It can only make a reluctant resistance.

It only protects a small part of the organs in his body.

At last.

Tang Wuji could only mobilize most of the domain power in his body, wrapping it to suppress the restless demon poison.

Embarrassed and fled back to Yumozong.


Qin Ye explored several other memories of Tang Wuji.

There is a general understanding of this blood river secret realm now.

There is a tomb world under this blood river secret realm.

Moreover, the world of the tomb is the source of the river of blood, the source of the river of blood for the cultivator forces such as the Linghe Sect and Yumozong on the land, they are lazy to survive.

It is a crack in the underground world of the tomb. From the cracks, a river of blood that contains a very strong spiritual energy flows out, so that the practitioners of the Linghe Sect and others can use the river of blood to practice and improve themselves. The realm of cultivation.

Qin Ye also felt a little surprised.

If you say, the blood river secret realm where Yumozong is located is at best a middle-high secret realm.

The tomb world under the blood river secret realm, the level of the world, is definitely in the super secret realm.

The division of super secret realms.

In the Taigu universe, there is a certain probability that there is a law-level treasure. Summon a little fire dragon at the start of the latest chapter address: Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (the 939th chapter super Wait for the secret world!) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookcase! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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