Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 948: Xiong Wanshan asks for help!

Hu Qianqiu controlled one of the soul foxes, trying his best to hide his aura, and approached the Black Bear Village again, although one of his soul foxes had already gone to investigate once before.

But this time, just to be able to find out whether Xiong Wanshan also carried Qin Ye on his body when he returned, as long as he could determine Qin Ye's location.

He can definitely make a move. Although Xiong Wanshan is not easy to deal with, if he takes out the hole card given by the Great Elder Wanqing, he can also block Xiong Wanshan, and then catch Qin Ye, this process becomes very easy.

But just after Hu Qianqiu approached the Black Bear Village.

Just crossed the wall.

He saw a dark shadow flashing in front of him, and the burly figure nearly four meters high stood in front of him, with a pair of dark red eyes staring at him.

"Little miscellaneous, you have many tribesmen!"

"The **** behind, dare to come out to find you Grandpa Xiong to single out!?"

Xiong Wanshan coldly looked at the place where the soul fox was.

In his eyes.

Two flames suddenly appeared, like two small sparks, the flames flashed from the sky, and instantly fell on the soul fox in front of him.


The soul fox that was touched by Mars suddenly felt a scorching sensation.

Immediately afterwards.

Hu Qianqiu in the distance.

The spiritual power he attached to the soul fox was also burned out!

"Xiong Wanshan!!"

Hu Qianqiu opened his slightly narrow eyes and looked at the place where the Black Bear Village was cold. He couldn't help it anymore. As long as Xiong Wanshan was in the Black Bear Village, he would never have a chance to enter the Black Bear Village area.

But he hasn't waited for Hu Qianqiu to react.

He felt the branches of a few old verdant trees on the side, and suddenly the faces of the old man appeared, and his eyes fell straight on him.


Immediately afterwards.

From above the old tree, there were a series of emerald green vines falling down. The vines were like a clever snake, moving swiftly like electricity, and came haunting Hu Qianqiu's figure.

And in the direction of Heixongzhai.

Also erupted out of the vast coercion of a nineteenth-level powerhouse, and that coercive aura was quickly rushing towards where he was.

This Little Black Bear Ridge is full of Xiong Wanshan's eyeliner, and he has arranged a lot of the plant monsters in the sword of the mountain range.

After all used now.

It was able to immediately lock down the strange monsters nearby.

Hu Qianqiu frowned slightly.

He was discovered.

It is a pity that if the realm of the soul fox he keeps can break through to the seventeenth level or above, he would hide his aura, and he would never have been discovered so easily as it is today.


Hu Qianqiu took out a half-meter-long black hair. This hair, like a short spear, looked very hard. After taking out the hair.

This half-meter-long black hair began to grow rapidly, turning into a black python, which was made by Wan Qing taking the hardest hair of a monster in the peak realm.

After excitation.

The power that can burst out of the peak of the nineteenth realm is only this power, the most extreme, and it can only last for three minutes. This is one of the cards that keeps Hu Qianqiu's life.

Nowadays, their Nine Mountain Demon Gate, although many of them have already entered other places on Juao Island, except for this eastern coastal area, the rest of the interior areas, as well as the other several coasts, have their figure in the Nine Mountain Demon Gate.

Although many people from the Nine Mountain Demon Sect were summoned back, their top strength was still far behind the Two God Sects. If not, they would not only target the inner disciples of the Two God Sects.

Let them deal with some peak masters or elders of the two gods.

Whether they can play or not is still a problem.

"The Nineteenth Stage Peak!?"


Flying from high in the sky, just arrived at Xiong Wanshan near Hu Qianqiu, feeling a terrifying nineteenth realm peak pressure suddenly erupting from the jungle.

That coercive breath made his heart tremble suddenly.

He can't beat it.

Judging from the aura, the opponent surpassed his two minor ranks or more. Even if he bursts out the secret method, he can at most be entangled with the nineteenth realm high-ranking.

Moreover, the opponent still has two nineteen realms, and now he is even more passive.

Xiong Wanshan was also surprised.

The Human Race and Monster Race Cultivation Alliance on Juao Island have all counterattacked for so long, how can there be such a guy from the nineteenth realm, deep into the hinterland like their Little Black Bear Ridge.

Although puzzled.

But Xiong Wanshan subconsciously crushed Master Wang Xuan's messenger talisman left to him, and relayed to Master Wang Xuan about the powerful enemy outside the Little Black Bear Ridge, and called for help from the messenger Fuguang.

If Lord Wang Xuan was there, they would be two-to-two, and they wouldn't be suppressed in this way.


"Trash, I have the ability to challenge Grandpa Xiong!"

Xiong Wanshan sipped, and the figure violently retreated towards the Black Bear Village behind him, and at the same time took out a token and injected a massive amount of aura.


On the Black Bear Village on the hills behind him, he was suddenly shrouded by a light curtain, and that light yellow light curtain enveloped the entire mountain.

The defensive power of this rune, after being repaired by Lord Wang Xuan, barely reached the nineteenth level.

For a while, it can definitely be blocked.

After Xiong Wanshan cursed, in the jungle below, the giant python made of the hair summoned by Hu Qianqiu immediately flew upwards.

After all, this hair only lasts for a few minutes, and every second is extremely precious. Even if Xiong Wanshan cannot be defeated, it must be hit hard.


"So fast!!"

Xiong Wanshan looked at the black python pouring in from the jungle below, and when he saw the black python's swift speed, his expression was shocked. This speed nearly doubled his speed.


Immediately afterwards.

Xiong Wanshan immediately mobilized the power of all domains in his body, forming a flame shield on the surface of his body.


But the black python smashed his shield directly, and his body hit Xiong Wanshan's body, causing the part of Xiong Wanshan's chest to sink several inches downward.

A series of broken bones sounded from the whole body, very crisp and sweet!

Bang bang bang!

On the other hand, Xiong Wanshan clenched his fist held by the flame, and slammed it on the black python that was close to him, but even if he hammered it hard.

But when it fell on the black python, it felt like it had been hammered on a very elastic skin, and the most powerful part of the attack was removed.

Click! !

The black python in front of him swiftly entangled Xiong Wanshan's body, opened a huge mouth, and bit down Xiong Wanshan's head.

As for Xiong Wanshan, he immediately revealed his body and raised his head. The original huge bear head suddenly increased several times, as if he was quickly infused with a large amount of gas and his body was suddenly enlarged.

His huge bear head also suddenly opened, revealing full of sharp teeth.

And bit at the black python's head.

After a bear head and a snake head collided, Xiong Wanshan bit the head of the snake head, but even if his bite force broke out to the strongest, it only penetrated into the black python's skin less than two inches.

And then immediately.

The body of the giant python that originally entangled his body, suddenly began to appear on the dark body of a black spike, the spikes are nearly two meters long.

All pierced into Xiong Wanshan's body.

This black python is like a python draped in a hedgehog skin.

It hurt Xiong Wanshan and roared.

Toxic invasion.

Xiong Wanshan immediately felt the weakening of his own domain!


Just when Xiong Wanshan was struggling.

Suddenly, I saw a familiar shadow figure flying by from the back mountain.

"Master Wang Xuan!?"

Xiong Wanshan's eyes were overjoyed and he was saved. Summon a little fire dragon at the start of the latest chapter address: Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 984 Xiong Wanshan Seek help!) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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