Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 977: We are just a brother-sister relationship!

Thousand Demon Sect.

In the Hundred Flowers Demon Lord's Law Realm event, after Qin Ye solved the Bronze Leopard, his ranking also replaced the top 20 of the Bronze Leopard.

The scene where he poisoned the copper leopard with his venomous power.

The extremely easy process.

Many people have also judged that Qin Ye's combat power has definitely reached the nineteenth level of invincibility.

And from the process of fighting between Qin Ye and Tong Leopard, victory was so simple, and it was even possible to be able to fight against powerhouses over twenty levels.

Bai Zhi and Qin Ye of the Giant God Sect.

Today, it is also the event that the Giant God Sect participates in the Three Sect Disciple Exchange Meeting this time, which is dazzling.

Above the venue.

When Si Rouen and Gao Si on the white jade throne and other law-level great abilities fell on Qin Ye's body, they also gave Qin Ye a very high evaluation.

They could only judge just now that what Qin Ye used was a powerful talisman formation.

Moreover, Qin Ye's vitality is strong, and his cultivation years are so short, he has reached such a realm, and his talent is not much weaker than that of white.

After Qin Ye defeated Tong Leopard, he did not stay much longer.

He directly exited the Bai Yu arena and returned to where he had been sitting before.

"Little Junior Brother."

"Have you refined the nineteenth realm peak rune formation?"

"When did you refine the poison-type talisman array?"

Fang Zi and Xie Yuan in position, they are still a little confused.

prior to.

They are also worried about the little brother. After all, as their master said, although the little brother is talented, they only understand that the little brother is just a rune master of the eighteenth realm.

But what I never expected was that the little junior disciple on the ring almost poisoned the nineteenth-level inner disciple of the Thousand Demon Sect.

This combat power.

The Jedi has the strength of the peak of the nineteenth realm.

Especially the calmness.

Fang Zi and Xie Yuan couldn't believe that they were the younger brothers who had just started.

They even suspected for a moment that their little brother was pretending to be their master.


"I have obtained the inheritance of a rune master before, and it is easier to refine the rune array."

Qin Ye explained.

Talk about it.

There was a hint of envy in the expressions of Fang Zi and Xie Yuan.

"Little Junior Brother, you are so lucky. Take me out and take me for a walk whenever you want, and take me to find a rune master to inherit."

Fang Zi said to Qin Ye with some emotion.

Rune Master is good for this.

Once you have refined a set of powerful rune formations, you can kill the enemy by the higher the rank, and the higher the rank is not difficult!


That kind of high-level rune array, once rune spirits are born in the rune array, if you want to refine the high-level rune array with your own lower realm, once it encounters backlash, it is easy to be severely damaged.

Maybe it's just a loss of soul.


On the white jade ring below.

A tall inner disciple of Thousand Demon Sect wearing a dark purple dress and a tall dark purple hair flying in the wind, his crystal eyes looked at where the three of them were.

"Thousand Demon Cult, Shang Ling!"

"Challenge Xie Yuan, a disciple of the Titan Sect!"

The woman's voice echoed from the ring, her eyes fell on Xie Yuan's body, staring at him closely.

At the same time, there seemed to be a little anger in her expression.


"Is it your old friend who challenges you in this ring?"

Fang Zi glanced at that Shang Ling and couldn't help but complain.


"Don't talk nonsense, Sister Shang Ling, just met me a few times. You can't say this casually, but it may be heard by those sect masters in their sect."

Xie Yuan shook his head hurriedly.

Voice transmission said softly.

Fang Zi put on a strange expression that I believe in you.


"no solution anymore."

Xie Yuan sighed.

"Brother, you can think about it, this kind of female disciple of the demon sect, you were cursed last time. If you let Master know this, I guess you will definitely be confined."

Fang Zi made up the knife on the sidelines.

"She is different!"

Xie Yuan said.

The power of the whole body domain emerged, and it turned into a stream of light afterimage and flew down towards the ring below.

"Junior Brother."

"Senior brother, we will definitely be cursed for the second time. Do you gamble or not? I have a rune array of the seventeen realms!"

Fang Zi glanced at Qin Ye next to him and couldn't help but speak.

Qin Ye shook his head.

Why should he bet that he would lose? He was not stupid. His third senior brother would definitely be fooled for the second time. He even felt that these three senior brothers had been fooled more than once.


On the ring.

"Thank you brother, you promised me that you were waiting for me at Tianya Pavilion, but I waited for three days and you didn't come. Now there is an explanation."

Shang Ling looked at Xie Yuan in front of him with scorching eyes and questioned him.


"Sister Shang, there is no need to say everything. I was cursed by your disciple of the Thousand Demon Sect, and I was seriously injured. I was locked on Xuantian Peak by my master. If it weren't for my master, I It may become a puppet."

Xie Yuan said helplessly.

"The art of cursing?"

"Who is in our church?"

After hearing this, Shang Ling's eyes condensed and she couldn't help but ask.

She seemed to realize something.

"My feelings for you are only between brother and sister, nothing else, sister Shang, I hope you can understand."

Xie Yuan said.

Wait for him to say it.

Shang Ling's expression changed.

The power of the whole body domain emerged, and a few steps away from his side in the void, a white jade flying sword that was nearly three feet long condensed out of thin air.

The tip of the Bai Yufeijian aimed at Xie Yuan in front of him.

With nearly hundreds of flying swords suspended in the air, the powerful nineteen realm sword repairing coercion released, making Xie Yuan feel a lot of pressure.

Xie Yuan immediately summoned two talisman formations of nineteen realms.

Two groups of lightning light **** with a diameter of several meters appeared out of nowhere from the void on both sides of him, and the dark purple lightning light **** exploded with two powerful domain pressures.

The ball of light turned into two dark purple thunder dragons that were nearly a hundred meters long. The thunder dragons were lifelike and guarded Xie Yuan's side.

The two did not say much.

Immediately began to fight.

It's just that when the two of them were able to hurt each other at a critical moment, they seemed to keep their hands deliberately, as if they were flirting with each other.

Many disciples in the meeting were a little speechless.


The referee at the top couldn't stand it anymore and announced that they were tied.

At last.

What Qin Ye and Fang Zi didn't expect was that after the female disciple of Thousand Demon Sect and Xie Yuan had a tie, two more female disciples jumped out from within the Blood God Sect.

Being able to represent the Titan Sect and participating in these three disciple exchange meetings, the combat power will certainly not be weak, basically all of them are middle-level or above cultivators in the 19th realm.

The other party also named Dao surname to challenge Xie Yuan.

And it was another wave of grievances.

Fang Zi had an expression that I had known for a long time.

"If you let the master know about this, you will definitely find your brother in trouble."

Fang Zi shook his head and said.

Time flies quickly.

Half a day later.

The Hundred Flower Demon Lord announced the end of this grand meeting of the Law Realm, and awarded rewards to the top 20 young monks in the three disciples exchange meeting.

This time the first one, but unexpectedly issued a rune of the realm of law!

after the end.

There are also half-day activities in the Thousand Demon Sect. After the second day, their three disciples, as well as the disciples of some first-rate forces and many who came, will leave the floating island of the Thousand Demon Sect.

Qin Ye still intends to let Bai Zhi, in this half a day, gather a wave of wool in the Thousand Demon Pagoda.

after all.

The combat power displayed by Bai Zhi is already at the 20th level or above. This is already regarded as a top powerhouse on Juao Island, far surpassing some of the ancestors in the first-class forces.

According to the records, in the Thousand Demon Cult, no one has passed the customs clearance in the Thousand Demon Pagoda within so many years.

In front of the Thousand Demon Tower.

Before he left, it was not only Qin Ye who thought about wool, but also some disciples in the other sect forces, and they also had this idea, and in the Thousand Demon Pagoda, they also allowed them, the disciples of the outer sect, to challenge them once more. opportunity.

Many disciples' eyes are full of firmness.

of course.

In the rules of the Thousand Magic Towers, if you pass the level once, even if you start from the beginning, there will be no rewards in the level you pass, unless it is a higher level that has not been passed.


Bai only stepped out and flew directly into this towering Thousand Demon Tower, Qin Ye also entered it.

After all, he also showed good combat power.

You can also squeeze a wave of wool here.

Just stop at the fifty-nine level!

Inside the Thousand Magic Tower.

After Bai Zhi entered it, he could see Bai Zhi, who was originally ranked first in the ranking of the steles outside the tower, with the suffix of his name.

The original level of level sixty-six, within a few breaths, jumped to level sixty-seven!

In the end, it was less than a quarter of an hour, directly from the 60th level, and even directly broke through to the 70th level, and the speed of breaking the level was still increasing.

Ranking next to the stele.

It even surrounded many disciples of other sects, staring wide-eyed, and staring straight at the Bai Zhi, who ranked first on the stone tablet, on the suffix behind Bai Zhi's name.

The level that passed the level has reached the eighty level!

"Twenty levels of invincibility!"

next to.

Those observing disciples, after seeing the number of breakthroughs behind Bai's on the stone tablet rankings, glanced at each other one by one, and they all saw a shocking look in their eyes.

They never expected it.

The combat power of Senior Brother Bai Zhi has reached the level of twenty-level invincibility!

"Senior Brother Baizhi, he has hidden so deeply. In this Thousand Demon Pagoda, if he breaks through the 80th level, the reward must be at the 20th level!"

"This wave of Brother Bai is making a lot of money!"

When some disciples in the first-class forces thought of this, their eyes widened immediately, and their expressions were full of envy.

"Brother Bai Zhi, you deserve to be the first person on Ju'ao Island. Like Brother Bai Zhi, a young monk with such a powerful combat power is probably stronger than our ancestors."

among them.

A young monk wearing a white robe said with emotion in his tone.


"Brother Baizhi's ranking has gone up again!"

Another thin disciple couldn't help shouting when he saw that the number of places on the suffix behind Bai Bai had been promoted again. Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game, the latest chapter address: Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 978 It's just a relationship between brothers and sisters!) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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