Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 985: Cooperation contract! (under)

Tianhe Secret Territory.

The elders of the Qiugu tribe who had smashed huge pits from the air below, the **** mist that had originally risen from their bodies gradually gathered into their bodies.

They were chopped into black charcoal by the mighty power of thunder.

After a few breaths.

Only then was able to relieve a part of the strength, so he started struggling to get up!

among them.

Several core elders of the Qiugu tribe looked at the wood **** master who was **** in the air, and was pierced by the two long thunder and lightning spears.

The pupils shrank suddenly.

There was a thump in the bottom of my heart.

An elder who had been split into a bald head, seeing this scene, while fearing in his heart, he slowly raised his right hand.

Golden light emerged on the right hand.

In a blink of an eye, it condensed into a golden ball of half a meter in diameter.


But before the elder was throwing the golden energy ball in his right hand, a thick thunder was once again smashed into the gloomy dark cloud on the sky.

The right hand that raised it directly fell down.

At the same time, a horrible dark purple thunder force drowned his body, and then his body twitched a few times before he passed out into a coma.

Along with the power of thunder that escaped from Zhou, the elder of the Autumn Valley tribe, it even affected several elders of the surrounding tribes and was also affected.

The wood **** bound by the seal.

After her domain power tried to hit the chain that bound her several times, she knew that she would never be able to break the seal with her own power.

The elders of the Autumn Valley tribe below, she didn't want the elites that her tribe had cultivated for so many years to be washed to death in such a place.


Immediately afterwards.

The Wood God split into a palm-sized soul body from his natal soul body. This small soul body was like green amber, exuding strands of soft green light.

Xuanyuanjiang and Ouyang Guiyuan both released a ray of soul power, which penetrated into this divided soul body.


Everything in this alien world began to emerge from their minds!

As a super-large universe secret realm.

The territory has the scope of ten Apocalypse continents.

The people who were bound by them were also from the Qiugu tribe. Most of the human races in the world were tribal tribes with burly stature and dark red skin.

Most of them are scattered throughout the world in the form of tribes.


Their Qiugu tribe, as well as many tyrannical tribes around them, were all notified by the Evernight Mechanical Empire, which surprised Xuanyuanjiang and Ouyang Guiyuan.

Unexpectedly, it is a mechanical civilization empire that controls these tribes!

Moreover, from the memory of the Qiugu tribe, Ouyang Guiyuan and the others also knew that among their tribes, the Totem Kings that were born before were beyond the pinnacle of the domain.

After the breakthrough.

It will also be solicited by the huge mechanical empire that never sleeps.

The opponent seems to have the means to control their tribe monks.

For so many years.

As the wood **** who guards the totem, she seems to have known some of the inside information these years, and now on these continents, she is strong, and her body is blessed by the blood of the demon.

Human races that can break through to the fifteenth and 16th realms in a short time.

At the beginning, it might have been released by the mechanical empire that never sleeps, and that is why, among them, if a monk breaks through to the Totem King.

The mechanical civilization in the city that never sleeps will activate the controlling factors in their bloodline and summon them to the city that never sleeps.

What's the inside of Everbright City?

Even the Wood God didn't know it, and the only fragment that had memories of the city that never sleeps was a long-lasting floating city suspended in the air hundreds of meters above the ground.

Below the floating city.

All are covered by a heavy black metal protective layer.

And from some nodes of the defensive layer, a chain of several meters thick dropped down, and these chains have been deep into the ground.

The long chain leaves even curved arcs in the air.

Like a large rope tied below the city of Evernight, it fixed the city of Evernight in place.


Continue to go deeper.

It can also be seen that under the city of Evernight, huge corridors with a diameter of one hundred meters have been opened. When the portals of these corridors are opened, there will be a dark corridor inside, and a huge claw like a mountain will be protruded. .

The pitch-black claws were glowing with cold light, and they flew into the ground without hurried speed. After spreading their giant claws, they stubbornly caught in the huge mine pit exposed on the ground below.

The mine below Evernight City is nearly a hundred miles as big.

Look down from the sky.

Just with the naked eye, you can see a large piece of top-grade spiritual stones exposed on the ground, and the colorful spiritual stones gleam in them, like countless colorful dazzling spots, which are really beautiful.


When the pitch-black claws the size of a mountain fell from the tunnel below the city of Evernight above to the mine pit, the sharp claws easily penetrated dozens of meters of ground.

Grabbed the large area of ​​spirit stone mine in that pit.

And directly fished into the city that never sleeps.


It's not just a claw that takes the veins of the spirit stone. In the memory of God Mu, she once controlled a wooden bird made by herself, and surveyed tens of thousands of kilometers below the city of Evernight.

But in all things, where there are mineral veins in the city that never sleeps, there will be claws that grab the veins of spirit stone.

Give the feeling of wood god.

It's like being above the tribe, the mechanical empire that never sleeps high above, like a huge blood-sucking worm lying on this continent.

"Totem King!!"

After Ouyang Guiyuan and two of them explored the memory fragments in the wood **** soul, they looked at each other, and they both saw a strong sense of dread in each other's eyes.

According to the division in this world.

Totem King, is the power of the law realm.

It was comparable to their giant **** sect sect master level, and from the memory of the wood god, in more than 100,000 years, there have been more than three totem kings summoned by the city that never sleeps.

"Sect Master must be notified of this information!"

"This super-large cosmic secret realm is only our Giant God Sect. It is definitely not enough. The three Totem King realm natives in the city that never sleep, if they are still alive, are better than our Giant God Sect overall. "

"We can't fight each other at all!"

Ouyang Guiyuan looked at Xuanyuanjiang Sound Transmission with solemn expression.

Xuanyuanjiang nodded in agreement.

It is true.

"Are you willing to sign a vassal power contract with our Titan Sect?"

"We will not let you die in vain, so you can also save your lives."

Ouyang Guiyuan raised his right hand casually, thinking about it.

In the gloomy clouds above, the thunder blasted again, and a few inches of deep purple thunderbolt fell from above, and the thunderbolt was caught by Ouyang Guiyuan.

Under the control of the secret method, the power of the deep purple thunder was once again transformed from his right hand into a huge thunder and lightning spear nearly two meters long.

There was a chill at the tip of the spear.

The eyes with killing intent fell on the sealed wood **** in front of him. This time he was aiming at the opponent's white jade head.

The neck and abdomen just now were just severely injured.

If it bombed the head.

The opponent's soul body can't hide.

"it is good!"

"I promise you!"

A touch of bitterness appeared in Mu Shen's eyes, and she had no other choice now.

Words fall.

Ouyang Guiyuan threw out a piece of black contract paper. The black mist was permeated on the contract paper. Upon closer inspection, he seemed to be able to see some terrifying demons that had drifted away on the contract paper.

The heavenly demons in the contract were thin and flabby, staring at the wood **** who was about to sign the contract with their teeth and claws.

This contract of the vassal force once violated the contract.

The entire family of the Autumn Valley tribe will be entangled by the demon, until the possessed host is killed, the punishment of contract violation has been completed.

Autumn Valley Wood God perceives the content of this contract, and after confirming that this vassal contract does not allow them to die in the clan, or after some clansmen who control their Qiugu tribe.

The Wood God controlled his own soul power, leaving his own soul power imprint on this contract paper.


next moment.

The Forbidden Magic chain tied to the Wood God, accompanied by a series of metal rubbing sounds, the chain loosened the bound Wood God!

Two thunder and lightning spears piercing through the wood god's body.

Under Ouyang Guiyuan's control, they all turned into a little bit of deep purple thunder light, blending into the void.

The wood **** who broke free of shackles.

Raising his hand and hitting several seals, strands of green aura that was more than one meter long flew into the tribe elder who had smashed the huge hole below.

The elders of the tribe who had been smashed into black charcoal quickly recovered their bodies after being absorbed into the powerful vitality of the green light.

Within the time of counting interest.

The scorched black shell outside their body naturally fell off.

Under the orders of the Wood God, these elders released their own soul power one by one, leaving their own soul power on the paper of the vassal power contract in the air.

After the contract is signed.

The paper was wrapped in black mist, pulled into the void and disappeared.

And the Wood God and others of the Qiugu tribe also felt that they were in the dark, and a contract chain fell from the air and fell on them.


Their Giant God Sect can use the stronghold of the Autumn Valley Tribe to slowly penetrate into the city of Evernight.



From the north, the city that never sleeps far away.

The chains are like tentacles hanging under the huge city.


The dark metal defensive layer above suddenly opened, and a channel with a diameter of six meters appeared. The channel had a curvature of 45° and was within a hundred meters of the channel.

There is a cabin with a diameter of 100 meters...

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