The god holding the sword flew over, the sword light was powerful, and it unexpectedly manifested an incomparably majestic palace, among which there were the Heavenly Emperor suppressing the Immortal Palace, the Heavenly Queen suppressing the harem, there were shocking ministers discussing in the court, there were world-beating generals listening to the announcement outside the palace, and countless gold-armored heavenly soldiers patrolling around the Immortal Palace.

All kinds of power in the Heavenly Palace turned into a vast force, blessed in the sword, so that the power of this sword immediately skyrocketed several times, the sword had not yet cut on Lu Bu's body, and the reddish sword on the blade had already pierced Lu Bu's body with a demon flame!


Lu Bu's red-haired and black-haired eyes once again appeared from the demon flame, revealing a terrifying aura of violent defiance, and after a strange laugh, the beating demon flame suddenly exploded, and an arm-thick demon flame suddenly spewed out, emitting a sharp and terrifying cry, and instantly met this terrifying immortal sword with incomparable power!

Ring the bell!

The fire light collided with the sword, and there was a sound of gold and stone colliding, and the extremely sharp sword could not shake a demon flame that Lu Bu flew out at will!

"Boom! The demon flame of this general has already communicated with the ancestor qi machine, and when the number accumulates to the terrifying realm, he will even evolve heaven and earth in it, and then open up the flood and waste, and all the iron will dare to compete with me! "

That god would have a blank face, and he didn't believe what Lu Bu said, and immediately struggled to continue to suppress it!

"Haha! Break! "

Lu Bu suddenly laughed strangely again, the demon flame shook suddenly, an even more terrifying scorching heat came out of it, countless demon heads burned black flames, emitting creepy laughter, collided with the sword of the god general, with incomparably terrifying power and unimaginable high temperature, the sword of the god general was mottled, and there were holes everywhere!

The god general was immediately taken aback, and immediately let out a breath and blew on his sword, and the sword immediately began to be repaired, and it was actually as intact as ever.

"Interesting." Lu Bu rumbled his voice, suddenly a scorching black flame surged, and immediately a more terrifying demon flame covered the sword of the god general, and the countless visions on the sword were immediately shaken by the demon flame, and countless Heavenly Palace soldiers turned into strands of demon flames to devour the Heavenly Palace, those Heavenly Generals and Ministers were all demonized, looking at the Heavenly Emperor with an unkind face, but it was the majestic Heavenly Emperor inside, at this time, he also sensed this terrifying demon flame, and in a scream, his legs were burned, and soon even his face was burned and wrinkled!


After a terrifying loud noise, God completely destroyed the vision on the sword by the demon flame, and after the sword lost the blessing of great power, it immediately became weak, and under the washing of the vast demon flame, it immediately became soft as noodles, and even began to melt, falling into the terrifying demon flame bit by bit, and soon the burned drop disappeared and disappeared completely!

"What a terrifying warrior! In this world, there is such a character, powerful! After exclaiming, the god will see the sword melt and immediately flash to the side, no longer fighting with Lu Bu.

"Hmph, vulnerable." Lu Bu's red eyes immediately showed a touch of disdain, and then he turned his gaze to the other three divine generals!

"My Immortal Dew, collected from the Heavenly Palace Immortal Grass, gathers all kinds of jade liquid, people in the upper realm can eat a bite, can increase life expectancy, people in the lower realm smell a mouthful, will be killed immediately!" I, the Immortal Dew, am still born bright and righteous tomorrow, and I also specialize in suppressing evil devils like you, and it is your misfortune to meet me today! "

Holding the immortal dew in his hand, he was pouring down and pouring into Lü Bu's divine general, his face was proud, and he looked at Lü Bu with disdain while saying words of contempt.

"Want to restrain my demon flame?" Lu Bu suddenly laughed, and the laughter was fierce, shaking that demon flame violently, like a black ocean of flames.

"What a terrible ignorance!" Lu Bu laughed, and then stretched out a terrifying arm with black scales all over from the demon flame, the big black hand was bubbling with terrifying black flames, and when he stretched out his hand, he immediately gave birth to a vast suction force, and the god general wanted to continue to say something, but was suddenly taken by this terrifying suction force, rolling all the way, unable to control his body!

"Nope!" Only at this time did this god general feel the horror of Lu Bu, and only at this time, the god general realized that Lu Bu's power was unbearable!

That immortal dew immediately submerged into Lu Bu's palm, and a cool feeling instantly submerged into Lu Bu's black flame demon body, and he immediately groaned, emitting an incomparable Su Shuang sigh, a demon flame, actually fierce for three points!

"Sure enough, it is a jade liquid, just the phantom has such an effect, I will really look forward to what it will be to gain in the future when you enter the world where your true body is!" Lu Bu showed his eyes, his eyes were full of blood and greed, and his black tongue slid across his lips, revealing a touch of forest.

"Come on, let me devour your phantom and see where you are, in the future, Ben may come to your world!" After swallowing the immortal dew, Lü Bu was not satisfied at all, and even gave birth to incomparable greed, and actually wanted to peek into the upper realm and swallow more of this immortal dew in the future, and a terrifying suction force immediately puffed out in the palm of his hand, completely sucking that god into his hand.


As soon as the demon flame rolled, the god would immediately turn into a bright flame, and the burned bones would disappear in an instant.

Lu Bu smacked his mouth, immediately smiled, then raised his head, his eyes spewed red blood light, suddenly pierced the void, and pried open a small slit!

There really revealed a terrifying immortal palace, an invincible superior momentum, suddenly flew out of the gap, about to rush towards this side, Lu Bu's eyes were even immediately swallowed by a great force, the eyeballs burned, after burning his three percent cultivation, this was suppressed by him with ancient Pangu blood!

Hit hard by this, Lu Bu did not dare to continue to spy there, but he immediately let out another heaven-shaking laugh: "Ben General has already marked that world, and in the future, the true bodies of several of you will definitely explode with his own hands!" "

The remaining two god generals saw that he was so fierce, and even linked the high-level plane they said, and immediately gave birth to fear, and even thought of retreating.

But the Wen Mo Zhenjun in the back immediately manipulated the thick brush, and only gently turned it in the back, and the two gods immediately felt that this phantom was about to collapse.

"If we don't fight, the phantom will collapse, and as soon as the phantom disperses, we will lose the perfect opportunity to peek into this world, and we can only continue to fight!"

The two god generals looked at each other helplessly, and immediately condensed their strength to the extreme, wanting to completely take down Lu Bu!

The sound of a person's piano suddenly rises!

In the vision of another person's evolution, the man who rode on horseback to protect the beauty from running, suddenly surrounded by danger, and the beautiful woman in his arms was about to die when he saw it!

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