"Die!" Lu Dongbin snorted coldly, his figure was dashing, and a sword was finally cut down, right in the middle of that Tai Shang Emperor's head above the Heavenly Spirit Cover!

"If you want my life, it depends on whether you have this ability!"

That emperor Taishang has a noble identity, clearly has a very origin, a treasure is naturally a lot of cattle hair, although he was terrifying by Lu Dongbin's sword, but he retreated again and again, and when there was no way to retreat, under the domination of a strong desire for survival, he was finally stimulated to fight for his life, and his body was called out one after another, and all kinds of power bloomed in front of him!

"Emperor Armor! Protect my life! "

The Emperor Taishang suddenly roared, a treasure armor flew out first, this treasure armor was full of gold, the color was gorgeous, the bottom was indeed made of pure gold, and the periphery was densely packed with ring buckles, one and the other hooked with each other, like chain mail made with supreme magic!

The front of the treasure armor has the carving pattern of the fierce tiger Lingyun, and there is a turtle back formation behind it, although it seems to only protect the chest and back of this Emperor Taishang, but once the treasure armor is activated, a huge force immediately surges out of it, and the turtle shell behind it immediately flies up, hovering above the head of the Emperor Taishang, at the same time, the tiger of Lingyun also suddenly came to life, immediately left from the front, stepped on his hooves high, roared and rushed up, meeting the first wave of strength of Lu Dongbin!

The tiger is covered with thick markings, and there is a layer of blue qi protection on the hair, and the tiger's tail is swept out, thrown out like a whip, and goes straight to the back of Lu Dongbin's sword, unexpectedly to use the strength of four or two thousand catties to beat the sword in Lu Dongbin's hand crookedly, so that the emperor Taishang can avoid this fatal blow!

"The vision is open!" Lu Dongbin snorted coldly, the sword sounded, and the momentum did not decrease, but a fierce sword qi suddenly erupted from the back of the sword, turning into the appearance of a divine dragon, and immediately stepped on the clouds and fought with the fierce tiger.

The tiger tail swept over, and the divine dragon also fought back with the dragon tail!

The tiger tail sweep emits a sound of breaking the sky, like thunder, although the momentum is overwhelming, but once the tail of the divine dragon is stirred, the heaven and earth immediately change, and the sky and the earth are shaken, even if the stars that are far away are swept away by the remaining force, and immediately burst, let alone the tiger tail!

A dragon and a tiger collided together, and after a loud noise, the tiger's tail broke in response, but the dragon's tail did not abate, and continued to sweep out!

That fierce tiger was not comparable, immediately swept by the dragon's tail, exploded, turned into a touch of vitality, and immediately fled back to the treasure armor, the original Lingyun tiger shape, turned into a creeping sick cat, eyes showed a look of fear, peeked at Lu Dongbin, very well-behaved, did not dare to be arrogant!


Emperor Taishang exclaimed, his tone full of incredulity!

"Zhenguo Shenhu, he can't even stand a move! How is this possible! "

However, Emperor Taishang didn't have much time to be shocked, and after Lu Dongbin repelled the tiger, the sword had already fallen, instantly slamming on the turtle shell phantom!

Another earth-shattering shock!

This turtle shell turned out to be countless times more practical than that fierce tiger, and Lu Dongbin's extremely terrifying sword was actually delayed by this turtle shell by three points, and when it was in instant contact, the turtle shell did not crack!

"I knew that the Spirit Turtle Armor would definitely protect me! I even..."

Before Emperor Taishang could think about it, the turtle shell phantom above suddenly cracked a thin slit, and a sword intent fell with a bang, instantly hitting Emperor Taishang, cutting through his right ear, instantly cutting off half of his right flesh, blood gushing, bones and flesh and blood meridians inside were exposed!

"What! The Spirit Tortoise Armor actually cracked! "

The Emperor Taishang was so shocked that he no longer dared to daydream, did not dare to fantasize about preventing Lu Dongbin, and immediately began to take out all the treasures at the bottom of his pressing box!

"Optimus Shield!"

He roared, his arm burst, and suddenly there was a red giant shield above his head, this shield was actually made of wood, the fine grain on it, it looked extremely strong, it was indeed a very strong wooden plank.

In the countless dense patterns, there are also many runes inlayed, all mysterious, are flickering and chirping, after being activated by the Emperor Taishang's origin, the runes inside immediately came alive, wandering out from the depths, wandering on the surface of the shield, like small fish moving inside, that shield immediately had an extra layer of sparkling light, and the brilliance flowed on it!

This is the power of water and wood combined together, both the toughness of wood and the tolerance of water, the huge force strikes, can immediately absorb the terrifying huge force with water waves, and can withstand the huge force with tough wooden planks without being penetrated!


After this wooden shield was just activated, the Xuan Tortoise phantom on it had been completely destroyed by Lu Dongbin's sword light, although it slowed down the speed of Sancheng and lost Sancheng's power, but this sword was still terrifying!

In addition to the unimaginable strength inside, there is also a touch of ethereal sword intent, once this sword intent falls, even if the body is preserved, but the will will will be completely destroyed immediately, although from now on, although it can walk, eat and think, but like a castrated horse, it has lost its enterprising spirit, even if it can maintain cultivation, there is no possibility of improving cultivation!

"Hold on! Resist! "

The Emperor Taishang was shocked and shouted!

As soon as the Xuan Tortoise Shadow shattered, the treasure armor immediately shattered!

The tiger surrendered, and the Xuangui was defeated!

The two blessed treasure armor spirits were unable to continue to support this treasure, and the first line of defense of the Emperor Taishang immediately collapsed!

The shield was immediately on top, the brilliance shone, and the runes under those ripples immediately moved rapidly, sassing, and the ripples on the entire surface immediately emitted a perceptible willfulness!

"So what?"

Lu Dongbin snorted coldly, the sword was decided, and continued to fly down persistently, wanting to plunge deeply into it!


On the shield, countless runes suddenly emitted a bright light, and suddenly like a blowout, a dense rune opened the surface of the water, soared into the sky, and blatantly met Lu Dongbin's sword head-on!

Under the huge rebound, the shield immediately sank, and the body of the Emperor Taishang, which was originally locked by Lu Dongbin and could not move, escaped because of this!

Emperor Taishang immediately showed joy, because this unexpected change actually made him out of Lu Dongbin's killing range, although he was still firmly locked and unable to move, but the surrounding soldiers immediately rushed in, quickly approaching him, wanting to rescue him!

"Haha! Want to kill me? Delusion! Now my soldiers are coming, and once they save me, then I will fish into the sea, and then try to kill me, dream! "

Emperor Taishang was happy, looking at Lu Dongbin, his eyes already showed the joy of the rest of his life after the disaster!

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