Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 58 Resistance from outside the court

Xiongba knew that the emperor had his own reasons for letting him figure it out slowly.

One is because, Cihang Jingzhai must have a god and demon realm to sit in.

If Xiongba goes there rashly, it is very likely that he will startle the snake.

For two hundred years, Cihang Jingzhai has been detached from the world, and no one knows the trump card of Cihang Jingzhai.

Although Xiongba is confident, he is not stupid.

Before fully grasping, Xiongba will not act rashly.

As for the second reason...

What the emperor wants is a complete Jianghu martial arts, not a broken Jianghu martial arts.

If Xiongba is desperate to hit Cihang Jingzhai, with Xiongba's strength, he will inevitably fight endlessly and implicate the entire Jianghu martial arts.

By that time, even if Xiongba was the victor in the end, the martial arts of the Jianghu would have been shattered long ago, with countless casualties.

This kind of Jianghu martial arts, even if the emperor gets it, it is useless.

Therefore, the emperor will let the tyrant slowly figure it out, gather forces, and then crush Cihang Jingzhai head-on.

Only in this way can we maintain the power of the martial arts world to the greatest extent.

Xiongba's eyes changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Hexi and Turkic border.

Dozens of Turkic cavalry cautiously approached the Tang territory.

These Turkic cavalry, relying on the speed of the war horses, ran rampant on the battlefield, fighting as they wanted, and leaving as they wanted.

The Turkic cavalry is the most powerful cavalry in the world. Even if there are 500,000 troops stationed in Hexi, there is nothing to do about it.

It can only be passively defended, relying on the terrain to resist the charge of the Turkic iron cavalry.

But even so, every year, the Turkic iron cavalry will still break through the defense line, let a small number of Turkic iron cavalry go deep into the border of the Tang Dynasty, burn, kill and loot in the territory of the Tang Dynasty, and then leave calmly.

Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the Turkic cavalry has always been eyeing the Tang Dynasty.

In the eyes of the Turks, Datang is located in the Central Plains, rich in products, and has always been the target of their desire to conquer.

However, after several wars, the Turks not only did not take advantage of it, but were almost wiped out by the Tang Dynasty.

However, in recent decades, the Turks have been secretly and silently recovering, hoping that one day they will be able to completely break through the border of the Tang Dynasty.


Inside the border, the Turkic cavalry who sneaked in quietly resisted the excitement.

Because, they found out that the territory of Hexi is now facing a huge military change.

Hexi Jiedu envoy Fan Qing intended to assassinate the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, but was stolen and captured.

After that, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty sent someone to take over the army of 500,000 people in Hexi.

At this time, the army of 500,000 people in Hexi was standing by.

And this is their chance!

If now, the Turkic iron cavalry is heading south, who can stop it?

With the speed of the cavalry and the flat terrain of the Central Plains, as long as it breaks through the Hexi Border Pass, it only takes three days for the Turkic iron cavalry to reach Chang'an City.

At that time, it is just around the corner to break through Chang'an City and capture the Tang Emperor alive.

At this point, these Turkic cavalry shivered with excitement.

They have been shrouded in the majesty of the Tang Empire since childhood. In their hearts, except for the cavalry, all aspects of the Tang Dynasty crushed their Turks.

It is an unprecedented honor for the Turks to be able to step on such a great country in the world.

"Go now!"

"Send the news back!"

"My 300,000 Turkic cavalry is about to break through the Hexi border and head south!"

These Turkic cavalry rested for a while and set off immediately. They wanted to transmit the information to the Turks as quickly as possible.

If in the future, the Turks succeed in going south, then they have made extraordinary achievements and can go to the Turkic royal court to receive the reward...

The Turkic royal court is where all the Turks believe in.

Except for the Turkic king in the royal court,

More Turkic national teachers sit in town.

It is said that the Turkic national teacher can communicate with the gods, knows everything, and is omnipotent...

Over the years, the rapid development of the Turks depends entirely on the national division.

In the Turks, the status of the national teacher was even higher than that of the king.

Some things, the Turkic king can't make decisions, but the national teacher can.

In their hearts, these Turkic cavalry are deeply looking forward to the day when they will go to the Turkic royal court to meet the Turkic king and the national teacher...



Hall of Longevity.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair and continued to deal with the memorial.

After putting together the memorial of the Minister of Rites on the imperial examination system, Li Si looked at the second memorial.

Li Si frowned slightly after reading the memorial.

The content of this memorial is only one point, Li Si should not be removed from the post of Jiedushi in Hexi.

The Jiedushi system is an ancestral system, and it has continued since the founding of the Tang Dynasty. If the emperor removed the post of Jiedushi in Hexi, it would be against the ancestral teachings and the previous emperors of the Tang Dynasty...

Li Si glanced slightly, then threw the memorial aside.

This memorial has been presented every day since Li Si decided to remove the post of Jiedushi from Hexi when he was in the imperial court.

Generally speaking, Li Si just glanced at it and ignored it.

Hexi Jiedu envoy Li Si had to be removed.

Only in this way, Li Si can abolish the Jiedushi system according to the next plan.

Li Si looked at the third memorial, his face sank slightly.


Li Si opened the fourth memorial, fifth memorial, sixth memorial...

After reading all the memorials, Li Si's anger was suppressed between his eyebrows!

Except for the first memorial, all the other memorials have only one content.

That is, Li Si should not be removed from the post of Jiedushi in Hexi.

Li Si never expected that the content of today's memorial was so unified!

All made the emperor change his mind and withdraw the idea of ​​​​removing the Hexi Jiedushi.

Hexi Jiedushi Fan Qing assassinated the emperor and could be beheaded for public display, but Hexi Jiedushi's position could not be revoked.

Seeing this, Li Si's killing intent began to rise.

Is it a coincidence that these memorials are suddenly presented today? Or was someone deliberately arranged?

Li Si realized that he wanted to abolish the Jiedushi system, but finally ushered in the first wave of resistance.

These resistances may come from above the court, but more likely, from outside the court...

Perhaps it was because some people sensed danger from this matter and did not want the emperor to revoke the post of Jiedushi in Hexi, so they asked the officials in the court to make a joint presentation, trying to pass the ministers to put pressure on the emperor and force the emperor to change his mind. ?

And to have this kind of means, let the officials in the court risk their lives to play to the emperor, the power of these people can be imagined...

Li Siwei leaned on the throne of the dragon chair. He had already prepared for Cao Zhengchun to thoroughly investigate today, so he presented the list of officials who made the memorial.

Thinking of this, Li Si suddenly stood up.

"Get ready for the morning!"

Li Si left Changsheng Hall and went to Taiji Hall.

Early Tang Dynasty.

The civil and military officials entered in turn along the two sides of the imperial road.

Li Si stepped on the golden imperial road, and finally came to the throne of the dragon chair and sat down slowly.

Li Si should know, who is it, who dares to stretch his hand over this court? Which force dared to prevent the emperor from abolishing the Jiedushi system!

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