"You are all crazy." Judge looked at Singed, who looked as if it was a matter of course, and was a little exasperated.

"Mad, you are all crazy." "You care so much about this, aren't you a scientist?"

"I'm a king!"

Faced with Judge's rebuttal, Singed said perfunctorily: "Yes, yes, I know you are the king."

"What should we do next?"

"Send a letter to all the underground forces in the North Sea and tell them to stay quiet."

"Who will listen to you?"

Singed knocked on the huge petri dish behind him, and saw through the glass that the skin of the artificial soldier who had just been injected with Mondo's blood sample had turned lavender, and all the vital signs on the instrument panel were normal. He knocked on the glass cover: "We just lack a platform to verify the results of the experiment. What we want is to let them jump out. This fence-sitter can be used as waste."


Soon after, through Germa 66, a message or warning from Zaun was passed to the major underground forces in the North Sea. After reading this earnest letter, many leaders of the forces were furious.

Although the letter was written politely, it only conveyed one message: Stay still in your bed for the next few days. I will kill anyone who moves, and don't tell you in front of the media.

"How dare a new force in Zaun order us? If they hadn't relied on Germa 66, they would have been destroyed long ago!"

The man in a suit angrily kicked the table in front of him out of the window, causing a cry of surprise downstairs.

"Boss, I heard that all the underground forces in Beihai, big and small, have received the news."

The man narrowed his eyes, "In other words, they deliberately angered us?"

"It seems so. They seem to deliberately want to arouse the hostility of the underground world towards Zaun."

"This is relying on something." The man sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette, and the smoke was like the chaotic situation in Beihai at this time.

"Has Germa 66 made any moves recently?"

"According to the intelligence from my subordinates, Germa has been very quiet recently, and their snail warships have not moved for a long time." The subordinates were also puzzled when they received this information. They learned about the recent actions of Zaun and Germa 66, and found that both sides were very quiet.

"Boss, what should we do?" The younger brother stood aside and looked at the man in front of him. The man always had a very keen intuition about the situation. It was also with this intuition that he developed a small family into a famous underground force in the North Sea in a few years.

"Did Old Luca also receive the information?"

"Yes, almost all the forces that can be named have received it."

"Let all the subordinates be more obedient recently, stop any actions that can be stopped, and let Old Luca go to test the wind." The man said, taking out a Den Den Mushi and dialing.

After the fall of Tenyasha Doflamingo, the largest weapons dealer in the underground world, the arms trade in the North Sea was divided between this man named Shelby and the largest underground family in the North Sea, Old Luca. Shelby was a new family and was often suppressed by Old Luca. Even if the two sides did not tear each other apart, there was still some hatred.

Plurk Plurk.

The Den Den Mushi was quickly connected, and a hoarse old man's voice came out from the Den Den Mushi: "Shelby, say it quickly!"

"Old Luca, what do you mean? Do you want to unify the underground forces in the North Sea?"

Old Luca was confused by Shelby's questioning, and his anger rose instantly: "Kid, what are you talking about? If you want to start a war, you can say it directly. I have disliked you for a long time."

"Don't pretend, you just won the cooperation of Germa 66, and they asked me to shrink my forces and not take any action. What are you doing? What do you mean? If you want to grab business, you can just say that everyone has a real fight. What's the point of doing such a small move? You dare not say that you want to grab business, but you use Germa's mouth to suppress everyone. If you are old, you will give up your position to the younger generation early. "

"Little ghost, you said that I flatter Germa to suppress you?" On the other side, Old Luca's face darkened. Among the underground families in the North Sea, Old Luca is the most powerful one. His subordinates even control an army that is not inferior to the regular army of the kingdom. In the North Sea, he does not need to look at the eyes of any force.

"Isn't it? The facts are in front of us, what is there to quibble about."

"No, I also received the message from Germa, and I am thinking of gathering everyone to discuss it."

"Hehe, what else to discuss? We have stopped all our actions, just you and Germa

Just continue Germa's business. When everyone is finished, you will be the only one left. It's embarrassing to use such a trick. If you can beat me in person, I will respect you. It's useless to use such a trick. "

"I, Luca, disdain such a trick. If you make people reject Germa, you will be killed later!"


After hearing the other party hang up the phone, Shelby poured himself a glass of wine and drank it leisurely: "Isn't this solved?"

The younger brother was full of admiration, but still asked with a little worry: "Will this work? What if Luca really convinces Germa and there is no conflict between the two sides? We will face Luca's revenge."

"That old guy will suppress us anyway. Moreover, this matter has nothing to do with Germa. It is a warning from Zaun."

"Isn't Zaun dependent on Germa?"

"Did Zaun defeat Germa 66 just to join them? I really don't know what you guys are thinking. Some people actually believe what someone spreads. We'll see. Old Luca's reputation may not be useful in Zaun. "Shelby glared at his younger brother, "Use your brain more when you encounter something, don't just believe what others say."

"Hehehe, don't we still have you, the boss? "

Soon after Luca rejected Zaun's request, all the senior officials of the Luca family, including Luca, died of a sudden disease, and the army loyal to Luca was wiped out overnight.

The whole camp was like being attacked by a wild beast, and some soldiers were even torn apart by brute force, with body parts all over the ground.

After the destruction of the Luca family, no one stood up to admit that they did it, but the whole underground world knew that it was revenge from Zaun. For a time, all the underground families withdrew their forces and stopped all activities.

Tranquility, this is the tranquility before the storm.

In trepidation, everyone including Shelby finally knew what they were going to face. A fleet composed of hundreds of huge warships entered the North Sea from the entrance of the Grand Route.

The flag of the Valoran Alliance was planted on every island they saw, and the resistance forces, whether gangs or kingdoms, were destroyed in the artillery fire.

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