The old man was in trouble, but he was still alive.

Vegapunk sighed and tried to move his thoughts away from the big furry head in front of him. "The 'Mother Fire' is the culmination of my research. This power source will one day allow people all over the world to live a prosperous life!"

"But I recently discovered that a small cluster of it was stolen. I am responsible for it! It was my invention that activated the ancient weapon."

Heimerdinger patted Vegapunk. As a scientist, he could understand Vegapunk's feelings. His invention that wanted to save the world was used to destroy life. This sense of guilt and guilt would always torment him.

"It's not your fault."

"But I won't give up the Mother Fire Project. It's a great invention. One day it will change the whole world!!"

Heimerdinger looked at the flame in the instrument and nodded: "Yes, what a perfect creation!"

"By the way, we just passed by those little guys. They look a little familiar."

After visiting Vegapunk's laboratory, Heimerdinger and Vegapunk walked back. Next, they were going to see Heimerdinger's invention.

"Are you talking about the Seraph? That's the artificial human I created based on the Seven Warlords of the Sea. It was invented to replace the Seven Warlords of the Sea. With the addition of other bloodlines, it is stronger than the Seven Warlords of the Sea." Vegapunk proudly introduced that even if it was a project created at the request of the World Government, it was an invention that he had put a lot of effort into.

"It's really amazing."

Vegapunk and Heimerdinger passed through the portal and came to Heimerdinger's laboratory full of manuscripts.

"Welcome to my laboratory!!" Heimerdinger opened his arms.

Vegapunk looked around and took out an instrument. The panel showed that he was currently in the Alabasta Kingdom in Paradise.

"Come on, I'll take you to see my research results." Led by Heimerdinger, Vegapunk came to an underground room where various important inventions of Professor Heimerdinger were displayed.

"This is the prototype of the teleportation device, but it has been improved now. We just used the portable version."

"This is a fully automatic laser turret..."

Heimerdinger introduced them one by one. The entire basement was filled with his inventions of all sizes, including airships, automatic laser turrets, teleportation devices, and even modified firearms.

"This device is used to separate and peel off the devil fruit of the ability user." Heimerdinger took Vegapunk to stand in front of a device and introduced it happily.

"Separation Devil Fruit!!" Vegapunk exclaimed: "Can you really peel off the Devil Fruit of a power user? Will it not affect the power user's existence?"

After eating a Devil Fruit, it cannot be peeled off, and it is impossible to eat a second Devil Fruit. This is an iron rule in the sea. Even Vegapunk, who has studied Devil Fruits in depth, has not thought of a way to peel off a Devil Fruit.

"It's hot!" Heimerdinger said: "The Straw Hat Boy's Devil Fruit was peeled here."

"By the way, come and see this, I think you must be interested!" Heimerdinger took Vegapunk to a display stand in the corner, on which was placed a Devil Fruit.

"Is this a brand new Devil Fruit?!!" He quickly searched the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia in his brain, and there was no shadow of this fruit in his memory. "Mr. Heimerdinger also mastered the technology of artificial Devil Fruit?"

"No, this is the superior fruit of the Gun-Gun Fruit!" Heimerdinger took out a stack of information from the side and handed it to Vegapunk, which included the process of the production of the superior fruit, the conjecture of the Devil Fruit and the impact on the power user.

"I call it the Armstrong Spinning Cannon Fruit of the great Professor Heimerdinger!"

Vegapunk looked at the information in his hand and asked with a slight tremor: "These are incredible."

Looking at Heimerdinger excitedly: "Mr. Heimerdinger, this result may reveal the origin of the devil fruit, and even the truth of the whole world!"

Vegapunk has been secretly studying ancient technology and ancient history, and he also pursues the truth of this world. He once thought that the success and failure in history did not need to be explored too much, but with the destruction of O'Hara and the death of his close friend Dr. Clover, Vegapunk decided to help Dr. Clover fulfill his last wish and find the truth of history.

"We actually have some conclusions about the nature of the devil fruit."

Seeing Vegapunk so excited, Heimerdinger took out a memo from the thick hair on his head, opened it and handed it to

In front of Vegapunk: "The devil fruit itself hosts a life form. It is the origin of the devil fruit's ability and the fundamental reason that affects the ability user's absorption of the ability user's soul power. At the same time, we believe that this is related to the recent attack on the ability user."

"Is there a hand behind this that controls the devil fruit?"

"Yes, using the devil fruit to collect soul power and indirectly guide the direction of world history, so that it has been circulating within a controllable range." Heimerdinger nodded and told Vegapunk his conclusion.

Vegapunk nodded and silently followed Heimerdinger to continue the tour. After the tour, Vegapunk left Heimerdinger a Den Den Mushi and returned to his laboratory through the blue portal.

As soon as the silent Vegapunk crossed the portal, he was stopped by a long-haired girl with 06 printed on her clothes: "My Lord! Is this the scientist who invented this portal?"

The long-haired girl looked at Heimerdinger on the other side through the portal that had not yet closed, and smiled as she introduced herself to Heimerdinger: "I am Dr. Vegapunk - York, my desire clone. I have six clones, and we are all Dr. Vegapunk."

"We are also very interested in you. Can you come over and meet us?" York smiled, and his eyes and mouth curved into an exaggerated arc.

"York! What are you doing?" Vegapunk on the side scolded.

"Inviting our friends, my Lord, I am also Dr. Vegapunk, it's normal to meet friends."

"Okay." Just as Vegapunk and York were talking to each other, Heimerdinger had crossed the portal and came to the two of them.

"Welcome, Mr. Heimerdinger. You are the scientist behind the Valoran Alliance, right? Are you interested in joining the World Government?" An old man with curly hair and a beard walked out of the shadows.

"Five Elders?! Why are you here?" Vegapunk was the most shocked, and then turned his gaze to York beside him: "It's you, York! Where are Shakya and the others?"

In order to improve work efficiency, Vegapunk created six avatars, the upright Shakya, the evil Lilith, the thinking Edison, the wise Pythagoras, the violent Atlas and the lusty York. They are Vegapunk's avatars and also have the same wisdom as Vegapunk himself.

"They are busy, don't worry about them now, we are still waiting for our friends to make a decision."

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