The two of them are still in the same boat, and the two of them are still in the same boat.

Holy Land, Marijoa - Between Powers

The top leaders of the world government, the five people with the highest power in the world are trying hard to look their best, even though there are only five of them in the entire power.

"Crocodile's failure has shaken the balance of the sea again. We need a new candidate for the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"Crocodile is too bold to form a criminal organization and plot to join the World Government!"

"He is a scum of the sea. It is normal for him to have some unrealistic ambitions. The main thing is that he was defeated! The Seven Warlords of the Sea are not allowed to fail!"

"Are there any new candidates?"

"Gansk, the Disaster of the Sea, has a bounty of 800 million berries. He will be rewarded with the heads of three pirates worth 500 million for the status of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"The most important thing is that since he went to sea, Plansk has been plundering everywhere for money. He is a very easy person to control."

"Then let's vote on the candidate for the new Seven Warlords of the Sea - Plansk, the Disaster of the Sea."





A few days later, at the headquarters of the Navy, Marinford

In the meeting room of the Navy Marshal Sengoku.

"Ah, it looks like something big has happened."

Aokiji, who arrived late, looked at the vice admirals of the headquarters who had already arrived, as well as the two generals Akainu and Kizaru, and even Vice Admiral Garp and Tsuru were also present.

Putting away his lazy look, scratching his head, Aokiji walked to the empty seat next to Kizaru and sat down.

"I need to inform you of two things this time. The first is that the World Government has appointed new Shichibukai. Let's take a look."

After Sengoku finished speaking, the atmosphere in the entire conference room stagnated. The Navy has quite a few complaints about the existence system of the Shichibukai. Those who are appointed as the Shichibukai are strong and protected by the World Government. This makes the Navy who have fought with these guys in the early days dissatisfied. After being appointed as the Shichibukai, these criminals can even swagger to Marinford. Isn't this just disgusting! In addition, the existence of the Seven Warlords of the Sea was claimed to be to check and balance the existence of the Four Emperors. This was almost like pointing fingers at the Navy and scolding them: You bunch of rubbish are too useless, and the World Government has to give pirates privileges to check and balance pirates.

I thought that with Crocodile's fall, there would be a chance for the World Government to abolish the Seven Warlords of the Sea system, but I didn't expect that the World Government would have new Seven Warlords of the Sea candidates.

"Are there new losers wagging their tails at Marinford?" Akainu was particularly disdainful of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system. In his eyes, only dead pirates were good pirates. No matter what your purpose is, as long as you hang the pirate flag, it's the same! He took the bounty order handed over by the adjutant.

"Bang!" When he saw the bounty order clearly, Akainu slapped the conference table in front of him, leaving a dark palm print on the heavy table, and bursts of coke smoke came out of the table.

"I don't agree! Are those old guys in the World Government confused? I'm going to kill this guy!"

Aokiji saw the sturdy man laughing wildly on the bounty order, and raised his head with a serious look: "Marshal! This is not right, Vice Admiral Mole is still lying in the hospital."

Even Kizaru put away the smile on his lips.

As a veteran vice admiral, Mole is conscientious and has a very high reputation in the Navy Headquarters. When fighting with Planck, Planck left a knife wound on Mole's chest. As a soldier, especially a soldier in troubled times, getting injured is commonplace. However, the knife wound left by Planck is different. To this day, the knife wound on Mole's chest is still as fresh as it was left, and the scarlet flesh is vaguely visible. Even if it is not bleeding now, it cannot be carried out in high-intensity combat. Once there is intense exercise, the whole wound will easily break open. The weird situation makes the entire Navy Headquarters Hospital helpless.

It can be said that Planck's blow reduced the Mole's combat effectiveness by nearly 50%.

In a sense, it was a blow that cut off the Mole's future!

"The World Government has to give an explanation." Vice Admiral Tsuru, who was sitting next to him, said faintly. At this time, there was no huge gap in the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the World Government would shamelessly force the Navy to accept Edward Wilbur as a Seven Warlord. Now the Seven Warlords of the Sea system has not been implemented for many years, and the actual effect is not significant. There is also an ambitious person like Crocodile. The World Government does not need to force Planck to take the position and cause dissatisfaction with the Navy.

"The reason given by the Five Elders is that Planck is greedy for money and easy to control." Sengoku paused, and then added in a deep voice: "And ...

"I have already held back in the battle between Admiral Mole and Gangplank."

After saying this, the noisy conference room fell silent.

This is undoubtedly saying that Vice Admiral Mole is not as skilled as others, and it is not Gangplank's fault. However, as a subordinate violent agency of the World Government, it is really chilling to be said that the Navy is like this, but the World Government does not care. And it is a fact that Gangplank let the Navy go, or even not let the Navy go. Gangplank unilaterally let the Navy go when he was in an advantageous position.

Otherwise, with Ghost Spider and Doberman both being held back, Gangplank could have finished off the Mole and then defeated the other two vice admirals one by one!

"Bang." Sengoku pounded on the conference table, turning everyone's attention to himself again, and then slowly said: "Since the World Government has confirmed it, then go and execute it. Garp, you go and hand over to Gangplank."

"In addition! "Zhan Guo looked around and said to all the angry generals: "Keep an eye on this Ocean Disaster and his scum. If they cross the line, I will throw them into the city of Impel Down! As for the mole, I will ask the World Government for help."

"The second thing is that the Celestial Dragons' ship suddenly sank in the Sabaody Archipelago, causing injuries to the Celestial Dragons. Who of you will go there?"

"Are the Celestial Dragons injured? I'm sorry! But I have to go back to Dr. Vegapunk, so I don't have time." Kizaru pouted, blew on his nails, and slowly trimmed his nails with a nail file, as if he was wiping a rare treasure.

"Humph, I still have to go to the New World to guard the G5 branch. "

After Kizaru and Akainu made it clear that they would not go, Sengoku had to turn his attention to Aokiji, who had taken off his eye mask and leaned there as if he had fallen asleep.

"Then Aokiji, you go there. The report said that they encountered an underwater whirlpool, which should be an accident."

Heh, is it useful for you to pretend to sleep, brat? You don't even have a formal excuse. If you don't go, who will?

After the meeting, Aokiji sighed and left the Navy Headquarters on a warship. Marinford is very close to the Sabaody Archipelago, and it didn't take long for Aokiji to arrive at the scene.

On the sea, there are already CPs wearing black clothes shuttling back and forth near the sea area where the incident occurred, looking for clues left behind. As for the wreckage of the ship, it has been salvaged and placed on the shore of a nearby island.

"Ah, are there any clues? "Aokiji was relieved to see that the Celestial Dragons had left, and turned to ask the CP who was in charge of the scene.

"There are no signs of weapon damage on the wreckage, and the nearby sea area was blocked in advance and no ships passed by. According to analysis, it was the whirlpool on the seabed that broke the keel and caused the ship to sink."

The whirlpool of the sea current that broke the keel?

Aokiji looked at CP strangely. You know, the ships that the Celestial Dragons took were specially made, and they could even easily cope with the violent weather in the New World, let alone a small whirlpool on the seabed. But Aokiji did not refute it.

He just came to go through the motions. If you say it's a whirlpool, it's a whirlpool.

"Admiral, do you think it could be a fishman?" At this time, CP slowly approached Aokiji and asked.

"No, there are no such strong fishmen, not even Jinbei. "Aokiji shook his head decisively.

Having been in the business for many years, Aokiji certainly knows the nature of this group of CPs. If they can't find the suspect and go back, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the Celestial Dragons. If they can get Aokiji to say that the fishmen are suspects, then they will have an explanation to their superiors, and they can even take the opportunity to capture a few fishmen or mermaids and take them back. Maybe they can get the appreciation of the Celestial Dragons and become successful!

"Ah la la, I found it! "Looking at CP's expression, Aokiji knew that this matter would not end without a result, and even CP would not be able to pass. Except for the scratches of the Celestial Dragons in the bumps, there were no other casualties. Only a few slaves bought from the Sabaody Archipelago escaped. In this case, Aokiji did not want to waste time on this matter.

Leaping into the air, Aokiji held two sharp ice spears in his hands and shot them out into the sea!


Not long after, a huge sea king emerged from the sea. Its huge eyes had lost their luster, dim and deep like the abyss, staring at Aokiji faintly!

And not far from here, under the sea, the tidal sea spirit Fitz pulled a flat-nosed fishman with dark skin and sharp teeth to dive deeper into the sea.

"Thank you my compatriots, if it weren't for you, I would have become a slave of evil humans!"

"Haha, we are friends, let's go find Nami first! "

After a while, the two saw Nami sitting on the coral on the seabed.

It was Nami and Fitz who were planning to go to Fishman Island. They found the fishmen who were captured as slaves near the Sabaody Archipelago. Then Nami sank into the deep sea and controlled the sea water to break the keel of the Celestial Dragon's vehicle.

, while Fitz picked up the fishman slave who fell into the sea.

"No one saw it."

"Don't worry!" Fitz patted his chest.

At this time, a huge shark swam to Fitz and gently touched Fitz with its nose.

"Yaoyao said that a very powerful human came and could freeze the sea surface. Let's go and see!"

"It's Admiral Aokiji!"

Holding Fitz who was eager to try, Nami instantly thought of the strong navy that Heka had mentioned. She didn't plan to stay too long. They still needed to find Fishman Island quickly.

"Let's go first. It's getting late. We have to find Fishman Island quickly."

"Aren't you from Fishman Island?" The fishman slave next to him asked in surprise. He didn't expect that there were compatriots outside Fishman Island.

Nami nodded. Isn't this a ready-made guide!

"Fitz and I are not residents of Fishman Island, but we want to go there this time."

"I'll take you there, and the people of Fishman Street will definitely welcome you warmly! My name is Natun."

Fitz used the trident in his hand to break the shackles on the fishman's hands, and the three of them swam quickly to deeper depths.

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