The old man was very happy.

With the cooperation of two top scientists, Vegapunk and Heimerdinger, a positioning device for the mother fire was quickly developed.

Heka held the exquisite little instrument in his hand. It was hard to believe that this was something made by two people in just two or three hours. He couldn't help but sigh, "The gap between people is really big."

"Yes, it's almost the same as that between people and monkeys." Heimerdinger silently made up for it.


Can't sigh, can't get angry, if you get angry, you might be treated as a monkey by these two guys.

Turning your eyes to the small round instrument in your hand, the whole instrument is a round panel, which shows the distribution of islands in the entire sea, and there is a button on the side.

"Just press this, we have already set the parameters."

"Oh oh." Heka pressed the button on the side, and as the scanning waveform spread, a small dot appeared on the screen and was constantly moving.

And its direction was exactly where they were!

"Retreat quickly! It's almost above our heads, Professor Heimerdinger, open the portal quickly, let's go back to Alabasta!"

Da da da!

Heimerdinger clicked the portal device in his hand, but only heard the busy tone of the device, but no portal appeared. "Damn it, this island is blocked. If there is no positioning signal, we can't open the positioning transmission at all."

"Mr. Vegapunk, do you have a way to escape?"

Vegapunk looked at the energy point that was approaching quickly on the panel. The few people only had half an hour to prepare, and shook his head: "No, this shield must be a backup left by the World Government to guard against me. Shakya and I will see if we can remove the shield first."

"Mr. Vegapunk, is there treasure on this island?"

"At this time, you are still thinking about our research funds!" Vegapunk's evil clone Lilith exploded instantly when she heard Heka's words. Among the six clones of Vegapunk, Lilith was mainly responsible for raising research funds.

All the pirates in the surrounding waters were looted by Lilith.

"Take me there." Heka did not answer Lilith's words, but looked at her seriously and repeated, "Maybe this can save all of us!"

"I'll take you there." Lilith is also Dr. Vegapunk, and has the same wisdom as Vegapunk. Naturally, she knows that research funds are completely meaningless at this time, but her clone's personality makes her refute it immediately.

Vegapunk led the remaining clones and Professor Heimerdinger to scan the location of the shielding equipment on the entire island, while Heka followed Lilith to a room with various treasure chests and property piled up in it.

These are the research funds that Lilith "raised" from various pirates.

"I'll go back to help them first. Do you remember the way back?" Lilith was not interested in waiting for Heka here, but planned to return to the laboratory to help Professor Heimerdinger and Dr. Vegapunk and try to solve the shielding problem.

At present, the most stable way for everyone to escape is to cancel the shielding and use Professor Heimerdinger's teleportation device to escape.

After Lilith left, Heka looked at the room full of gold and silver treasures, raised his hand and clenched it, and all the treasures in the whole house were covered by golden light. As all the treasures disappeared, the golden light began to flicker in the house.

On the other side, Dr. Vegapunk, five clones and Professor Heimerdinger, the seven smartest people in the world quickly found the source of the shielding signal. But looking at the coordinates, everyone's face darkened.

The source of the signal is underground on the island, under all the research facilities.

There is no time to break through the rock layer to reach that location in half an hour.

"Have you found it?" Heka pushed the door in, but saw that several people looked solemn. At this time, a heavy dark cloud covered the entire sky in the sky of the island, and the shining light began to condense above the island.

Everyone in the house could also feel that the majestic power was gathering on their heads.

"Found it, but it's too late." Vegapunk shook his head, frowning and still thinking whether there is a possibility that the island can withstand this attack. After thinking for a while, he still shook his head with a gray face.

As a scientist, no one knows the energy contained in the "Mother Fire" better than Dr. Vegapunk.

"Is there anyone else on the island?"

Vegapunk shook his head.


Come with me, we'll leave here."

"Hey! You have a way to escape, why didn't you tell me earlier! I've been worrying for so long! I've already thought of my last words!" Lilith complained.

"No one knows your last words now, so you'd better save them for later."

The group quickly came to the first house, where Nasus was standing, and there was a bald man with blue skin and strange runes all over his body.

"Take us away from this island first."

"Leave it to me!"

The bald man was the hero summoned by Heka, the wandering wizard - Ryze.

"Can I take this away?" Vegapunk glanced at the brain in the huge petri dish in the laboratory.

Heka glanced at Ryze, and Ryze nodded.

"Hurry up, there's no time."

When Vegapunk heard Heka agree, he quickly pressed a button next to him, and the safety valves above and below the petri dish were opened, separating the tank in the middle, and the huge head inside was immersed in the solution.

"Let's go, let's go. "

Ryze flipped the pages of the book in his hand quickly, and countless runes flew out of the pages, forming a huge blue vortex on the ground, wrapping up everyone including the huge petri dish. A blue light flashed, and when several people came to their senses, they had appeared in the dense forest on a deserted island in the distance.

"The time is too short. This is the farthest place that can be reached." Ryze said.


In the sky, a gorgeous beam of light fell from the sky and hit the island below directly. In the eyes of everyone, the vague outline of the island was like ice cream in the sun, melting quickly.

Until it completely disappeared on the sea level.

"This kind of power is worthy of being the trump card that the World Government has hidden for so many years." Heka exclaimed.

Turning his head to look at the Vegapunk doctors who were holding the huge petri dish: "Everyone, you can't go back to the World Government. Why don't you go to Alabasta with me? At least you can put your head there. "

That's right, the brain in the petri dish is Vegapunk's, and the apple-shaped device on Dr. Vegapunk's head is like a receiver. If the brain dies, then Vegapunk will lose all his knowledge, thoughts, and even memories.

At that time, it can be said that Dr. Vegapunk is dead.


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