The sea is full of chaos, and the sea is full of chaos.

"Who are you?" Shanks said seriously. He didn't expect that there was a force with four emperors hidden in this sea. The most terrifying thing was that he had never even heard of it, and the World Government hadn't discovered it, otherwise the World Government would have been restless.

"Hehe, Shanks. You know what happened at the World Conference, right?"

Shank's eyes widened immediately: "Alabasta and Noxus or Fishman Island!?"

Although the events at the World Conference were suppressed, they could not be hidden from Shanks.

"It's not easy, Shanks." Plank moved closer to Shanks and whispered, "The World Conference has just ended, and the news about Alabasta and Noxus has been blocked by the World Government. I didn't expect you to know so quickly. So, who are you, Four Emperors Shanks?"

Shanks frowned and didn't answer Plank.

"Well! It doesn't matter." Plank opened a new bottle of wine and continued to drink: "It doesn't matter even if you are a Celestial Dragon. Anyway, Celestial Dragons are not a great identity now. The question is, which side do you want to stand on?"

Shanks fell silent.

Shanks knew that once he agreed, he would join Plank's camp. Shanks was not like a guy with horns who valued his promises very much.

After a while, Shanks looked at Plank and said, "Tell me where I can find someone to solve Luffy's problem."

"Hahahaha, I knew you would make the right choice!" Plank patted Shanks on the shoulder.

"When the time comes, take that brat to Alabasta and visit His Highness Heka, the prince of Alabasta. He will help you solve it."


Although he had guessed it long ago, Shanks was still shocked when he heard the name. He knew a little about the relationship between Alabasta and the Celestial Dragons.

But he didn't expect Alabasta to be so strong. Not only did it have the strength to force the World Government to make concessions, but it even had a Four Emperors behind it.

Maybe, there are two now.

But what Shanks didn't expect was that there might be far more than two!!


The sun slowly sprinkled through the window onto the floor of the bar. As the sun slowly tilted, the bar gradually became quiet. Only Shanks and Planck were drinking one cup after another at the bar.

Ben Beckman was sitting at a table by the window not far from Shanks and the others, quietly looking out the window and smoking, listening to his captain and Planck bragging to each other.

"Shanks, look at Bilgewater. I can't say anything about other places, but in the New World it is definitely the most peaceful and stable place! Look outside, where else can you find such a peaceful and happy place? Although I, Gangplank, am not a good person, you can definitely get along with me."

"Ahem." Shanks coughed and interrupted Gangplank's pretense: "The island under Edward Newgate is also quite stable."

Gangplank glared at Shanks in dissatisfaction. Brother, I am bragging. How can you have no vision at all? How can you get along so well in the sea?

"Are the residents of the island under Whitebeard's command as good as the residents of Bilgewater?" Gangplank's tone was full of disdain. He must pretend to be the best.


For the current situation of Bilgewater, Shanks still admired it. Here he seemed to really see the new era that his captain Roger had described to him!

"Let me tell you, Shanks." Planck put his arm on Shanks' shoulder familiarly: "I was also a powerful figure in the sea. Even when I burned Swain's ship, he didn't dare to say a word and suffered in silence."

"Even Zed and Sarah would go around when they heard my name!"


Finally, after having a good meal and a good drink, Shanks staggered out of the tavern with the help of Ben Beckman and walked towards the Red Force in the port. The moment he stepped onto the deck.

The hazy look on Shanks' face disappeared, and he frowned slightly and looked back at the brightly lit Cake Island. He sighed and said to Beckman: "Let's go, let's go back to the base first."

Anyway, now that he knows how to solve Luffy's problem, Shanks is not in a hurry. He has just returned from the East China Sea. If he goes back frequently, it is likely to attract the attention of the World Government and bring bad effects to the peaceful village of Windmill Village.

But what surprised him was Planck

Plank's words revealed his relationship with other forces, Noxus, Shadow Stream and even the bounty guild that has been thriving recently.

Isn't there only Alabasta?

These are probably all in the power behind the scenes mentioned by Plank. If it is true. Then it is too terrible!

When the Red Force left the port, Plank, who was lying on the bar in the tavern, sat up as if nothing had happened, lit a cigar, smoked it nonchalantly, and looked at the sky outside which had completely darkened.

"Boss, is it really okay to tell him like this?" In a dark corner, the figure of Drizzt in a windbreaker emerged from the shadows. I don't know when he was here.

"It's okay." Plank took off the cigar from his mouth, put it on the bar and lit some ash: "The necessary strength deterrence will make the cooperation more solid."


Bilgewater at night is unusually prosperous and peaceful, but Marijoa tonight is not so quiet.

"Ugh! Help me!"

"It's alive!"

"It's a scarecrow!!!"

"He's coming!!! I'm so scared!"

"Open the door!! Let me in!!!!"

The miserable and sharp cries for help continued to ring in the alleys of Marijoa at night, startling the guards in the holy land of Marijoa and chasing the source of the sound.

Bang bang bang!!!

The Celestial Dragon, who was disturbed by the noise outside, opened the door angrily, raised his musket and emptied all the bullets in the gun.

"Guards, guards!! What the hell are you guys doing!! Hurry up and find the guy who's shouting outside and kill him!!!" The angry roar of the Celestial Dragon rang in the street.

However, the empty streets were frighteningly quiet. The loss of a large number of slaves at once made the whole of Marijoa seem silent. His anger did not call any guards.

A gust of night wind blew by, and a strange and slender figure appeared on the street in front of him. The shadow raised his arms horizontally, like a cross, and held a night light in his right hand, which swayed slowly in the wind, making a creaking sound.

"What the hell is that..."


In the horrified eyes of the Celestial Dragons, the strange shadow opened his scarlet eyes. In the dim light, the last thing that appeared in front of him was the big mouth full of countless sharp teeth on the face that looked like a scarecrow.

Note: It's so hot, I'll write another chapter at home! !

Happy weekend everyone! !

The one who appeared this time was: the ordinary farm tool - Fiddlesticks!

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