Although the enemy was killed, the enemy was killed.

Not to mention that Singed, who was also summoned as a companion, had no intention of attacking Mundo. Mundo seemed to have a certain immunity to the alchemical poison gas.

Singing silently at Mondo, who was grinning beside him, Singed continued to say to Judge, who was leaning against the wall with his hands covering his chest: "Mr. Judge, Zaun needs your biotechnology for artificial soldiers."

"You are delusional!!"

Singed didn't care about Judge's answer: "Mr. Judge, I didn't ask for your opinion. You can choose to join Zaun, cooperate with Zaun, or leave this world with your unfulfilled dreams. You don't have a third choice."

"Choose, Mr. Judge!"

While Singed was speaking, the green liquid in the alchemical tank behind him kept rolling, as if it was about to burst out of the alchemical tank. The mouth of the alchemical tank made a hissing sound, as if gas was constantly escaping from it.

Judge gritted his teeth. Even if Singed was defeated here, the alchemical poison gas in that tank would be enough to wipe out the entire Germa 66. What's more, it was not known whether these three people could be defeated. The purple-skinned strong man was like a ferocious beast, which put too much pressure on Judge.

"Germa will not submit to you."

Judge gritted his teeth, and the words seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth: "Germa can only exchange technology with Zaun, not refuse to submit."

"It doesn't matter." Singed smiled, not caring about Judge's final stubbornness. All he needed was the artificial soldier technology in Judge's hands. As for whether Germa nominally submitted to Zaun or cooperated with Zaun, Singed didn't care.

"Then, congratulations on our successful cooperation." Singed stretched out a hand, and Judge shook hands with Singed with a gloomy face.

"Still here in a week, we will hand over the information."

Looking at the surprised expression on Judge's face, Singed smiled: "During this time, you can sort out the information, and by the way, you can study whether the alchemical toxins in your body can be removed."

Judge's face became even uglier.

Singed smiled: "You can ask this pink-haired beauty. I think she can tell whether you have toxins or not, because I failed to plant toxins in her."

Singed casually said that Reiju was immune to his toxins, and stabbed Judge: "Of course you can also try to let her help you remove the toxins, but I am still very confident in my research."

Singed walked out of the cabin with the alchemy pot on his back, leaving only a few members of the Vinsmoke family standing there with gloomy faces.

Judge suddenly remembered something and rushed out of the cabin, but found that all the artificial soldiers guarding outside had fallen to the ground. Judge walked over and turned over the bodies of several soldiers.

All the soldiers who fell to the ground had lost their breath, but there was no injury on their bodies. The only thing that could explain their death was a trace of green liquid flowing from the corners of their eyes.

"Zuan... Singed..."

Zuan was stirring up the North Sea, but the World Government at this time did not pay any extra attention to the North Sea. At this time, all the power of the World Government was concentrated on the Holy Land of Marijoa.

In other words, the abandoned holy land of Marijoa.

All members of the Knights of God and all CPs were recalled to Marijoa. After suffering heavy losses and failing to eliminate the scarecrow demon entrenched in Marijoa.

The Five Elders secretly attacked but failed to catch the shadow of the scarecrow demon.

All people could see were the increasing number of scarecrows standing on the streets.

During this period, the Five Elders asked for help from Im at the top of the World Government, but Im was unable to catch Fiddlesticks and had to order the Five Elders to isolate the entire area.

Therefore, a high wall that divided the entire holy land of Marijoa appeared in Marijoa, and the work of building this high wall fell on the Knights of God and CP to maintain the stability of the sea after losing the slaves.

After the World Government recalled all the Knights and CP members, the entire sea was surprisingly calm.

The Five Elders had tried to get the Navy to come to Marijoa to do this work, but were rejected by Sengoku: "The Navy has lost funding from the World Government, its manpower has been greatly reduced, and it also has to maintain the stability of the ocean. There are not many people who can go to Marijoa to do this kind of work."

After being rejected by Sengoku, the Five Elders even contacted Akainu and Kizaru privately, suggesting that Akainu would do this as long as he could bring his men directly to the Navy.

If the army came to Marijoa, they would support him to take the throne of the next Admiral of the Navy.

But Akainu refused because his wounds had not healed yet and he was under punishment and could not leave the Navy Headquarters.


The Five Elders hung up the phone angrily, because they had received news of Akainu's whereabouts in the New World to kill pirates just a few days ago.

As for Kizaru, the Five Elders even suspected that it was a huge mistake to make this call.

Kizaru's wretched and lazy voice made the Five Elders furious: "Old man? I'm a patient! You know, I repelled the Four Emperors Kaido alone at that time. That was Kaido~ The Four Emperor Kaido who dared to break into the holy land of Marijoa alone~ Do you know how terrible he is?"

"I'll tell you, I faced the Four Emperors alone at that time, and I had to protect the warships, which cost me half my life!"

"It's terrible to think about it. At that time, the wind and clouds were howling, and the thunder and lightning were roaring..."


Yellow Monkey looked at the hung-up Den Den Mushi and curled his lips, as if he was dissatisfied with the impolite behavior of the Five Elders who hung up the phone privately. He picked up the teacup and drank tea, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

After being defeated by the Navy, the Five Elders could only put the work on the forces directly under the World Government.

Fortunately, there were many capable people in CP and the Knights of God, and soon a high wall that divided the entire Marijoa appeared on the Red Earth Continent.

As for the Celestial Dragons living on the other side, they were directly abandoned by the Five Elders, because in the process of trying to capture Fiddlesticks, they found that within a certain range, Fiddlesticks would appear near anyone who was afraid of it.

And the Celestial Dragons who had seen or heard Fiddlesticks screaming were living portals.

When the group of Celestial Dragons reacted, they had been isolated outside the high wall, losing their servants, guards, and even food sources. They could only be alone outside the high wall with the scarecrow demon, waiting for death.

Before solving the problem of Marijoa, the Five Elders did not have enough energy to care about the changes in the sea.

During this period, the Revolutionary Army, which had lost the pursuit of the World Government's hyenas, seized the time to develop vigorously, and at the same time, Silas also welcomed an unexpected guest.

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