The two of them were so busy that they were busy.

"So that's it. Are they the Furries from Sky Island?"

A tall canine Furries came over, surrounded by a group of Furries. It was Duke Inuarashi, one of the rulers of the Furry Principality of Elephant Island.

"So tall!" Neeko looked at the huge Duke Inuarashi and was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth. It was the first time she saw such a big Vastaya and such a big dog.

Duke Inuarashi came to Neeko and Ahri and sat down cross-legged so that his tall body could communicate with Ahri and Neeko.

"Are there any other fur tribes on Sky Island?" The first thing that Duke Inuarashi was concerned about was the news of other fur tribes. The number of fur tribes was extremely small. Duke Inuarashi, who had seen the cruelty of the sea, was more concerned about the situation of other fur tribes.

"There are none at the moment."

"Is that so." Duke Inuarashi sighed, and did not continue to ask, and turned to Ahri and said: "Welcome to the Furry Principality, woof."

"Ah? Can we stay here?" Neeko, who was sitting next to Carrot obediently, asked in confusion.

"Hahahaha, of course, as long as you want to stay here." Duke Inuarashi smiled.

"So easy to mess with!"

Duke Inuarashi looked at Neeko and looked at her carefully. Neeko's tail and the vague animal characteristics on her body showed her identity, but Duke Inuarashi thought about it in his mind and could not remember which fur tribe Neeko belonged to.

Then he remembered that even Ahri didn't look like an ordinary fur tribe. Although he looked like a fox fur tribe, he had never seen the nine tails behind him.

Ahri naturally noticed Duke Inuarashi's doubts and took the initiative to step forward and said: "Vastaya, nine-tailed demon fox - Ahri, please give me more advice."

Neeko also imitated Ahri, standing in front of Duke Inuarashi, and said seriously: "Vastaya, mist tail tribe - Neeko, please give me more advice."

"Vastaya?" Duke Inuarashi noticed the name of their race.

"In our hometown, we are collectively called Vastaya."

Duke Inuarashi nodded and no longer bothered about the name they called him. It was more or less just a name. He sat up and led the two to the island.

"This is the Furry Principality."

After passing through the woods, a small town appeared in front of everyone. Various fur tribes were shuttling in the town, children were running in the streets, and adult fur tribes were doing their own work.

Even though he noticed the two unfamiliar faces of Ahri and Neeko, he simply glanced at them and nodded in a friendly manner.

The entire Furry Principality is like a paradise. There is no suffering and violence on the sea here, and everyone lives in peace and tranquility.

"Sicilian will arrange a place for you to live." Duke Inuarashi said to Ahri and Neeko: "There are two kings in the Furry Principality. I am in charge during the day, and when night falls, the principality is in charge of Boss Cat Viper."

When Duke Inuarashi said this, he bared his teeth and showed disdain in his tone: "A stinky cat, you will see it later."

"The Duke has a bad relationship with Boss Cat Viper?" Ahri asked puzzledly. It seems that the relationship between the two is incompatible, so why do they rule the Furry Principality harmoniously as rulers together?

"How good can the relationship between cats and dogs be?" Duke Inuarashi asked back, and then seemed to fall into memories: "I and that stinky cat are partners. We once adventured together on the sea and were loyal to Lord Kozuki Oden..."

"Kozuki Oden, Kozuki Oden of Wano Country?" Ahri asked. Before coming to Elephant Island, Heka explained the situation in the New World to her, and especially explained the situation in Wano Country and Bilgewater.

"Have you seen Lord Oden? How is he?" Duke Inuarashi asked excitedly. He had not heard of Oden for a long time since he was blocked on Elephant Island. Seeing that Ahri knew Kozuki Oden, he couldn't help asking.

"Kozuki Oden, he has been dead for a long time." Ahri thought about it and decided to tell Duke Inuarashi what she knew.

"How is it possible! Lord Oden, he, he is so strong..."

Ahri told Duke Inuarashi the news she heard from Heka, including that Kozuki Oden was plotted against by Kaido and died at his hands, and that Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi usurped the ruling power of Wano Country after Kozuki Oden's death.

"Four Emperors Kaido! Kurozumi Orochi!" Duke Inuarashi gritted his teeth, his hatred overflowing. "I will definitely avenge Lord Kozuki Oden!"

"Uh, Duke, wait a minute." Ahri interrupted Duke Inuarashi's anger. I know you are anxious, but don't worry, I haven't finished yet.

Then he added: "Later, a powerful wizard named Vega arrived in Wano Country, killed Kurozumi Orochi, and defeated the Four Emperors Kaido. Now the Four Emperors Kaido has disappeared in Wano Country with Onigashima, and I don't know where he is accumulating strength."

"Wano Country is no longer called Wano Country. The rescued people of Wano Country supported Vega as the ruler and renamed Wano Country to Demon Kingdom."

"Demon, Demon Kingdom?" Duke Inuarashi felt that the whole style of Wano Country had changed, and said with a little loneliness: "So that's it, Lord Oden's revenge has been avenged, Wano Country has also been liberated. Neko Viper and I knew nothing on Elephant Island. "

"Well, I didn't report everything." Ahri said to Duke Inuarashi: "Kaido is still alive. With his character, he will return to Wano Country one day."

"Yes." Duke Inuarashi's eyes lit up: "As long as we wait for Kaido to come, and defeat Kaido together with Wano Country, no, with Demon Country, we can avenge Lord Oden."

"Go wake up Boss Neko Viper. It's so late, and he's still sleeping! !" Duke Inuarashi ordered the fur guards beside him.


After a while, a series of fast figures appeared around Duke Inuarashi, and a huge big-faced cat fur tribe also walked to the opposite side of Duke Inuarashi and sat down.

"Cat Viper, Lord Oden is in trouble."

Before Neko Viper spoke, Duke Inuarashi spoke first.

The words that Cat Viper Boss used to mock Duke Inuarashi were instantly choked in his throat. He stared at Duke Inuarashi for a long time with his eyes wide open, and his tone was full of anger: "Damn dog, do you know what you are saying?"

"It's true, Cat Viper Boss, the whole ocean knows about the changes in Wano Country." Before Duke Inuarashi spoke, Ahri stood up and stopped the quarrel between the two: "We can go to Wano Country to see, after all, to avenge Kozuki Oden, we need to form an alliance with the Demon Kingdom. If we rely on the Furry Principality alone, it will not be easy to defeat the Four Emperors Kaido."

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