The explosion was so intense that the enemy was about to explode.

"Hahaha!" Guts's crazy laughter rang out.

Not to mention Ace, even Ezreal didn't expect that someone would include himself in the attack range.

He frowned and pulled out the long needle on his shoulder, raised his hand and fired two arcane light bullets at Guts's head.


The blood on the ground seemed to have life, quickly climbing up Guts' legs to his back, forming two huge blood wings behind him, gently flapping, and the whole area was filled with the smell of blood.

And Guts's body also floated in the air with the flapping of the pair of blood wings.

"I am the blade of judgment in the Lord's hand, the end of sin, the blood angel! The sinners will eventually be judged! A~men!" Guts thrust his left hand into Ace, and Ace's Armament Haki gathered all on his right hand, resisting Guts.

The waist was instantly pierced by Guts's left claw.


Guts pulled out his left hand and raised it high. In an instant, the blood flowing from the wounds on Ace and Ezreal flowed into Guts' left hand like a stream of water.

"You, are not qualified to repent before the Lord." Guts looked at Ezreal in front of him and threw the blood ball in his right hand at him.


"Precise barrage!"

Ezreal's body lit up with golden light, and a crescent-shaped arc of secret energy slashed towards Guts.


It accurately cut the blood ball shot by Guts and hit Guts' waist. When the energy arc touched Guts' body, Guts' lower body turned into a ball of blood mist, and then countless blood gathered, and his figure appeared in the air again.

Turned into blood? !

Ezreal's heart tightened, and he saw the blood ball cut on his head turned into countless blood blades and shot at him.


Just when the blade was about to wrap Ezreal, a black energy circle enveloped Ezreal, and a huge gravity pressed Ezreal to the ground in an instant, and the countless blood blades in the air were also crushed by this force.

"Mr. Yixiao?" Ezreal looked at Yixiao, who was walking from behind with a blind stick in both hands, and exclaimed.

"Sir, please put down that guy."

Yixiao raised his head and looked at Guts in the air with his eyes closed.

"Hehehe, are you sure you want to fight with me?" Guts waved Ace in his hand, and the blood under Ace flowed on the ground like a stream. Ace, who was severely injured, was already in a state of depression.

"See you later!"

When Ezreal and Yixiao hesitated because of Ace's condition, Gus turned into a ball of blood mist and wrapped Ace out of the window, disappearing into the sea in an instant.

"You two! What happened here? Private fighting is prohibited in this city, you know it." Tezoro, who was covered in gold jewelry, appeared above the stage, looking at Ezreal, Yixiao, and the damaged stage below with a bad face.

Ezreal glanced at Tezoro coldly, turned around and walked out.

"Thank you Mr. Yixiao for your timely action." Ezreal bowed deeply to Yixiao.

"What are you going to do, brother?" Yixiao ignored Tezoro and took steps to keep up with Ezreal.

"If you need help, I can also lend a hand."

"Thank you very much!"


"What are your plans, brother?" Yixiao asked Ezreal, who was driving the ship, in the boat.

"It's basically impossible for the two of us to rescue Ace from the World Government." Ezreal looked serious: "But fortunately, I have more friends."

"Mr. Yixiao, why did you help us at the cost of being the enemy of the World Government? This should be our first meeting."

Yixiao raised his forehead slightly, as if trying to open his eyes, but his eyelids were still tightly closed: "I am blind, but it doesn't mean I can't see people clearly."

"That guy has the wailing of countless wronged souls, and the little brother has a warm breath like sunshine, and didn't the little brother help me before."

Ezreal looked back and took a serious look at Yixiao, then his expression eased: "Thank you."

"So where are we going next?"

"Find an island and wait for help."


Soon after, the ship stopped at an uninhabited island, and Yixiao waited quietly with Ezreal.

Ezreal waved his hand in the air, and a bird appeared in his hand: "Help me find Ace's whereabouts and contact my friends. I need help."

Not long after the bird flew away

, a colorful card circle appeared on the beach, and then a tall man in a windbreaker appeared next to Ezreal.

"What's the matter?" The visitor was the card master Drizzt, who asked Ezreal as soon as he landed.

"My partner was captured by the new army of the World Government. I need your help to attract the attention of the new army." Ezreal changed his usual warm smile and said to Drizzt seriously.

"Got it, don't worry, notify us when you start."

Drizzt didn't ask any more questions, just nodded and agreed, and then the colorful card circle under his feet lit up, and Drizzt's figure disappeared in a flash.

"Is that Drizzt, the card master under the Four Emperors Gangplank?" After Drizzt disappeared, he smiled and asked Ezreal in surprise.


"The helper you are talking about is the Four Emperors Gangplank?"

"Yes, one of the helpers." Ezreal nodded, standing on the beach and continuing to look at the sea.



Countless bubbles emerged from the sea surface, and then a huge sea king appeared in the near sea, with a blue-skinned fishman standing on his head.

"Hi Izar!" It was Fitz, the tidal sea spirit who became famous in the sea with the rise of Fishman Island.

Fitz happily waved the trident in his hand and greeted Ezreal: "Nami asked me to help you, who are we going to fight this time?"

"My partner was captured by the World Government. We are going to rescue him. We need your strength to help us dive from underwater."

"Got it!" Fitz saluted funny: "I'm going to feed them all to the fish, and you can dive in later."

"That's not what I meant..." Ezreal quickly grabbed Fitz who was about to turn around and leave. He had no doubt that Fitz could really rush over and feed everyone to the fish.

"That's my partner. I want to save him myself." Ezreal said in a deep voice: "Ace has always been confused about being rejected by the world. I want him to know that there are people in this world who can go all out to save him."

"Okay." Feeling Ezreal's seriousness, Fitz sat on the beach with his feet soaked in the water: "I'll listen to you."

"Fishman Island..." Yixiao, who was pretending to be a sculpture, muttered silently.


The Den Den Mushi in Ezreal's hand rang.

"Who to kill?" A cold voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

"The Celestial Dragons in Guran Tezoro." Ezreal said: "I'm going to save people in the new army. I need you to help divert the attention of the World Government."

"Shadow never works in vain. One hundred Baileys."

After that, the other party hung up the phone.

"Killer Emperor Shadow..." Yixiao was a little numb.

"We still need some help." Ezreal called Den Den Mushi: "Sacco, are you interested in touring the World Government's new military headquarters?"

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