The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"Quick, go ask the Five Elders for help, implement the second plan, and let CP enter!"

The man in black standing next to Ace was no longer calm as before, and with a hint of panic in his tone, he ordered the adjutant next to him.

Soon, ships flying the flag of the World Government appeared outside the new military base, and rows of tall figures stood neatly on the deck.

"What is that? The Seven Warlords of the Sea Bartholomew Bear! How can there be so many!!"

The audience staring at the live broadcast screen was the first to discover the tall figures on the deck. Each of the rows of tall figures was consistent with the Seven Warlords of the Sea Tyrant Bear on the bounty order.

"Here they come! Hahaha!" The man standing next to Ace cheered. Seeing Ace's worried look, the man pinched Ace's chin and turned his gaze towards the port: "See? That's the pacifist of the World Government, the genius creation of the world's number one scientist Vegapunk, with the powerful physique of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma and the light attack of the Navy Admiral Kizaru."

"When they enter the field, all your friends will die here!"

Bang! ! Just as he was dancing happily, a huge dorsal fin surged up from the seabed, followed by a huge tail that whipped the World Government's ship. The huge force instantly cut the ship in half, and even the two ships next to it were affected by the flying debris and shattered instantly.

"Sea Kings, it's Sea Kings!"

"Help! The ship is sinking! Jump!"

"The bottom of the ship is clearly inlaid with seastone, why was it attacked by Sea Kings!"

"Quick, activate the Pacifist!"

The attacked ship was in chaos, and the CPs in suits either jumped into the air with moon steps or jumped into the sea to escape. Some people remembered to activate the Pacifist in the chaos, so that the Pacifist did not suffer too much damage in this sudden attack.

"Buzz! Didi Didi."

Boom, boom, boom!

With red light in their eyes, the Pacifists jumped into the air one by one and landed on the port, and the CPs who escaped also landed on the port. Yixiao, who was entangled with Guts, took the lead in facing these sudden enemies.

"Sir Yixiao, please stop. Although I don't know why you joined the criminals, you have already failed."

A CP0 in a white suit stood in front of Yixiao, and a cold voice came. Yixiao had been noticed by the World Government a long time ago, and he was also on the list of people to be won over by the World Government.

Yixiao used gravity to push away the Blood Angel Guts, took a step back, tilted his head slightly to listen to CP0's words, and he was also surrounded by other CPs. As for the pacifists, they passed Yixiao and walked into the square.

Yixiao's ears moved slightly, and he did not respond to CP0's failure, but smiled slightly: "Criminal? What crime did Brother Ace commit? As far as I know, the World Government does not have a rule that the descendants of criminals are also criminals. On the contrary, your body is full of blood and resentment, and you must have many wronged souls in your hands."

Without waiting for CP0's rebuttal, Yixiao pointed to the calm sea behind: "Are they also the reinforcements you brought? The momentum they exude is completely different from yours."

"What?" CP0 turned around, but there was nothing on the calm sea surface.

"Mr. Yixiao is blind, maybe he heard it wrong..." Before he finished speaking, countless sails appeared on the sea surface, and the flags of Alabasta and Noxus on the mast head fluttered in the wind.

The mighty fleet even had hundreds of ships, surrounding the entire headquarters, with countless black gun barrels aimed at the island.

The sudden change made everyone in the battle stop.

Countless soldiers rushed to the island from all directions like a tide, aiming at all the CPs and new troops with strange guns in their hands.

"Hey, hey!" Heka appeared on the leading ship, holding a loudspeaker Den Den Mushi, and his voice spread throughout the island: "That new army, let go of the royal adventurers Ezreal and Ace of Alabasta, otherwise it will be regarded as a declaration of war on Alabasta, you have one minute to consider!"

Waving his hand, Samira, Atum, including Leblanc, Draven and Darius in the Noxus fleet all jumped onto the island, locking the strong men in the CP with their momentum, ready to launch an attack at any time.

"Where are the reinforcements, when will the other troops of the new army arrive?" The man in black looked at the stalemate and shouted to the adjutant behind him.

"Sir, all our reinforcements have been attacked.

The other party is the Four Emperors Planck! . "

"Asshole! !"

The man pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Ace's head who was kneeling on the execution platform: "Asshole, Alabasta, do you want to betray the World Government? Let them push it away, or I will blow his head off now!"

"Threaten me?" Heka's voice came faintly: "Threat me and I will count the time. You have 20 seconds left. You have two choices now, let him go, or shoot and all the CPs and new troops on this island will be buried with him."


At this moment, the Den Den Mushi in the arms of CP0 in front of Yixiao rang.

"CP0! Come and save me! ! Bring the warships, I want them all to die, and all those who dare to attack the gods will die! ! ! "The angry voice of the Celestial Dragon came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Since you are hiding, don't you know to keep your voice down when you call? "A gloomy voice interrupted the roar of the Celestial Dragons from the Den Den Mushi.


"Uh uh uh..."

Then came the sound of a sharp blade piercing the flesh, and the wailing of the Celestial Dragons before their death.

CP0's eyes darkened instantly. As a servant of the gods and a loyal servant of the Celestial Dragons, nothing was more important to him than the safety of the Celestial Dragons.

With a gloomy face, CP led his men and turned to leave, but was stopped by the soldiers of Alabasta and Noxus. Yixiao also slightly drew out the cane knife in his hand and locked him.

"Get out of the way!"

"Sir, you should stay here for a while." Yixiao had also heard of the reputation of the Celestial Dragons. Just say that the two had a hostile relationship. No matter what he wanted to do, he should be stopped.


Just when the situation was deadlocked and the man in black beside Ace was struggling, a malicious and crazy laugh came to his ears: "Want to see a magic trick? This time the program is: Make you disappear!"

The devil clown Sarco had touched the man without knowing when, and the sharp blade in his hand was placed on his neck. The cold blade was close to his skin, and he could even smell the blood from the blade.

"I, I know, don't shake your hands!" The man's voice trembled. He was weak in strength, but was sent by the government to command the new army. With the navy out of control, when the new army was established, he was inserted into a guy like him who had no strength and high status to check and balance various forces in the army.


Happy weekend everyone! The weather has been very bad recently, with strong winds and rainstorms, so please be safe when traveling.

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