Hawkeye drew his bow without hesitation, and an arrow came straight at the captain. The captain nimbly dodged the arrows and quickly ran towards Hawkeye.

The battle begins, and the captain's shield and Hawkeye's arrows intertwine in a fierce duel. The captain uses his shield's defenses to fend off Hawkeye's attacks while showcasing his unmatched fighting skills in an attempt to break Loki's grip on Hawkeye.

With his agility and precise archery, Hawkeye distances himself and constantly tries to hit the captain's vital point. The captain used his tactical wisdom and extraordinary reflexes to keep closing in on Hawkeye, looking for opportunities to counterattack.

The captain instantly decides to use the small space in the stairwell to limit Hawkeye's shooting angle. He quickly dodged Hawkeye's arrows, nimbly navigated through the gaps in the stairs, and used his shield to intercept Hawkeye's attacks.

They engaged in fierce battles in the stairwells and corridors of the Vanke Technology Building.

Hawkeye didn't show any weakness either, he quickly adjusted his stance, jumped to the handrail of the stairs, and re-aimed at the captain with the advantage of height. He fired a few arrows, but the captain nimbly dodged, dodging each attack.

The captain seized the opportunity and suddenly rushed up from under the stairs and slammed his shield into Hawkeye. Hawkeye responds quickly, blocking the shield with his bow and arrow, and then uses the bounce of the arrow to bounce backwards, keeping his distance.

The two sides engaged in a series of quick and fierce hand-to-hand fights in the stairwell. The captain quickly switched between attack and defense, using his well-trained fighting skills, using his shield to fend Hawkeye's arrows while launching fierce attacks with his nimble body. His fists, knees, and shields are constantly alternated, not giving Hawkeye a chance to breathe.

Not to be outdone, Hawkeye's arrows were precise and swift, and one after another flew through the air, trying to hit the captain's vital point. He nimbly dodged the captain's attacks, using his agility and archery accuracy to keep his distance and look for opportunities to counterattack.

"Your archery skills need to be improved." The captain said around the corner.

Taking advantage of the terrain of the staircase, the captain sometimes dodges around the corner of the staircase, sometimes quickly climbs onto the handrail of the staircase, constantly changing his stance to avoid Hawkeye's attack. Using his shield's defenses, he blocked all the arrows and took the opportunity to launch a fierce counterattack.

Hawkeye constantly adjusts the angle of the shot, locks the captain's position with a sharp eye, and tries to find an opportunity to break through the captain's defense. He uses his mastery of archery, keeps his distance as much as possible, and constantly unleashes deadly attacks in an attempt to defeat the captain.

As Hawkeye's arrows dwindled, the captain caught a flaw in Hawkeye's arm when he was bruised by the arrows. Rushing in front of Hawkeye, he slammed his shield into Hawkeye's bow-holding arm.

Hawkeye took a few painful steps back, but still stubbornly maintained an attacking stance.

Hawkeye's eyes were solemn, and seeing that the captain was so agile and maneuverable, he did not hesitate to put away his bow and arrows and quickly switch to melee mode. He quickly approached the captain with his agility and struck the captain in the cheek with a precise punch that was quite powerful.

The captain withstood the pain and immediately fought back. He used his striking skills to counter Hawkeye with accurate and powerful punches and kicks. Each of his moves is full of power and speed, a combination of rigidity and softness, agility and swiftness.

Hawkeye dodges the captain's attacks, and his skills are equally nimble. He dodged the captain's punches and kicks with an elegant, streamlined move, and then quickly returned the blow. His attacks are lethally accurate, and every move he makes is trying to hit the captain's vital point.

A determined glint flashed in the captain's eyes, and he constantly adjusted his tactics, taking advantage of the terrain in the stairwell. He skillfully uses the support of walls and stairs to make his attacks more versatile. He leapt to his feet and slammed his shield into Hawkeye, who could only dodge quickly.

Eagle Eye uses the handrails and walls of stairs to keep her body balanced and stable. Counter the captain's offense with fast and accurate kicks. Every kick was full of power and drove the captain back.

Undeterred, the captain responded immediately, launching a fierce attack at Hawkeye with a continuous combination of punches and kicks. His fist struck Hawkeye's body like lightning, sending a violent impact. Hawkeye tries to dodge, but the captain's attack speed and accuracy prevent him from completely dodging.

As the battle progresses, the captain gradually finds a flaw in Hawkeye. He noticed that Hawkeye's defense was a little weak, so he kept increasing the intensity and frequency of his attacks. The captain's punches and kicks were continuous, hitting Hawkeye's body, causing him to gradually fall into passivity.

Hawkeye felt himself being suppressed, and he knew that if he didn't act, he would be able to turn the tide of the battle. He concentrates and tries to fight back against the captain.

At the moment when Hawkeye punched, the captain threw his shield.

There was a thud and the shield slammed into Hawkeye's body.

"Get some sleep, Clinton." The captain's fist quickly followed, knocking Hawkeye unconscious.


After Andre used his telekinesis to blast away a group of Zetari infantry, Andrei felt a powerful spiritual energy coming towards him, and he immediately launched a psychic defense, trying to resist the power of this mental control. He closed his eyes tightly and gathered his mind, ready to confront the enemy's spiritual power.

"This time, you won't have any more helpers." The supergiant's gaze was fierce, and her psychic power filled the battlefield, trying to invade the depths of Andrei's mind.

Andre resolutely resists the supergiant's psychic attacks. His telekinesis unfolded rapidly, forming an invisible barrier to resist the supergiant's intrusion. His mind is full of firmness and self-confidence, and no one is allowed to encroach on his inner world.

"Get out of here!" Andre opened his eyes and glared at the supergiant.

The power of the two unfolded a fierce duel in the realm of the mind. Superstar tries to invade Andrei's mind and take control of his consciousness and make him his puppet. Andre, on the other hand, struggled to stay awake, combining his willpower with telekinesis to fend off the supergiant's attack.

Superstar's psychic powers are constantly surging, and she tries to find Andrei's weak point and further strengthen her control. Her gaze was sharp and cold, and she knew that if she could successfully invade Andrei's mind, she would be able to tilt the scales of war to a certain extent.

Andre felt the pressure increase, and he went all out to fend off the supergiant's attack. He used telekinesis to create a powerful barrier in the mental space, sealing out the supergiant's spiritual power. His mind became firm and clear, and he was determined not to be controlled by a superstar.

The battle continues in the realm of the mind, with Superstar constantly trying to disrupt Andrei's resistance, while Andre struggles to keep his willpower and mind clear. His telekinesis and supergiant's spiritual power were intertwined, forming a fierce battle of minds.

"Do you think I'm still defensive? Then you'd be wrong.

Andre felt the superstar's psychic power, and he immediately fought back. He gathered the power of the telekinesis, condensed a shockwave of telekinesis, and then quickly threw it towards the supergiant.

Supergiant's eyes became heavy, and she tried to dodge, but Andre's attack was extremely fast, and the shockwave hit her body accurately.

A powerful blast of energy erupted, and the supergiant was knocked back a few steps, her grip loosening slightly.

André didn't stop there, he condensed the shockwave once more, and launched an attack on the supergiant with greater power. His telekinesis formed a beam of energy that shot like lightning towards the supergiant.

Supergiant couldn't dodge and was hit directly by the energy beam, and she was shocked out of the way, hitting the wall with a huge dent.

"I don't need to be completely resisted, as long as I defeat you before I am controlled, and it's all over." Andrei smiled evilly.

André didn't stop attacking, using telekinesis to control the objects around him, throwing them at the supergiant. Chairs, tables, shards, countless objects were manipulated by Andre's telekinesis, and smashed towards the supergiant like a torrential rain.

Superstar struggled to fend off, using her mental powers to fend off flying objects, but the sheer number of attacks overwhelmed her. She was forced to keep backing and trying to maintain her defenses.

"Looks like you're not fully recovered from your injuries."

Andre seized the opportunity to launch a more violent attack, and his telekinesis continued to surge, forming a powerful energy storm that enveloped the supergiant star. The storm carried a squalling wind and lightning, mercilessly tearing through the supergiant's mental defenses.

Superstar gritted her teeth, she resisted with all her might, but her power had been gradually suppressed by Andre. She felt that she couldn't resist it, her mental strength collapsed, and her body trembled.

In the end, Andrei's telekinesis completely suppressed the supergiant's psychic power. Supergiant collapsed to the ground, struggling feebly, completely under Andre's control.

"Your control is over." Andrei's voice is full of power and confidence.

Superstar looked up weakly, she knew she had failed, her plans shattered. But in her eyes, there was still a sparkle of determination.

"You... Still can't be stopped... Their arrival. She said reluctantly.

Andrei's brow furrowed slightly, he knew that the "they" that Superstar was referring to were referring to the Zitari Legion, and the battle had just begun.

"Zetari with Loki?"

"Ahem! Cough! Cough! Cough! Superstar grinned meaningfully.


"You're my opponent?" The Electric Man calmly looked at the mysterious man who was blocking his way.

Casillas smiled, the aura of darkness permeating him. He raised his palm, and the power of the dark magic began to surge, summoning a giant octopus whose tentacles struck the Electro Man.

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