Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 118 Don't ask about the past

Adam handled the matter of Odin's death neatly. After holding a funeral for Odin, he arranged all the remaining matters to his subordinates. The whole process took less than five hours.

After everything was dealt with, Adam once again descended to the earth through the rainbow bridge, and this time the descending place was no longer New York, but the seaside of Norway.

"Why is the seal still there?" Adam looked up at the air in mid-air.

There was clearly nothing in the air, but Adam seemed to see something that disgusted him, and his face was full of anger.

"Honey, you're here."

A black hole suddenly appeared in mid-air, sucking Adam in. Adam only felt a slight dizziness before appearing in his mother's arms.

"Mom, Odin..."

"Forget everything about Odin, the past is past, don't pursue it anymore."

Adam opened his mouth, and before he could finish speaking, the Goddess of Death interrupted him again.

"I seem to understand something."

Adam nodded, and did not mention Odin again.

It seems that the Goddess of Death knew the news of Odin's death, and Odin's death was also inseparable from him.

But no matter what, Adam believes that the goddess of death will not harm him, so there is no need to investigate further. Since Odin is dead... let's die.

"It's very important now. I will be able to merge with the godhead within three years at the earliest." The goddess of death's tone was a little hasty. "So we shouldn't be able to contact you for the past three years, and your contract summoning technique shouldn't be able to be used on me either."

Adam didn't speak, just leaned against the arms of the goddess of death, quietly enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by maternal love.

The Goddess of Death hugged Adam, rubbed Adam's hair, and said after a while, "Before Carrie brings my godhead back to you, you have to be good."

Although the Goddess of Death didn't say it clearly, Adam understood what she meant, which was to keep herself from causing trouble during this period of time, because she couldn't be her backing for the time being.

"Mom, I will miss you." Adam arched in the arms of the goddess of death.

"Okay, I will try to speed up the process." The goddess of death said, her eyes were red.

The goddess of death, who shocked the entire universe with her ruthlessness, was like an ordinary weak woman in front of Adam.

It is said that women are inherently weak, but mothers are strong, but it seems to be reversed in the goddess of death. Before becoming a mother, the goddess of death has never known weakness, let alone tears.

"let's go."

The Goddess of Death cried out, and Adam was thrown out of the small dark space.

Adam looked up at the mid-air and blinked his eyes. The moisture in his eyes disappeared quickly, and the Supreme Throne appeared below him.

"Mom! You threw Adam out!"

"I haven't spoken to him yet!"


However, Jiali's unyielding voice came from the sealed space.

The supreme throne carried Adam,

Accompanied by the golden light flying in the sky, the speed a hundred times faster than the speed of sound did not make Adam's hair messy, and invisible forces guarded Adam.

Because of the disturbance of Odin's death, Adam had to leave the matter to Balder and return to Asgard, and when Adam returned to New York again, it was late at night.

Walking into the empty villa, Adam felt the breath here before, the Terminator had come back.

"I hope you will bring people back to me directly, not a message."

After Adam took a bottle of wine, sat on the sofa and snapped his fingers, a picture of the news appeared on the TV.

"A famous rich man in the United States, the current chairman of the Stark Group, Iron Man Tony Tucker, was attacked by a terrorist wearing a strange device during a racing competition."

"It is reported that Mr. Stark turned into Iron Man and subdued terrorists. For more information, please transfer to the frontline report."

"Hi everyone, this is frontline reporting, I'm reporter Jenny..."

The TV was showing a messy racing track, several racing cars were dismembered and placed on the ground messily, and a blond reporter with thick lips was chattering endlessly.

Adam sipped his wine, his thoughts already elsewhere.

The guy who attacked Stark seems to be a relatively well-known villain, nicknamed 'Sangbian', what's his real name...I can't remember it for now.

It seems that this guy is also a very talented scientist, independently developed Iron Man's energy system, and the working environment is not very good.

If I catch this guy and ask him to study formations instead, can he help me decipher the coordinates of the universe and build a teleportation formation across the universe?

Adam thought for a minute, and felt that the possibility was unlikely. Even Iron Man himself could not build a teleportation array in a short time.

I hope to put it on Murdoch, and hope that Aurora will persuade him as soon as possible.

The news on television turned to yet another attack.

"Like an upright lizard with sharp claws..."

"I was on the viaduct at the time and I saw the lizard attack a car and he easily tore the car's shell apart."

"Absolutely an evil experiment, someone is responsible for this attack! I don't know what the government has done with taxpayers' money!"

The reporter interviewed several witnesses and was about to make a summary when the signal was cut off.

"This should be the plot of The Amazing Spider-Man, right?" Adam's expression was a little astonished. "Sarah's seems this universe is not a movie series."

Adam's current strength can no longer benefit from the plot of The Amazing Spider-Man, so he simply ignored it and changed the channel directly.

Watching the moaning plot on TV, the corners of Adam's mouth curled into a perfect arc, the American premium channel... a bit interesting.

When Adam was admiring the American homemade dick, the lizard man who had just appeared on TV was going through a terrible torture.

"Dr. Kurt Connors, I really appreciate your research." Lin Xiao was small and wearing a black cloak. "I sincerely invite you to work for me and continue to develop lizard serum."

"This is a mistake...cough...kid, the formula for the serum is wrong." The one-armed man with a bare upper body is none other than Dr. Kurt Connors, a lizard doctor who has just untransformed, and there are still sticky spots on his body. liquid. "Thank you very much for the research funds you provided before, but this experiment really can't continue anymore, it's out of control today, almost..."

"Of course experiments are accompanied by some risks, but we can't stop studying these sciences that can make people progress because we are afraid of failure." Lin Xiao's immature face is full of serious expressions. "So I hope you will continue to research and find a formula that can preserve sanity and increase strength."

Behind Lin Xiao were two adults in black robes. Judging from the mysterious fluctuations emanating from them, they should be two magicians.

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