Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 124 The Collapsed Lin Xiao

After Lin Xiao regained consciousness, he found that he was the only one thrown in the small house. Looking around carefully, he found that it was an abandoned factory building, and the two policemen had disappeared.

Lin Xiao got up from the ground, checked his body carefully, and found a few needle holes on his arm.

What did those two cops inject me with?

Are they really the police?

Lin Xiao walked out of the factory slowly with endless doubts and pain in his heart.

The sun shone on Lin Xiao's face, but his heart was filled with endless coldness. Outside the factory was a wild weed field.

Blood flowed all over the ground, and four old corpses were placed in front of Lin Xiao's eyes.


Lin Xiao looked at the four corpses, endless pain filled his heart, and the hideous and terrifying voice sounded again.

"Third time, Grandpa."

"Fourth time, Grandma."

"Fifth time, Grandpa."

"Sixth time, grandma."

Trembling, Lin Xiao walked to the four corpses and checked the cause of death.

"It's... it's me?"

The throats of the four corpses were covered with tooth marks, and Lin Xiao's mouth still smelled of blood. He thought it was the two policemen who broke his lips, but now it seems.

"It's not me, I don't, it's impossible!"

Lin Xiao whispered while walking in the wilderness with slow steps.

"The game is over, judgment, failure."

In the basement of the New York villa, Lin Xiao was lying on the ground, crying tears.

"It's really not me! I didn't kill it!"

"Trust me! I didn't!" Lin Xiao cried while hugging Adam's thigh.

"Okay, okay, I believe you." Adam communicated with the system while perfunctory.

"Luoluo, are you done?"

"The system has been eaten, and this traverser is probably useless."

Adam glanced at Lin Xiao, who appeared to be only five or six years old, and said, "Good boy, close your eyes."

Lin Xiao closed her eyes obediently, and kept saying, "It's not's not me..."


Adam's palm lightly patted Lin Xiao's head, and the task was completed.

"To be honest, I always feel like a villain." Adam pushed away the corpse that was still hugging his thigh, looked at the young corpse that was only five or six years old, and said, "If it weren't for knowing that this guy wanted to develop the t-virus, it would have already killed him." Countless people have died, and I really can't bear to do it."

"The task is complete, please take your reward."


The draw is over.

Item: Ability Extraction Card

Introduction: It can extract the ability of his life from a corpse that has been dead for less than half an hour,

Then save it in a card. Using the card again, you can give the extracted ability to others.

"Luoluo, can you just give me what you want to give me next time?" Adam said with black lines all over his head, "Is it interesting to have a lottery?"

"Master, being able to draw the ability extraction card is entirely due to your luck and has nothing to do with the system."

Believe me, I'm a fool!

Adam pouted, took out the card he just got, and aimed at the corpse on the ground.

A black card the size of a bank card emitted a burst of light that enveloped the corpse on the ground. A pair of eyes appeared on the card, and the corpse on the ground disappeared without a trace.

"It also has the function of destroying corpses and destroying traces, not bad."

Adam looked at the introduction on the back of the card.

A pupil technique that can control others, it is extremely powerful, please use it with caution.

"Balder, send this card back to Asgard and give it to Aurora, she knows how to use it."

Adam held out the card in his right hand, and Baldr's figure appeared directly in the direction where he handed out the card. It seemed that Adam's summoning skills had become more and more proficient.

"Tell her." Adam put the card into Baldr's hand, and said seriously: "Convince Murdoch first, and then ask Murdoch to study the coordinates I left for me and build a teleportation circle. Convince Murdoch After that, let her talk to Heimdall more."

"Your Majesty, are you worried about Heimdall?" Balder looked at Adam with a smile. "As long as there is that sword as a key, anyone can operate the Rainbow Bridge, and I will actually use the Rainbow Bridge."

"But you can't monitor the Nine Realms, you can neither see nor hear, so it can only be used as a teleportation array?" Adam rolled his eyes.

"Okay." Baldr nodded and shouted to the sky: "Heimdall, take me back!"

"You idiot, you can't go outside the house!"

Adam was speechless watching a big hole appear out of thin air on the roof of the second floor of the villa. The sunlight passed through the big hole and shone all the way to the basement.

The Terminator's head popped out of the hole, looked at Adam in the basement and said, "Master, it seems that this place cannot be lived."

"You arrange it, I'll go out for a walk first." Adam jumped up, appeared directly on the roof of the villa through the big hole, turned back and said to the Terminator: "Find a way to help me determine the location of the space gem, aren't you Hydra?" Is there an undercover agent in S.H.I.E.L.D.? That guy named Alexander Pierce has a high status, so he should be able to find out."

After Adam finished speaking, he disappeared on the roof of the villa. The Terminator looked at the empty roof and said, "I've already checked. That one-eyed dragon is so well hidden that Pierce can't find it."

The Terminator took out the phone, first made a call, asked someone to re-arrange a residence for him, and then pressed a number that he hadn't called in more than ten years.

"Hey, Spider, I need you to help me find something."

In a sewer in New York, Spiderman opened his eyes, but he forgot why he was here. After thinking about it for a while, I should have come to find the trace of the lizard monster, right?

The supreme mage erased everyone's memory about Lin Xiao, which would distress many people because they had done a lot of things for unknown reasons.

"Look here, the original sewer has been changed into a lizard nest, where did so many lizards come from? I never heard of a pet store being stolen." Spider-Man said to himself, leaning on the wall, observing the surroundings. environment.

"But where did that big lizard hide? Or did he go out again?" After finding no one here, Spider-Man fell to the ground, walked to the experimental equipment, and saw Dr. Lizard's experimental records. "Why do I always feel like I've been here before?"

"The thirty-second experiment, the experimental target was strengthened again, and gained the ability of biological invisibility..."

"The creature is invisible! Is he pursuing other powers!"

At this time, a tall figure emerged from a corner, it was Dr. Lizard.

"Got you Spider-Man!"

A pair of iron clips protruded from the lower part of the instrument, quickly cuffing Spider-Man's ankles.

"Ahhh! That's terrible." Spider-Man knew he had been tricked, and the next moment a paralyzing electric current spread throughout his body.

Dr. Lizard fixed Spider-Man to the wall with a steel bar, and said, "It seems that you don't remember anything?"

"Hehe, don't you want to know anything." Spider-Man mocked: "What should I remember?"

"It doesn't matter, my experiment will be successful soon, as long as the latest medicine is used, everyone will evolve!" Dr. Lizard said in a fanatical tone.


"Yes, evolution like me, no longer has the trouble of residual limbs, whether it is strength, speed or vitality are greatly enhanced, and more and stronger abilities can be evolved! That is a more advanced species, more advanced than humans Much more!" Dr. Lizard said: "Although the resurrection of the dead you proposed failed, but my lizard potion is more perfect, it is really a perfect decay rate algorithm."

"Come on! People nowadays are not willing to become a big lizard like you!" Spiderman tried to break free from the steel bars on his body while facing Dr. Phoenix Lizard.

"You're right, human beings are very stubborn, so I want to evolve a group of people first. When people see the power of the new race, they will naturally not refuse to evolve." Dr. Lizard took out a potion at this time, facing The lizards in the cage fell down, and the dark green mist was quickly absorbed by the lizards. Dr. Lizard released the lizards from the cage.

"My God!" Spider-Man looked at the changes in front of him. Those little lizards had grown up, each of them was half a meter tall, and changed from crawling to walking upright. Perhaps their intelligence had improved, just like newborns Curious about everything around.

"Hahahaha, I knew I was right! The initial evolution has been completed, and the next step is to let them grow up." Dr. Lizard laughed and took out another potion and fed them to the little lizards one by one.

"That sucks!" said Spider-Man, "but I always feel like I'm forgetting something important."

"Forget it." Dr. Lizard looked at Spider-Man, sighed and said, "Oh, Peter, you are indeed much better than me, but I never thought you would have such a crazy idea."

"What the hell are you talking about? How did you recognize me? What crazy idea?"

Spider-Man finally determined that he forgot something, and he hoped to get some news from Dr. Lizard.

"Peter, I know what I did was wrong, but I have no turning back. After all, the responsibility of a new race has appeared on my shoulders." Doctor Lizard looked at the lizardmen around him tenderly, and said to Spider-Man Said: "Anyway, he's gone, so don't continue to study those viruses. Whether it's the T virus or the G virus, that is the disaster that will destroy mankind."

"What the hell are you talking about!" Spiderman felt some pain in his brain. "Stop talking to yourself there, I don't understand what you're talking about at all! What about this virus and that virus, I've never studied any viruses!"

"I understand that feeling. If I hadn't been used to keeping a video diary, I wouldn't have thought of these things." Dr. Lizard smiled with his mouth open, his sharp teeth looked extremely ferocious.

Dr. Lizard turned around and patted his paw on his computer. He laughed and said, "Hahaha, but I'll just keep these memories by myself."

"A fish that slipped through the net?"

"Do that old woman a favor, and pay the time gem in advance."

Three thousand words... It's not that I intentionally have an uneven number of words, or I can't stop writing.

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