Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 12 The Lie of Mephitos

"Who are you? I seem to have seen you before. It feels so familiar." Carrie opened her eyes, stood up, walked to Adam's side, gently took Adam's arm, and faced the demon Toby on the opposite side. Ask: "Have I met you?"

Toby immediately put on a look of surprise, and said to Carrie tenderly, "Oh, baby, you still remember Dad!"

"What?" Carrie's eyes widened, and she said in disbelief, "You are my father?"

"Yes, child." There was a gloomy look in Toby's eyes, and he lowered his head and stated: "I was originally a demon noble in hell, until one day I met your mother, that holy and gentle girl..."

"Enough." Adam interrupted Toby's performance. "You liar, what do you want to do?"

"Hehe, sure enough, no one believes that demons can love." Toby lowered his head, his young body trembling slightly, his voice seemed so helpless.

Then Toby raised his head, his red eyes filled with tears, and growled, "But I'm really in love with her! Although I'm in the dark, I yearn for the light more!"

Carrie trembled slightly, her hands tightly grasping the corner of Adam's clothes.

"Okay, Saint of Love Toby, now tell me your real name and your purpose." Adam patted Carrie lightly beside him, looked at the actor in front of him expressionlessly and said, "The energy in Carrie You don't have the slightest smell of demons, and your clothes are very familiar to me."

"Young man, why don't you want to believe me?" Toby made a heartbroken expression. "Love is great, it can cross races, and the beautiful girl next to you is the crystallization of my love."

"Okay, since you don't want to say it, let me say it." Adam dragged Carrie beside him behind him, blocking it tightly.

"Although I don't know why you happened to appear here, I guess you were attracted by Jiali's powerful energy because you happened to be nearby."

"My perception tells me that you are very powerful, but the energy in your body is indeed very weak. You should be someone's clone or projection."

"You are dressed like a demon leader I have heard, cunning, despicable, shameless, and despicable Mephitos."

The more Adam talked, the calmer Toby's expression became. When Adam finished speaking, Toby even clapped his hands.

"Smart little guy in Asgard, no one taught you to respect your seniors?" Toby showed a gentle smile on his calm face. "You have great potential. If I wasn't worried about Odin, I would really like to make you my knight."

"You hypocritical bastard admitted that you are afraid of Odin so frankly. It seems that you have been beaten by him, Mephitos." Adam also had a calm and gentle smile on his face. "I think you who are active on the earth should have been beaten by the ancient one more times, right?"

"Adam." Carrie gently tugged at the corner of Adam's clothes, with a worried expression on her face.

Adam touched the top of Carrie's head and said softly, "It's okay, I will protect you well."

"Your name is Adam, right?" A treacherous light flashed in Mephitos' eyes. "I heard that you are Hela's son. Speaking of which, I have a good relationship with Hela."

"You know my mother?" Adam raised his eyebrows, and said with some disdain: "With my mother's character, um, you always kneel when you speak in front of her, right?"

"As expected of the son of the Goddess of Death, your temper is just like your mother's." Mephitos didn't show any anger on his face, but looked at Adam with relief and said, "As confident and proud as your mother, plus Unprecedented huge potential, I seem to have seen you on the throne of Asgard in the future."

Mephitos is the god of lies, a god-level liar, a very good liar.

Always maintaining a friendly face, countless words of praise uttered from Mephitos' mouth,

As if Adam is the most perfect person in this world.

"The future king of Asgard, please allow the humble Mephitos to make a deal with you." Mephitos bowed to Adam and said sincerely: "If you are willing to give me that little girl, I would like to lead hell to kneel at your feet and become your loyal subordinate. Although the army of hell may not be placed in the eyes of the great you, this is a place where even Odin has never set foot, and it will be your credit book A big stroke."

Adam could swear to God that Mephitos was the best liar he'd ever seen.

But this can't change Adam's dislike for him. It's unforgivable that he dared to use the girl he likes as a bargaining chip!

Adam turned his head to comfort the little girl who was about to tear his clothes to pieces, but found that the little girl lowered her head, not daring to look at him at all.

Carrie clutched Adam's crumpled clothes tightly with her hands, lowered her head and her eyes were full of horror, for fear that Adam's eyes looking at her would not be as gentle as before.

Just when Jiali was worried and frightened, the voice as warm as sunshine came from her ear again.

"Silly girl, is that why you don't believe me?"

Carrie raised her head, and found that Adam looked at her as gently as ever, even more than before.

Carrie thought about it, maybe this extra thing is called... love.

Carrie was finally sure that not only did she love Adam, Adam also loved herself, which made Carrie full of strength.

Just like what Mephitos said just now, the power of love is great. At this moment, Carrie touched the secret in her mind.

Jiali only felt that her eyes went dark, and the scene in front of her had changed. She was standing alone in the universe, and in front of her was a great existence whose figure and appearance could not be seen clearly.

"Son, you're still awake."

"you are?"

"I am your grandfather, your mother's father."

"Shouldn't that be grandpa?"

"No, I gave birth to your mother, and your mother only had a father, but no mother. Your mother gave birth to you, and you only had a mother, but no father. So, I am your grandfather."

"My mother..."

"No, child, that humble bug-like thing in your mind is not your mother, she is just a carrier for you."

"Then where is my mother?"

"Let me tell you a story first."

"About my mother?"

"There is a lovely girl who lives on the earth. Her name is Ganata, and her nickname is Jiali. Like her father, Ganata has a very strong appetite, because she usually lives on the earth and has a great understanding of the earth. So I made a decision to "not eat the earth and its native organisms". Usually, Ganata often helps the earth resist external attacks, so the food source of Ganata is some alien invasive species on the earth. But as time goes by, her appetite is getting bigger and bigger..."


Jiali opened her eyes in bewilderment. Could it be explained by her large appetite?

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