Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 168 Adam Watching the Battle

Adam looked at the battlefield eagerly, and found that Wonder Woman was not Steppenwolf's opponent at all, and could only barely contend and remain undefeated.

Adam analyzed it, and found that Wonder Woman would lose to Steppenwolf sooner or later. The gap between the two was too great. Even if he made a move, he couldn't help Wonder Woman defeat Steppenwolf, so he held back the idea of ​​making a move. impulse.

Batman also descended from the sky and launched an attack on the demons.

A golden lightning flashed non-stop on the battlefield, and all the weak humans disappeared.

"This speed..." Adam's eyes widened. The Flash's speed surprised Adam a little. "The speed alone has reached the level of the main god!"

Wonder Woman continued to fight with Steppenwolf, and was always at a disadvantage. Steppenwolf attacked unhurriedly, ordering the demons to find the rescued humans.

As a human being, Batman can be considered very powerful, but it is a bit difficult to fight against these demons.

Adam discovered that these demons can not only fly by themselves, but also have technologically-sounding guns in their hands, which are not insignificant.

After careful analysis and comparison, Adam found that these inner membranes were stronger than Chitauri's army because their bodies were stronger.

Batman fell into a disadvantage, and he couldn't beat a few demons.

Adam's eyes shifted again, and he found that Wonder Woman was also sent flying by the Steppenwolf, and Victor disappeared from the field. Adam felt that he should go to comfort his father.

Wonder Woman was blown away by Steppenwolf, and the sword in her hand flew out, a golden lightning flashed, the sword appeared in Wonder Woman's hand, and the Flash appeared on the battlefield for the first time.

Adam watched The Flash lying on the ground, as if he had tripped, and couldn't help being a little funny.

The Flash must have been too fast, didn't grasp himself well, tripped over a pebble and fell to the ground.

Wonder Woman continued to reluctantly fight Steppenwolf, while Batman summoned a huge chariot, and relied on the huge firepower on the chariot to suppress a large number of demons.

Wonder Woman was sent flying by the Steppenwolf again, and Adam felt a little distressed watching it.

Several Gatling machine guns appeared on Batman's chariot, firing non-stop at the Steppenwolf, repelling the Steppenwolf who wanted to continue attacking Wonder Woman.

Accompanied by the fierce battle, a large number of cracks appeared on the surrounding walls, and the Steppenwolf looked at these cracks.

You must know that this is an underground pipeline. If it collapses, it will be flooded.

I don't know what Steppenwolf was thinking. He didn't have the urge to kill these opponents with his own hands. Instead, he broke the surrounding walls, took his own demons, and left here through the sonic boom channel.

The mother box is a tool made by Apocalypse Technology, which can open the "pop sound channel", through which people can move over a distance.

This sonic boom channel is similar to the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, but the gap is not small.

Rainbow Bridge Exposure can take people to travel over a distance and can also directly function as a weapon, which can easily cut a planet in half.

Adam thought proudly in his heart,

Watch as Steppenwolf leads his men disappear into the pipes.

"Get out of here quickly!" Victor's figure appeared on Batman's chariot. "I'm going to operate this thing!"

Batman's chariot can play a role in various venues because the chariot can ignore the terrain.

The chariot climbed on the wall like a reptile, and Wonder Woman, Batman, and Flash were all hung on the chariot, and they climbed up the pipe with the chariot.

The wall has been broken, and a large amount of water gushes out, submerging everything around it violently.

Seeing that Batman and others were about to be submerged in the water before they could escape in time, the figure of Aquaman appeared in the water, and jumped in front of the water flow, holding the Aquaman's three-pronged fork that could control the flow of water and pestle it to the ground.

Neptune looked hard, Neptune's three prongs were on the ground, sparks were all ground out.

The water flow was trapped in mid-air by an invisible force and could not move forward. The Batmobile also took advantage of this situation and quickly climbed up.

"Persist...can't hold on anymore!"

Haiwang looked constipated, and the veins on his face burst out. He let go of the weapon with both hands weakly, and his whole body was submerged in water.

Batman and others have climbed to a sufficient height with the time gained by Neptune.

"The Justice League has gathered, and I have no ability to help them defeat the Steppenwolf, nor can I prevent them from resurrecting Superman." Adam's strength has returned to the legendary level, so he is not too afraid of the water, and sits cross-legged in the water. "I need a stronger force to ensure that I can grab the mother box."

Adam did not follow Batman and others, but flew towards Northern Europe at the fastest speed.

Adam needs to organize a sacrifice, and he needs to gain more powerful power through this sacrifice.

Batman and others returned to the base, and after welcoming Aquaman, everyone began to be in a daze.

They were no match for the Steppenwolves at all, not to mention getting back the two mother boxes that were taken away, and no one had the confidence to protect the remaining mother box.

But no matter what, always hold the mother box in your hands.

Following Victor, everyone embarked on the road to find the mother box.

Steppenwolf led his men to a relatively remote place in Northern Europe, relying on these two mother boxes to build a relatively basic altar.

Wait for Steppenwolf to get the third mother box, and put all three mother boxes on the altar, and the mother boxes will fuse to produce powerful power.

This powerful force will destroy the entire earth and convert it into the energy needed by the mother box.

Steppenwolf did the same thing last time, but it was a pity that it was destroyed by the three races led by the gods, and even the mother box was taken away by the three races led by the gods.

Adam found Steppenwolf when he arrived in Northern Europe, but he ignored it.

Anyway, Adam is not currently Steppenwolf's opponent, and he can't stop him from doing anything he wants. Moreover, Steppenwolf doesn't know Adam, so he won't stop Adam from doing anything the Steppenwolf wants to do.

Everyone does not violate the river, you will be your mother box altar, and I will be my Asgard altar, hello, hello, everyone.

Adam's altar is very simple, it is only made of ordinary stones, and these stones are built into a large circular platform, covering an area of ​​more than ten meters.

Adam painted mysterious and unusual lines on this huge platform, and these lines formed a huge eye-shaped object.

If you look closely at these lines, you will find that they are very similar to the lines formed by the Rainbow Bridge.

It took Adam only two hours to complete the construction of the altar. Standing on the top of the altar, he glanced at the place where the Steppenwolf was from a distance, and a sneer appeared on Adam's face.

"When I regain my strength..."

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