Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 197 The Naughty Clown Clown

"Come on! Soldiers!" As the army prepared to meet the opponent's next round of charge, General Hidman cheered for his soldiers, "Good news has come from the White House, as long as we survive this round Attack, backup will be here soon!"

This is a lie, they are out of reinforcements. There is still no movement at the White House, all the troops in the world are retreating steadily, and they are the last troops in this city.

A soldier asked hesitantly, "General...they say Superman is dead, is that true?"

The general was taken aback for a moment, and fell silent.

"They say the Justice League lost the day after the enemy came down, and they were all dead. But if they can we win?"

The atmosphere turned freezing point in an instant, and these are questions that everyone is avoiding these days, because they are like cruel and bloody reality, and no one has enough courage to face them.

General Hidman was silent for a while, did not answer, and only said in a low voice: "In ten minutes, be ready for battle."

Just when this world was already desperate enough, the ruler of darkness descended, giving the world that was already standing on the edge of the abyss of despair the last push. He had a dark and burly figure, and he descended from the sky from the domineering beam of light, and the moment his footsteps landed, even the ground trembled.

"General!" stammered the correspondent, " have to see this."

General Hidman took a deep breath, and when he came to the screen monitoring the frontline pictures, he couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

I saw the dark demon god in the picture stepping towards his army like the ultimate king, and any obstacles were smashed by the dark red energy beams shot from his eyes.

Their tank troops were disintegrated instantly under the destructive energy strafing, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

The formation of targeted fighter jets tried to dodge, but the light clung to the back of the fighter jets as if they were alive and turned together, as if it had been written into the tracking program, so the air force was also wiped out immediately, in less than ten seconds.

General Hidman sat down slumped. He felt his throat dry and smoked, and he couldn't even speak a word. He couldn't order his men to bravely go out on top, because he knew it would be pointless, and it would only take a second for the black god to wipe out the rest of his troops - maybe less.

They are finished, and so is the planet.

The boy who woke up from the ruins also saw all this,

He flew into the sky, just about to charge into battle.

"Did you see it?" A strange voice rang in the boy's ear. "This would be your future without my intervention."

Before the boy could say anything, he suddenly found that the scene in front of him had changed.

However, suddenly, that invincible black demon god suddenly stopped in his tracks. He raised his head, roared as if in extreme pain, and dark red light gushed out from his nose, nose and mouth. Then suddenly, his whole body shattered, like a balloon full of air bursting from the inside out. A terrifying energy beyond human cognition was released towards the sky, and disappeared behind the clouds in a moment.

The dark monsters became restless, and the fall of their leader obviously caused quite a commotion.

They scurry around like headless chickens for more than a minute, and then several huge vortices opened up in the sky above the city.

The group of monsters didn't want to destroy any more, they scrambled into the vortex in the air, and withdrew completely within ten minutes.

General Hidman stared dumbfounded at what happened on the monitor, and the entire headquarters maintained a period of silence, so quiet that even a needle could be heard clearly.

The invaders are gone, they are victorious.

The Supreme Throne stopped emitting green light, and Superman slowly opened his eyes.

"Without me, you'd be dead again right now." Adam looked at Superman. "You can't save the earth, the only one who can save it is me, only faith!"

Superman took a deep look at Adam. His emotions were still immersed in the doomsday scene he had seen before. Hearing Adam's words, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Although Adam hoped to resolve the matter here as soon as possible, but it was not too late, sitting on the supreme throne, quietly waiting for Superman's choice.


After Adam left the Marvel universe, the clown avatar did not listen to Adam's words and went to practice honestly, but returned to the DC universe immediately after.

Adam's previous behavior has completely opened up the two single universes of the Marvel Universe and the DC Universe. The clown clone with part of Adam's power can naturally return to the DC Universe through the teleportation array.

The clown clone knows that Adam will turn the DC universe into a belief breeding ground for the goddess of death. If he doesn't hurry up, he may never have the chance to play games with his favorite Batman, so he has to hurry up and play with Batman again. make a game.

In a narrow and dark corridor, there is an iron cage that looks like a large container.

It is better to call it an iron prison than an iron cage.

Because in this iron cage, ten lovely and pitiful little girls were imprisoned in it.

The thick and gloomy chains tightly fastened the door of the iron cage, as if permeated with the word despair.

Near the iron cage, eight armed gangsters with guns stood guard here.

The commander of these eight armed criminals is the famous Gotham City, the super villain who is as famous as Batman - the clown.

The clown is no longer the clown he once was. After merging with Adam's clone, not only the consciousness of Adam's clone was polluted by the clown's chaotic will, but the clown's meaning was also affected by the consciousness of Adam's clone.

Although the idea of ​​the clown clone is still as crazy as before, advocating chaos is the real fairness, but now it has a little more arrogance, a kind of instinctive arrogance of a higher life form.

At this moment, the clone of the clown is holding a black pistol, pacing leisurely in front of the iron cage, looking at him, it seems that he is waiting for someone to arrive.

The clown avatar has learned about the Justice League through the Internet, and Batman has brought the members of the Justice League back to Gotham City, so the clown will make this arrangement.

The clown avatar didn't inform Batman of what happened here through any channels, but he knew that Batman would definitely know what happened here and would come to meet him.

The real Joker has died at the hands of Adam's clone, and Wonder Woman and Batman and others know about this.

After seeing Adam's powerful power, how could it be impossible for them to come to see themselves, a dead person, let alone themselves who died at the hands of someone with that power.

Gradually, the number of citizens in front of the narrow passage became more and more.

From a few at the beginning, to dozens later, to hundreds now.

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