Forty police officers were ready to go, just waiting for the next order from Director Gordon, who was in control of the situation.

The eight criminals were about to move, as if they would pull the trigger collectively in the next second without warning.

Just when the police and the gangsters were confronting each other and the war was about to start, Batman, the guardian of justice in Gotham City, finally arrived.

Director Gordon finally breathed a sigh of relief. Among the many policemen present, he may be the only one who knows that Batman has gone away.

I thought that Batman wasn't in the music scene, so I was in big trouble, but I didn't expect that luck was good, as soon as the clown made a noise, Batman arrived.

This time around, Batman's approach isn't as ostentatious as it used to be.

There are no high-tech Batmobiles printed on newspaper covers, and no black-winged bats flying around.

As the crowd turned their heads one after another, a tough man wearing a bat suit and a black cloak stepped steadily from behind the crowd.

The hundreds of civilians who had just left in a panic, after seeing the arrival of a large number of police officers and the arrival of Batman, immediately felt that there was enough security in their hearts, so they rushed to the scene of the case one after another.

Anyway, it was night at the moment, they had nothing important to do, and together with the excitement of large-scale cases, plus seeing the legendary dark knight Batman in real life, it was definitely not a boring night.

Soon, the scene of the crime was restored to its previous state, but there was a Batman wearing a mask and a group of police officers fighting criminals.

Director Gordon, who directed the operation, immediately felt a sense of relief after seeing that the situation was under control. ?The big rock hanging in my heart finally hangs down gently.

Batman, in the minds of the police force in Gotham City, is a good helper who is both trustworthy and will not disappoint.

"Batman, as expected, you are back."

The outline of the clown's mouth, which was originally ridiculously long and mixed with blood and white, became narrower and longer in an instant, presenting a ferocious smile like a devil.

"As you can see," Batman stopped in front of the Joker and asked in his hoarse voice, "what did you come to me for?"

As he spoke, Batman raised his arm and pointed to the iron cage where ten innocent little girls were imprisoned not far away: "Are you trying to exchange the lives of those ten little girls for my life?"

Hear Batman's words,

The clown couldn't help laughing twice.

In fact, Batman has a kind of feeling in his heart at this time. What the clown just said is that you are back, not that you are coming, which means that the clown knows that he was not in Gotham before.

How did the clown know this?

Batman can be sure that the Joker is definitely related to that Adam.

When Batman saw the clown, he was sure at first glance that the guy in front of him who had changed his appearance was indeed the familiar feeling of the clown. Batman was sure that he would not admit his mistake.

"To be honest, I'm still a little curious. If I threatened you with my own life in exchange for the lives of ten of them, what choice would you make?" The clown rolled his eyes like a confused child, Think about this exciting question.

"This question, you have to wait until you have a chance to think about it!"

As the muddy and heavy voice fell, Batman quickly took his vigorous and vigorous steps, intending to catch the psychopathic clown in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the cunning clown seemed to have anticipated the other party's actions, and quickly stepped back a few steps.

While backing away, he put his right hand into his pocket and took out a remote control the size of a smartphone screen.

Batman grabbed the clown's collar with one hand, raised the other hand high, and was about to knock out a few of the clown's teeth with a punch, but suddenly a suspicious remote control appeared in front of his eyes .

Being grabbed by the collar by the strong Batman, the clown couldn't breathe for a while.

When a normal person is out of breath, the expression on his face is undoubtedly intense pain and panic, but the clown in front of him seems to be a freak, the more he is out of breath, the more dry his red and white face is The shaking became more violent, which meant that his smile became brighter and brighter.

Seeing that the clown is holding a remote control in his hand, and his fingers are clinging to the surface of the red button, Batman can guess without thinking that there is a bomb with a huge lethality on the iron cage where ten little girls are imprisoned. was placed there quietly.

As long as the clown exerts a little force and moves his thumb down a distance of half a centimeter, the lives of those ten little girls will be eclipsed.

At this moment, Batman undoubtedly lost the upper hand, and the cunning clown once again gained the upper hand.

"Still...don't you let me down?" With a creepy friendly smile, the Joker shook the remote control in front of Batman's eyes.

Batman's anger turned to anger, but his sanity was not lost. He gave the clown a vicious look, and then threw him heavily to the ground.

Everything Batman does is to test the clown. After some actions, Batman can be 100% sure that the person in front of him is both a clown and not a clown.

It's not been a year or two since Batman and the clown fought, so he is very familiar with the clown. He dares to say that he is the person who is most familiar with the clown in this world except for the clown himself.

Batman is very sure after some hands-on just now, the guy in front of him is not a clown, because his physical fitness is not the same as that of the clown, his height and shape are completely different, he is a head taller than the clown, and the muscles on his body are also bigger than the clown Much more.

But after making eye contact, Batman can be 100% sure that the guy in front of him is definitely a clown. Looking at his eyes, no one in this world can have such crazy eyes like a clown.

The clown's physique is not strong, and his skills are not as vigorous as martial arts masters. After being thrown by Batman, he sat down on the ground without any suspense.

All that the clown did was intentional. He is Adam's clone now, and possesses a certain amount of divine power of Adam and the powerful body of the previous clone. He had to act like he was vulnerable.

For the clown, the game he wants to play has never been a confrontation by force. The clown considers himself a smart man and regards the smart Batman as his lifelong opponent.

This time I feel that I have no chance to see Batman again, so I come to play a game with Batman. Of course, I will not use force to suppress Batman, but play with Batman relying on wisdom.

Because he had enough chips in hand, the clown stood up slowly, patted the dust on his pants, and faced Batman in front of him, fearlessly and calmly.

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