Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 204 The Clown's Real Purpose

The good show performed by the clown came to an end, and Batman was also brought back to Wayne Manor by Wonder Woman to meet up with the partners of the Justice League.

Adam withdrew his eyes from watching the show, and focused all his attention on the opposite Superman.

"How long do you have to think?" Adam, who had always been impatient, finally got a little impatient.

"I figured it out." Superman opened his eyes, and there was only the word firm in his eyes. "I will not give up on the earth, nor will I give up on human beings. No matter how terrible the enemy is, I will give it a try."

"Even if you will die?"

Adam narrowed his eyes.

"Even if I die!"

Superman smiled, and Adam saw the gentle sunshine in this smile.

"Then, let's go." Adam waved his hand. "Hope you can save your world."

Superman froze for a moment. He thought Adam would attack him, but he didn't expect Adam to let him go. Could it be that he misunderstood Adam?

After the disappearance of Superman, Adam first came to the universe and destroyed the Apocalypse warship near the earth.

Adam sat cross-legged on the Supreme Throne, and the Twilight Sword appeared in his right hand, as if he was waving the sword carelessly.

Countless sword lights appeared in the universe, forming a criss-crossing sword net, enveloping Steppenwolf's spaceship.

"I declare that you are guilty."

Adam yelled quite a bit, with a mischievous smile on his face.

Accompanied by Adam's voice, the sharp sword net cut the spaceship into countless pieces, and along with the undercurrent in the universe, it was washed everywhere.

Adam frowned, he was not a garbage maker.

After a snap of the fingers, all the fragments were thrown onto the sun along with the blue light, and turned into invisible blue smoke in an instant.

After doing all this, Adam returned to Earth again, this time in a dark corner of Gotham City.

"Why did you let me let Superman go?" Adam looked at the clone of the clown who came here privately to play games,

There is no obvious expression on his face, so people don't know what he is thinking.

"Master Summoner!"

Before the clown could speak, Aurora had already swooped towards Adam and plunged into Adam's arms.

"If you don't play with Sister Jiali, what are you doing here?" Holding Aurora in his arms, Adam finally showed a smile on his face, and gently pinched Aurora's small face.

The clown clone stood aside with a smile on his face and didn't speak. He knew that now was not the time for him to answer questions.

Aurora twisted her body in Adam's arms and said coquettishly, "Sister Jiali said she was hungry and went to the universe to find something to eat. It would be boring for me to stay alone."

Aurora glanced at Adam's expression, and continued: "The clown said he has a plan that can help Lord Summoner conquer the faith of this universe faster."

"Really? Tell me."

Adam rubbed Aurora's hair, and looked at the clown clone.

"Faith comes from fear, and people don't have enough fear now." The clown showed a weird smile on his face, and said in a peaceful voice: "The death of Superman brought endless fear to people in this world before, but there are still bats. Heroes and Wonder Woman and others protect them, and we want to make them more fearful."

"So?" Adam probably understood what the clown meant, but he still didn't understand what the clown wanted to do. "Need for me to kill them in front of the world?"

"No, they need to let them kill themselves."

The clown smiled strangely and said, "Although the appearance of Wonder Woman disrupted my plans, I didn't intend to do anything to Batman. I just wanted to install a tracker on him."

The clown took out an instrument the size of a mobile phone from his pocket, on which was like a radar display system, a small red dot was shining brightly.

"We now know where they live. We just need to find a chance for Aurora to convince a few of them, and we can watch a civil war."

"Then I'll leave the matter here to you." Adam nodded.

For Adam, killing Superman and others directly is not a good choice, after all, these people can be regarded as the sons of luck of this plane.

If Adam did it himself, there would be more or less tainted with karma. Although he didn't care about these with his strength, it might be good to reduce some troubles.

"My lord, my strength is not enough." The clown probably arrived a long time ago, and Adam asked him to do this, and said with a smile: "We need to make the two sides of the Justice League split evenly, even if we can't die together, we must let the two sides of the Justice League be evenly matched. One side was killed and wounded."

Adam looked up to the sky, and Aurora followed Adam to the sky.

The clown scratched his face and looked up at the sky, but the clown couldn't see anything.

A figure emitting white light suddenly appeared in the sky, landed on the ground in less than a second, and knelt down in front of Adam on one knee.

"His Majesty."

Adam nodded, pointed at the figure and said to the clown: "This is Baldr, the god of light in Asgard. You must know him too. His strength is comparable to that of Superman, but his methods should be better than Superman's." a bit more."


The clown nodded, indicating that he understood what Adam meant.

Adam thought about it and felt a little unsafe. He was not worried about the clown and Baldr, but worried about Aurora's safety.

Although Aurora has the mutant ability of a saber-toothed tiger, her body is far superior to that of ordinary people, she is very strong, and has super recovery ability, but for superman and wonder woman, they have enough ability to completely kill Die Aurora.

"Let's do this." Adam snapped his fingers again, and the blue light on the Supreme Throne was more dazzling than ever before.

After the blue light dissipated, a strong man with a beard appeared in front of everyone, holding a hammer engraved with mysterious patterns in his hand.

"If there is anything to fight, let Chris go, and Baldr will stay with Aurora to protect her safety." Adam said to the clown: "Aurora is more important than this universe, I hope this You remember. If you want to play, I will let you play, but remember to go faster, my patience is not very good."

"As ordered."

The clown respectfully kneels down in front of Adam, and can understand the Adam in the clown's heart, knowing that the clown doesn't actually have any special feelings in his heart, and this kneeling is just a superficial effort.

"do not let me down."

Adam took a deep look at the clown, rode on the supreme throne, and disappeared in place.

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