Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 211 The Actions of the Lightning Killer

After the Flash left with the assassination list, Aurora's life fell into a period of peace before, but this was not the life Aurora wanted.

The ice cream and desserts are pretty good though.


Eric - Howard is a good politician, he likes the feeling of being needed, and he is determined to get better policies for the poor.

Although Eric is not sincere about North Korea, but for the votes of these poor people, he has been speaking for them. He plays a role by himself. After a long time, maybe he himself thinks that he is that role.

Just when Eric was about to give a speech, his assistant told him bad news. Recently, many politicians have been assassinated, and these guys are all his friends.

Eric and these politicians who have been assassinated have different political views. They have only one thing in common, that is, they support superheroes.

They believe that the police and the army cannot protect the people, so superheroes must exist. They admire a series of heroes such as Superman, Batman, and Green Arrow, and even propose that the country should come forward to organize an alliance about superheroes.

Eric actually looked down on these street heroes at all, but if the people needed them to support these heroes, there would naturally be a lot of votes.

The assistant told Eric that after everyone's analysis, these politicians who were assassinated and killed were all people who admired superheroes, and some super villains should have responded.

Eric pondered for a long time, and decided to go on stage to deliver his speech, because this is Metropolis and Superman's territory, and he doesn't believe that any super villain can hurt himself under Superman's nose.

"Dear friends, welcome to my speech."

Eric had a gentle and polite smile on his face.

"I believe that you all know me as you know Superman. Of course, I don't put myself in the same position as Superman. I just say that Superman and I actually have the same idea..."

"Superman doesn't pay to help people, and I also fight for people's interests..."

A non-nutritive but very popular speech kept popping out of Eric's mouth.

Eric, who was speaking, stopped suddenly, and the audience was still wondering what happened, only to see a big hole in Eric's head on the stage.

Not far from the podium, a guy in a yellow tights was wiping his index finger with a handkerchief.

"The 132nd."

Flash wiped off the blood on his finger, and left here with a smile on his face. He was getting closer and closer to his goal, and more than half of the guys on the list had been killed.


"I'm sure, everything that happened recently was done by Barry." With a gloomy expression on his face, Batman looked at Superman and Wonder Woman sitting opposite him.

"Someone has controlled the Flash." Superman's face is also very solemn. If it is true, Flash's movement speed is slightly faster than Superman. If Flash continues to kill like this without limit,

Not even Superman can stop him.

"We need to stop The Flash as soon as possible. Look at the news reports. People are panicking now." Wonder Woman's face was very ugly, because Eric, who died before, was an admirer of Wonder Woman and often appeared in the news. where the feats of Wonder Woman are touted.

"I have almost analyzed Flash's killing pattern. He should have a list, and the people on the list are those who support us." Batman said blankly: "I analyzed his next move based on his logic. A person who is going to be hurt, the Chief of the Metropolitan Police, Mr. George, Clark, you go and protect him."

"I will hide in the dark to protect Mr. George, and if there is no accident, I will bring The Flash back." Superman nodded confidently.

Batman nodded, and said to Wonder Woman: "I have notified Victor, but Aquaman is temporarily unavailable, and I need you to go and bring Aquaman back."

"You mean?" Wonder Woman's eyes widened.

"I think this is a conspiracy against us, and Aquaman and Cyborg will not be too safe now." Batman seemed to have a headache. "Victor will come over as soon as possible, but Neptune's phone can't get through at all. Maybe his phone is flooded."

"Then I'll go now." Wonder Woman nodded, stood up and was about to leave.

Batman didn't stop him, and waited until Wonder Woman left before saying to Superman: "Whether it's Steel Bone Victor or Sea King Arthur, I can't get in touch. As the king of Atlantis, Sea King is in the sea. There should be no danger, but the steel frame should be very unsafe."

Superman's face was a little dignified, he didn't know why Batman sent Wonder Woman away.

"I analyzed the enemy's behavior. They should start from the weakest. The Flash is the weakest among us, but after the enemy has killed them, it is not so easy to deal with." Batman's face was full. He said solemnly: "So if necessary, we can use some extraordinary measures."

"What do you mean?" Superman listened to the beating heart in Batman's chest, and had some bad premonitions in his heart.

"If there is no way to capture Flash alive, then we have to kill him." A cold light flashed in Batman's eyes. "I have prepared the sonic weapon. If you can't take down the Flash, I will have to activate the sonic weapon."


Superman's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that these words were spoken by Batman.

Batman is the dark knight of Gotham City, but he has always adhered to the principle of not killing people. He can use violent means to hurt criminals, but he will never hurt other people's lives. This is Batman's bottom line.

The premonition of uneasiness in Superman's heart became stronger and stronger. The Batman in front of him didn't seem to look like the Dark Knight. Could it be that he was really plunged into darkness by these blows.


In an abandoned factory in Gotham City, Steel Bone Victor has been turned into a pile of parts lying on the ground, next to the sneering Flash.

"After the Flash became the Flash Killer, he really is different." The Joker walked out from the dark corner. "Why did you kill him?"

"Because his skin color makes me uncomfortable, and besides, we don't need such a weak person." Flash looked at the clown coldly. "The potion you gave me, I have already injected Batman into his body without noticing."

"Everyone on the list has been killed, I need another list." The Flash at this time was a little scary.

"You don't need a list anymore, your next mission is to take Superman around."

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