Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 220 Doomsday Arrives

DC universe.

In April, this is the season of early spring, when all things are revived and all kinds of life are competing to bloom.

On this day, satellites from various countries detected ripple-like inexplicable fluctuations in the outer space of the earth. These fluctuations are extremely mysterious, like water ripples, transparent and somewhat blue, and as soon as they appear, they radiate towards the surroundings like ocean waves. Go, sweep the sky.

For a while, the countries were shaken and there was an uproar. They thought it was some unknown natural phenomenon of the universe. This phenomenon was immediately reported from the bottom to the top to the desks of the heads of state. Suddenly, various military and civilian satellites began to be urgently mobilized to this place. Get together and monitor this phenomenon comprehensively.

This is the end of history!

Various experts and scholars were called in to analyze and study this strange cosmic wonder, because some people suspected that it was a signal.

But after this strange fluctuation appeared for a long time, it suddenly became stronger, like a stormy sea, the originally small waves became huge and violent, radiating away to farther places, the space shook, and everyone The space stations and satellites of major countries will be shaken off their original tracks.

"Chirp..." A golden light shone like the scorching sun, as if a golden door had opened in the void, and countless figures appeared in the center of the ripples. Their faces were blurred, as if bathed in divine light. This violent fluctuation has no effect on them. It's just that these figures, just like the golden light just now, disappeared without a trace after only appearing for a while, and with the disappearance of these figures, there was also that violent unknown fluctuation.

Silently, without a trace, as if all this had never happened.

The monitoring rooms of various countries suddenly became silent, and the voices that were engaged in heated debates stopped.


Shocking inexplicable!

All of this happened too fast, as fleeting as lightning. If it weren't for the rapid development of science and technology in the past few years, these figures would not have been captured at all. All the countries that had satellites to capture this scene were all shocked. This simply subverted their previous understanding of the world.

what did they see

There are actually people who can appear in space with their physical bodies, and can also avoid satellite monitoring and disappear out of thin air. Although the satellite shot was very blurry, they were all convinced that it was a group of people.


Or the gods in myths and legends?

After the silence, there was a flurry of reporting and guessing.

The countries that monitored this scene are all in contact with each other, preparing to hold a United Nations General Assembly to discuss this matter. The impact of this matter is too great, and no one can calmly treat this kind of thing beyond human cognition.

And these humanoid creatures that brought everyone panic were the frost giants, and they appeared on the seaside of the earth instantly after passing through the tunnel.

"Why does the tunnel form a golden light and shadow over the earth?" Adam also followed the first army to the earth, and he was thinking at this time.

Frost giants are very powerful, and their individual abilities are much stronger than humans, but human weapons should not be underestimated, especially those legendary nuclear weapons.

After thinking for a moment, Adam decided to help the troops under his command.

The Supreme Throne shone with red light, and the power of the power gem instantly filled the entire earth. They instantly destroyed all technological weapons that Adam thought would pose a threat to the ice giant.

The various powerful weapons in the arsenals of countries and various dark forces in the world have all disappeared without a trace one after another.

There was no sign, no track to be found, and even the all-round surveillance did not capture where these weapons went, as if there was an invisible pocket that contained these weapons.

Nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, intercontinental missiles, and even tank bazookas, which were not too powerful, disappeared. They turned into a pile of powder and piled up in the corner. Although the launcher was still there, the shells were gone, and they became a pile of waste. Iron, only small fire weapons such as pistols and rifles remained.

In order to avoid domestic and international turmoil, countries kept it secret. When countries were about to remanufacture, they found that even the materials had disappeared, and even the arsenal had been cleaned and destroyed. All countries thought that something big might happen.

Because their intelligence departments have detected that it is not just one country that has happened, and to do this, even the five major countries in the world will not work together. In addition to what happened in space last time, countries have already had different Good feeling.

Ordinary people don't know all this. They still go to work normally, have fun and relax.

On a certain street in Gotham City, the battle between Batman and the Joker has come to an end, and the huge corpse of Batman after his transformation is lying on the side of the street and no one cares about it.

People don't know that this monster-like existence is the dark knight who has been guarding them in the dark. At this time, the guy standing on the monster's corpse, covered in golden light like an angel warrior, is actually a super villain, a clown.

"The main body is here, the game is over." The clown suddenly glanced at the corpse under his feet with some emotion. "Old Bat, a decent way to die may be the only thing I can give you. I let you die in battle like a warrior. I hope you in other universes don't have to encounter these things that are far beyond your understanding .”

On a beach by the sea, a beautiful lady is entwined in a gleaming milky white cocoon, she is Wonder Woman.

Baldr's figure appeared above the white cocoon, he reached out and grabbed the white sword, and walked towards the connected cosmic tunnel. He wanted to bring Wonder Woman back to the Marvel Universe, because he didn't want to do anything next. Let Wonder Woman know.

It is actually very simple for Adam to regain Wonder Woman, just let Aurora chat with her.

If Wonder Woman knows everything that happened on the earth in the DC universe, it may become extremely difficult for Aurora to chat, so it is better to let her know nothing.

"The next thing is up to you. Spreading the faith is mainly about killing." Adam nodded at Laufey, then turned and left the DC Universe. He still has to go to the Marvel Universe to find traces of Xiao Jianjian.

The army of ice giants is like a group of uncaged beasts, rushing towards the earth of the DC Universe.

They did not obey Adam's orders, they did not focus on spreading faith, but launched a brutal killing.

Because they are believers of the Goddess of Death, they can naturally distinguish who believes in the Goddess of Death and who is a creature that does not believe in the Goddess of Death.

All the army of biological ice giants who believed in the goddess of death chose to ignore them, and all the army of biological weapons who did not believe in the goddess of death chose to tear them apart. They did not have the slightest awareness of spreading belief, as if they were here to create and kill.

The end of the DC universe earth unfolded at the moment the frost giant set foot on the DC universe.

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