Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 25: Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow

Victor's attacks opened and closed, becoming more and more crazy, and he didn't care about the golden soldiers' attacks on him at all.

Adam saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to command the battle, but the battle scene changed several times before he even opened his mouth.

Battles of this level cannot be commanded with words, the most is to formulate tactics.

The IQ of the golden soldiers increases along with the improvement of their strength. The current golden soldiers are all stupid, and they only know how to beat hard with one punch.

"Luoluo, how should I use my mind to command the golden soldiers to fight? I can't connect their minds at all."

"What you want them to do, they will naturally do, you just have to think about it, and they will perceive your thinking."

Adam began to picture in his mind how the Golden Soldiers would fight.

Victor jumped into the air, directly pressed a yellow scarf soldier under him, waved his claws, and frantically created scars on the golden soldier.

Another golden soldier kicked Victor down with one kick, and the rest of the golden soldiers rushed forward and knocked Victor to the ground.

Victor twisted a few times in a strange posture on the ground before he got out of the suppression of the golden soldiers and started to counterattack.

There were more and more scars on several golden soldiers, but Victor was still alive and well as always.

The rhythm of the battle has gradually fallen into Victor's hands. As expected of a saber-toothed tiger who has experienced countless battles, it is really strong.

Victor jumped into the air again and rushed towards a golden soldier, but he didn't expect that he miscalculated this time.

The golden soldier who was targeted by Victor fell to his knees.

Victor never thought that the stupid guy in front of him would have such multiple ways. Victor, who jumped up and down, didn't touch the golden soldier at all, but flew over the golden soldier's head.

The golden soldier kneeling on the ground turned around and hugged Victor's legs in mid-air, and Victor lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

The other two gold soldiers rushed forward, each hugging Victor's hands one by one, twisting vigorously.


Accompanied by a piercing sound of bones twisting, Victor's hands were twisted.

Immediately afterwards, the four golden soldiers twisted Victor's legs, and grabbed her limbs, twisting constantly, for fear that he would heal.

"Big cat, how do you feel?" Adam took two steps forward, but still didn't dare to get within three meters of Victor.

Before Adam's seal was released, he refused to approach any dangerous people or objects.

"Comfortable!" Victor roared with red eyes. "Go on! I will definitely kill you, I will tear you apart bit by bit, you remember it for me, I am a saber-toothed tiger!"

"Oh, big cat." Adam teased, "Give me a meow."

"Ah!" Victor twisted his body crazily on the ground, because all his limbs were controlled by the Yellow Turban soldiers, so only his head swayed very much.

Adam's gaze turned to the ring not far away. The fat man on the ring was limp and motionless on the ground. It seemed that he had been seriously injured by Victor.

Adam didn't speak or make any movements. One of the two golden soldiers who had been protecting Adam by his side walked towards the ring.

It seems that Adam has perfectly mastered how to control the golden soldier.


The golden soldier walked up to Fatty on the ring with mechanical steps, and punched Fatty on the head, making a loud noise.

The fat man's head was smashed into the ring by this huge force, but it seemed that he was still breathing smoothly, and there was nothing serious about it.



The golden soldier punched the fat man's head with his fists, waving his fists mechanically.

Until the golden soldier smashed 27 punches,

The system finally reminded Adam that 100 points of summoning energy had arrived.

Adam was very happy. On the first day he came to this world, he killed two third-level mutants and got 200 points of summoning energy. He was very happy.

When Adam's summoning energy exceeds 100 points, the system tells Adam that the Goddess of Death summoned by contract summoning can only exist in this world for a period of time before returning to the original world.

Adam had expected this for a long time, and he was not too disappointed.

Now Adam has 200 points of summoning energy, leaving 100 points as a hole card to summon the goddess of death, and the remaining 100 points can start a lottery draw.

Adam looked at Victor who was still writhing on the ground again. This guy is also a lucky draw!

"Luoluo, is this thing easy to kill?"

"Chop off his head, and throw him into a steel furnace if he's still alive. How hard can it be to kill a captured mutant?"

"Draw a prize first, he hasn't meowed for me yet, so don't kill him for now."

"Good luck, see for yourself."

A syringe-like thing appeared in Adam's hand, and it was still slightly glowing green.

Item: Super Power Converter.

Introduction: You can inhale the ability of a person with extraordinary abilities into the converter, and then use the converter to bestow this ability on others.

Remarks: The upper limit is a third-level mutant or other superhumans of the same level.

"Luoluo, is there a unified division of the intensity level of abilities in the universe?"

"No, each world has its own unit of measurement, such as the level setting of the mutant universe, or the setting of Captain America's combat power calculation method in your original universe."

Holding the superpower converter in his hand, Adam looked at Victor with a smile and said, "Now I will give you two choices. One is that you meow for me, and the other is that I will shine a light on you with a flashlight."

Victor just twisted his body stubbornly and didn't speak.

As a tough guy who has experienced countless battles, Victor has never seen any scenes. He was not afraid of being shot for several hours.

"I want to give you a reminder, after being illuminated by this flashlight, you will die." Adam blinked at Victor. "You can cooperate, I will sing, we will learn to meow together, you sing, meow meow meow together."

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Victor was panting heavily, his red eyes were wriggling non-stop, the bones in his body creaked, and the pain from his limbs would only make his mind clearer, the anger in his heart stronger, and the desire to kill Adam More explosive.

"Get ready, I'm going to start." Adam raised his voice and sang in a very cute voice: "Let's learn how to meow together."


"Let's learn to meow together!"


"Big cat, this is the first time I have given others the right to choose their own destiny. Don't you want to cherish it?" Adam was in a very happy mood. Compared with the last time he was exiled on an isolated island for three years, this time Exile is almost a blessing.

Traveling in another world, you can also earn summoning energy, and you can also tease cats, how happy!

"Okay." Adam shrugged indifferently. "Maybe I will meet other you in other universes, maybe another you will meow like a cat, goodbye big cat."

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