When Adam and Lingdie returned to the underground black market, they didn't have to wait long before they saw the Blue Devil and Mystique who had escaped from the boxing ring appear in the black market.

Sure enough, as Adam expected, without his intervention, the plot did not deviate, what should happen is happening, and it will not be long before Apocalypse who looks like a Smurf will appear.

Seeing the appearance of Mystique and Blue Devil, Adam and Lingdie immediately looked at each other, but before they could speak, Kalit immediately said, "Oh, I didn't expect the famous Mystique The girl will come to me."

Adam rolled his eyes. It's not the first time Mystique has come. Although she has been disguised before, it's not like you Caliban can't find it. Why pretend like you haven't seen it before.

Mystique swept her eyes around, but finally fixed on Adam and Ling Die. She always felt as if she had seen it somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it. Then she took out a bag from her body. Throwing the roll of money to Kallite, he pointed at the blue devil who stretched out his hand, the meaning was obvious.

The people who came here didn't need to speak at all, they only had one purpose and that was to apply for an identity, plus the Blue Devil had just escaped from the boxing ring, Mystique naturally wanted to take him out of the city as soon as possible.

Caliban is a mutant who can change when he has money. After a few days of getting along, Adam fully understands that this kind of person is a guy who can do anything for money, and he doesn't have the slightest emotion in his heart.

Seeing the roll of money thrown by Mystique, a slight smile appeared on Kalit's face, and then he looked at the ordinary people next to him. After receiving the instructions, those people immediately started to handle the money for the blue devil. It is enough to prove the identity of the real one.

While Mystique was waiting, she turned her eyes to Adam and Lingdie again. After thinking about it, she asked, "Did we meet somewhere?"

Adam pouted and Lingdie looked at each other, he was another guy who loves to act, then Adam raised his mouth slightly and said, "I didn't expect Mystique to have such a good memory, just now we punched you there too. In the arena, we can be said to have witnessed your means, and the memory is still fresh in our hearts at this moment."

"It turned out to be you." After Adam's reminder, Mystique suddenly remembered that when she just entered the boxing ring, she felt that someone was watching her secretly, and her gaze stayed on Adam and the two of them. After a while, Blue Devil didn't think too much about it in a hurry at that time, but now that he thinks about it, it's the two in front of him.

Callit looked at the three of them, and finally landed on Mystique and said: "It seems that everyone is an old friend, today I will send you a message, your old friend Wan The identity of Magneto has been discovered, and he disappeared after killing more than 20 policemen, and the whole world is looking for him at this time."

Although Kalit's main business is to help mutants handle identities, he also sells information. The mutants who have passed his identities are all over the world. When they have valuable news, they will sell it to them through special means. Callit, and then Callit sold the news to those who needed it.

Caliban never asks for news about customers, regardless of whether the person who buys the news is a mutant or a human, he will sell the news, as if the mutant he betrayed is not his compatriots.

Caliban is an unscrupulous villain for money, but I didn't expect him to be kind enough to remind Mystique today,

Adam looked at this guy suspiciously, always feeling that this guy didn't look like An was kind.

"Thank you." Mystique's face suddenly changed when she heard the news from Kalit, and after seeing that the identity of the blue devil was completed, she thanked her, and the figures of the two melted into a ball The blue mist immediately disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing the two people who disappeared, Adam immediately sighed: "It is really convenient to have the ability to teleport in this space. As long as you want to go anywhere, you can go there immediately with a teleport, but this kid can't control it at home. Every time you use it There will be a blue mist when you come out."

Adam knew that the blue devil's father was the red devil, so he naturally knew that this kind of mist could not be eliminated after being skilled. After all, the red devil had lived for thousands of years, and it would leave a red mist when it activated its ability.

Lingdie glanced at Adam and said: "Your ability has been awakening all the time, and each time is different. In addition to your newly awakened strange ability, maybe you will also have space ability in the future."

Adam smiled noncommittally. Of course he would have the space ability. After all, his current mutant abilities come from 5 infinite gems, and the space gem happened to be the first one he got and the longest contact time.


As soon as Lingdie's words fell, it was as if an earthquake had happened suddenly, and there was a shaking force in the ground, and it took nearly a minute for the shaking to stop here slowly.

After the shaking force stopped, I saw the expression on Kalit's face froze there, and after waiting for a while, he came back to his senses and murmured: "This is the first time I've felt an earthquake in so many years here. to the earthquake.”

But at this time, Lingdie directly cast her eyes on Adam, and she felt sharply in her heart that the sudden shock force was not the earthquake that Carlit said. Lingdie's sixth sense told her that this The earthquake is very likely to be inseparable from the apocalypse predicted by Adam!

"What a strong energy impact! At least the level of the main god!" Adam sighed in his heart, and then saw Lingdie's gaze cast over him. He knew in his heart that this was actually a sign of Tianqi's awakening, so he casually nodded slightly at her.

"We have something to discuss." Seeing Adam nod, Lingdie's face suddenly showed a solemn look, and then stretched out his hand to hold Adam and walked into the house.

Seeing the backs of the two of them, Kalit immediately couldn't help complaining: "Hey, hey, hey... It's not time to get off work, so please take care of my feelings, okay?"

As soon as he entered the room, Lingdie couldn't wait to say: "The vibration just now was really caused by the apocalypse you mentioned?"

Adam nodded solemnly and said: "That's right, in the picture I predicted, a tyrannical force erupted when the apocalypse woke up, and this force will cause a global shock. The shock force just now It came very strangely, I think there is no other more reasonable explanation for this except the awakening of the apocalypse."

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