Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 330 Magneto's Power

Lingdie standing beside Adam was very surprised when she saw the change of Magneto. When she looked away from Magneto, she felt something strange about Adam, and couldn't help but said, "Hey, Adam What's happening here?"

Adam was immersed in his own feelings, couldn't hear Lingdie's speech at all, and stood motionless with his eyes closed.

Seeing that Adam was in a bad state, Lingdie hurried to Adam's side, touched Adam lightly, and found that Adam had no reaction to the outside world.

Worry appeared in Lingdie's eyes, but she seemed to find something in her heart in a flash, and immediately stood beside Adam with a vigilant expression.

Seeing the strange behavior of Lingdie, Angel and Storm turned their gazes away from Magneto. Seeing the vigilant look on her face, Adam's eyes were tightly closed, and the eyes of the two of them followed suit. One after another revealed a kind of doubt.

Apocalypse is obviously helping Magneto improve his strength, why is that guy named Adam standing there motionless, as if he is helping him improve his ability?

Both Storm and Angel have experienced the power of the weather, and they also know the price to be paid to improve their abilities. Looking at Adam standing there, although his eyes are tightly closed, but there is no expression of pain on his face, he knows that the apocalypse is not helping Adam has improved his ability, but now what is the situation with this guy's eyes closed?

"Do you know what happened to that guy?" Although Angel has experienced many things, he is still young after all. The curiosity in his heart defeated his cold appearance, and asked the Storm beside him softly, "You should know them very well, right?" ?”

"I don't know either." Stormy shook her head ignorantly. At this time, she was still a green girl, and she didn't mean to hide it at all. She opened her mouth and said, "I don't know them. I just happened to meet Lord Tianqi."

Angel nodded, and took another careful look at Storm, feeling that she was someone who could cooperate. The close relationship between Adam and Psylocke, as well as the powerful strength of Magneto made him feel a little threatened.

Although Adam's ability to control the soil at this moment has reached a bottleneck, but with the power of Magneto, under the vibration of the earth's veins, the overflowing energy in the earth has no intention of stopping. At the same time, Adam's closed eyes There is no sign of opening.

Apocalypse shifted his gaze from Magneto to Adam, and felt the special abilities overflowing from the veins pouring into his body, he couldn't help but said, "Sure enough, he is a person with many different abilities like me. , Under such circumstances, it is best to improve the ability to control metals, but I never expected that you would feel the power of the earth veins by accident."

Everyone looked at Adam in surprise, secretly sighed at Adam's strength, and couldn't help but deepen their awe of the apocalypse.

It's a pity that everyone doesn't know that Tian Qi is actually bragging. Most of his abilities are snatched, and the ability to awaken naturally may only be reincarnated.

When he said this, he saw a flash of hesitation in Tian Qi's eyes, and then he secretly decided in his heart: "This kid seems to have a bottleneck, if this bottleneck is not broken, this time I am afraid that the opportunity will be missed, if this is the case, then let me help you, I hope you don't let me down!"

As soon as Tian Qi's voice fell, his ability was activated violently. Adam only felt a force surge out of his body, and the bottleneck that troubled him was suddenly smashed by this force, reaching the peak of the first level- The ability to control the soil at the peak level immediately moved towards the early stage of the second level.

Early second...

Secondary midterm...

Secondary post...

When Adam's ability to control the soil reached the late stage of the second level, the special energy overflowing from the earth began to slowly dissipate, and his rapidly improving ability naturally stopped immediately!

Adam, who withdrew from that mysterious state, felt the changes in himself, and suddenly murmured in his heart in doubt: "What's going on,

Why did my soil control ability suddenly reach the level of the second-level late stage? Could it be that my personality really exploded? "

Seeing Adam's eyes open, Lingdie, who had been guarding him with vigilance, immediately said: "Adam, how do you feel? You seem to have fallen into some mysterious state just now, just like what you Huaxia said. People are almost one."

Since meeting Adam, Lingdie has asked about Adam's origin, and Adam lied to Lingdie that he was smuggled from China, and Lingdie believed it.

After falling in love with Adam, Lingdie began to pay attention to Chinese culture, and secretly learned, hoping to have more common language with Adam.

Seeing the worried spirit butterfly, Adam immediately shook his head, and then quickly replied: "It's okay, my soil control ability seems to have reached the late stage of the second level directly from the first level of awakening."

At this time, Tian Qi couldn't help but look regretful and said: "Besides me, you are the first person I have seen with many different abilities. People who have the opportunity just now may not appear once in a lifetime. Some people are lucky enough to meet you once or twice, but unfortunately your ability is too low, even if you encounter such rare opportunities, you can only barely reach the level of the second-level late stage."

Just when everyone's eyes were on Adam, and he was still thinking about how to deal with it, he suddenly heard a roar. Magneto's ability to control metals at this moment can be said to have reached an extreme level. There is still one step behind the super strong, but the example of its outbreak must not be underestimated.


I only saw that as Magneto stood up, a stream of iron sand fragments gushed out of the ground immediately, and the surrounding fences made of barbed wire and wood suddenly shattered, and then the area affected by Magneto It got bigger and bigger, and the surrounding old buildings disintegrated and smashed into pieces.

All things mixed with metal fragments are under the control of Magneto at this moment. The metal fragments left on the ground, the ore powder in the earth, and the steel bars and iron sheets in the buildings are under his control. A tornado rose into the sky like a tornado, and swept away in all directions crazily.

Magneto looks very powerful, but Adam understands that Magneto, who does not study magnetic fields but focuses on metals, will not be able to reach the so-called fifth-level mutant in this life, which is the level of the main god in Adam's heart.

As the surrounding buildings were destroyed by Magneto, Apocalypse opened his hands and roared excitedly: "The world built by humans will collapse completely, and we will create a world on top of these ruins." A better world."

"Humans! Ah!" As soon as Tianqi's voice fell, Magneto suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, and saw a tornado of metal fragments around him, and then it seemed to spread all around. However, within the time of breathing, the surrounding area within a mile suddenly turned into ruins!

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