Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 338 Communication

At this moment, Tianqi looked at the unconscious Professor Charles beside Magneto, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes, and then he shouted angrily: "I was born here at the beginning, and now I am here again!" Will be reborn here!"

Adam noticed the flash of greed in Tianqi's eyes looking at Professor X, and immediately said in his heart: "It seems that Tianqi is determined to take away Professor Charles' body. Not a good thing, if he succeeds, will Phoenix replace him as the host?"

It is possible for the Force of the Phoenix to change hosts. The Force of the Phoenix likes hosts with strong spiritual power. If Tianqi really possesses Charles' ability, maybe it will really attract Phoenix's favor.

Adam squinted his eyes, unable to decide what to do. The Supreme Throne in his body trembled slightly, impatiently.

The Supreme Throne in Adam's body is ready to use. Adam can use the Supreme Throne to restore his full strength at any time, but that will attract the attack of the Phoenix, so unless Adam finds a solution to cause and effect, he will not use the Supreme Throne.

After Tianqi finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved, and the unconscious Professor Charles in the wheelchair immediately floated up out of thin air, and then fell directly on the boulder beside him, without letting everyone wait for a long time, Professor Charles Immediately, he slowly woke up.

Professor Charles, who had just woken up, saw his eyes sweeping over everyone, and then struggled to get up from the boulder, but at this moment, he felt that his ability seemed to be restricted by some force, It is impossible to perceive the thoughts in the hearts of Adam and others!

Adam looked at Charles with hair, and had special thoughts in his heart. Maybe it was because this guy had hair now that he was captured by Apocalypse.

Professor Charles frowned, then struggled to sit up, then looked solemnly at Tianqi and said: "You have limited my ability."

Tianqi stepped closer to Professor Charles, and said, "Why, I just directly blocked you from invading their consciousness. This is a talent I acquired during tens of thousands of years of reincarnation, but to understand other people's thoughts and control them But it's your talent, a very special talent."

When Tian Qi said this, he sat down directly in front of Professor Charles, with a slight smile on his face and said: "You should have already understood that scene in your heart, the upcoming grand event belongs to the future of mutants, great The era of mutants, the era of the only true god apocalypse!"

Professor Charles gritted his teeth secretly, and turned his eyes to Magneto, who was aside, and said, "Do you really want to participate in this killing and destroying the world? An inhuman...war?"

Magneto met the gaze of Professor Charles with a blank face, and replied without any fluctuation on his face: "I have no choice."

Magneto's simple sentence contains two kinds of helplessness, and here maybe only Adam can hear Magneto's helplessness.

The first kind of helplessness is because of the persecution of Magneto by human beings. Magneto used his ability to save his friend, but his friend betrayed him and told the police about his ability. His wife and daughter are all because of his kindness. And to die, he had to take revenge. But Magneto doesn't know whether to regard the object of hatred as the whole human being, but he can't persuade himself to give up revenge, he is very entangled and helpless.

The second kind of helplessness is because of Apocalypse. The power of Apocalypse makes Magneto unable to resist. Magneto knows that he is not in charge of himself now, and this sense of powerlessness also makes Magneto helpless.

Professor Charles shook his head, trying his best to dissuade Magneto from changing his mind, so before he finished speaking, the professor immediately shook his head and said, "No, you have, you just forgot..."

"Enough." But Magneto replied unmoved: "No, I remember what you said Charles, but your method won't work in this world."

"Don't try to change his mind.

"Hearing Magneto's words, Tian Qi nodded in secret satisfaction in his heart, and then said directly: "I gave him a better choice and let her see a better world. "

Before Tianqi finished speaking, Professor Charles glared at Tianqi without any fear and said sharply: "No, you are just using his anger and pain, that's all, you don't understand him at all!"

After Professor Charles finished speaking, he turned his attention to Magneto and said, "When we first met, I told you that I saw something beautiful in your heart..."

"Stop talking!" The struggling look on Magneto's face flashed away, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Charles, no matter what you saw back then, I will bury it all now , buried in the darkness with my dead family members, I will make those humans who hurt them regret it!"

Standing beside Lingdie, Adam held his shoulders with both hands. At this moment, he curled his lips, and then said directly: "Jiji is endless, why talk so much to a useless person like him, if If it's useless to keep him, just kill him, he's a fag at first glance."


As soon as Adam's words fell, Lingdie standing beside him suddenly condensed a purple energy lightsaber in his hand, and then said in a very agreeable manner: "I I also very much agree to kill this person directly, his ability is very weird, I don't want to be secretly controlled by him without knowing it, and I am not interested in the past love between him and Magneto."

Apocalypse took Professor Charles as the target of transfer, how could he let Lingdie kill him, so when the purple lightsaber in Lingdie's hand condensed out, Apocalypse activated his secret ability, and then cast his eyes on Lingdie, and then I saw that the lightsaber in her hand collapsed directly.

After the energy lightsaber in Lingdie's hand collapsed, Tianqi glanced at the two of them and said, "This person is very important to me, and you can't make decisions on your own."

Seeing the gaze cast by Tianqi, Adam felt a little bit of badness from it, and saw that he stretched out his hand to hold Lingdie in a moment of thought, then shrugged and said: "You have the final say, since this person If you can’t kill it, then you can pretend that we didn’t say anything.”

Tianqi stared at the two for a while, then nodded, then turned his gaze to Professor Charles and said: "Charles, I will let you pass my words to everyone in this world, telling them that this world will Turned into ruins, this will be my punishment for this world, Eun Sabah Nur, now deliver my message for me."

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