Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 34 Awakening - Past Life

What Adam found was Deadpool's head.

Adam had just walked to the burrow with the head when Deadpool suddenly opened his eyes.

"I saw you behind the third wall, Zhantianjian Dugubai."

The mouth on Deadpool's head was still sewn shut, but the voice seemed to come from the soul, reaching the depths of Adam's mind.

Adam's mind buzzed, a brilliant scene flashed before his eyes, and countless memories appeared in his mind.

There is only a table, a bed, and not even a stool in the small rental house. On the table are a resume, a water glass and an old fan. These are all of Dugu Bai's assets.

Dugu Bai is a guy who fits the setting of the protagonist very well.

He grew up in an orphanage. There is a jade pendant around his neck. The jade pendant has the word Dugu on it. Dugu Bai was a baby with sickly fair skin, so the director of the orphanage named him Dugu Bai. An unusual-sounding name.

Although he has a protagonist's name, Dugubai's life is very ordinary. He went to high school step by step, got into a not-so-good junior college, and couldn't find a job after graduation.

Dugubai has done many jobs, no, it should be said that he has worked as a waiter in many industries, coffee shops, hotels, restaurants...

After Dugubai left the orphanage, he was busy with his daily survival. He didn't even have a single friend, let alone finding a girlfriend during college.

"What on earth am I living for?" Dugu Bai lay on the bed with blank eyes, quietly listening to his own pulse.

Dugu Bai felt like a walking corpse, without ideals, pursuits, or goals.

A weak fluctuation oscillated in a corner of the universe.

The mysterious fluctuations became more and more intense, and suddenly shook the entire universe.

"Actually, you are different from everyone else."

"Who? Who's talking?" Dugu Bai's hairs started to rise, and he suddenly turned over and looked around.

The jade pendant on Dugu Bai's chest slowly floated up, and the word Dugu on it became brighter and brighter.

Dugu Bai stared at the jade pendant closely, the thoughts in his mind kept turning.

Could it be that I'm really the protagonist?

This is my golden finger?

Could it be that my biological parents are also extraordinary existences?

"Don't think so much, this jade pendant is just a very common jade pendant, and it can only be sold for a few hundred dollars." A crisp voice came from the jade pendant, which was unusually neutral, making people listen No gender.

Dugu Bai's teeth trembled a little, he stared at the jade pendant tightly, not daring to make any movements.

"Don't be afraid, I am indeed Goldfinger, the legendary system." The jade pendant shone lightly. "This jade pendant is just a carrier I found. As a system, I don't really exist. I may be a ray of light, or a drop of water, or more likely just a wave..."

"Then why aren't you on my mind?" Dugu Bai summoned up his courage and asked.

The jade pendant suddenly lost all its light and fell on Dugu Bai's chest again.

"Okay, then I will listen to you." A crisp voice sounded in Dugu Bai's mind.

As soon as the voice fell, the jade pendant on Dugu Bai's chest slammed and turned into a pile of emerald green powder, which covered Dugu Bai's bed sheet.

Dugu Bai lightly twirled it with his fingers, the green powder turned into green powder, and muttered in his mouth: "Has all the energy in the jade pendant been absorbed..."

"I told you not to think about it too much. My existence is too high-end. After this jade pendant carried me, it was already on the verge of collapse. Once I leave it, it will naturally disappear."

"Why did you choose me?" Dugu Bai's psychological quality is still good.

"I don't know, maybe it's fate.


"Introduce yourself to me first." Dugu Bai couldn't help but feel a little bit of excitement, and this excitement became more and more intense.

"The system doesn't have a name, so I'll just give you a brief introduction to its functions. The main function of this system is to travel through the void."

Dugu Bai waited for a while, but after the system said this, there was no more movement.

"System, are you still there?" Dugu Bai cautiously probed, fearing that this was a beautiful dream.

"Excuse me, host, what's the matter with you?"

Dugu Bai pondered for a moment, then said: "So your role is to travel through the void, right?"

"Except for the unknown ability... Basically, there is a small function to help the host analyze and learn, it can be regarded as a personal brain."

"How can I travel through the void and myriad worlds?" Dugu Bai touched the remaining few hundred dollars in his pocket, and then looked around the rental house he lived in. "I have nothing left to miss in this world."

"Okay, if that's the case, then let's do the most important thing first, and start traveling after this important thing is over."

Dugu Bai took a deep breath and said, "I'm ready, tell me, what's the first task?"

"Host, you obviously misunderstood. I am different from the general system. I will not send you tasks. What you want to do is up to you voluntarily."

"Okay, tell me quickly, the first thing, what do I need to do?" Dugu Bai couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.

"The first thing is the most important thing!"

"What is it?" Dugu Bai's eyes sparkled.

"Give me a name!"

"Just call the Lord God."

Adam stood motionless in place, countless images flashed in his eyes, and he muttered to himself: "I got a system once?"

The screen changes again.

Dugu Bai, the young master of the Dugu family, don't be called Young Master Bai.

The Dugu family is a hidden martial arts family with a lot of wealth and great influence.

As the only son, Dugu Bai was favored very much. Although he had no martial arts talent, he was still designated as the first heir.

Patriarch Dugu Xuan is too powerful to have children, so his greatest wish is to hope that his son Dugu Bai will marry more wives and give him more grandchildren, so as to spread the branches and leaves for the Dugu family.

The Dugu family has a family heirloom, a sword.

Dugu Bai touched the sword by a coincidence, and a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

Item: Heaven Slashing Sword

Introduction: The most powerful artifact in the world of swordsmanship, there is nothing to cut, and nothing can be cut. In the end, it can only cut the sky to relieve loneliness.

Additional skills: Sky Slashing and Sword Drawing - Qiankun style, which can integrate all of one's kendo skills into one move of sword drawing, and draw the sword to cut the sky!

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Dugu Bai looked around in horror. Although he is the young master of a martial arts family, he doesn't have any cultivation base. There are many enemies in the Dugu family. Could it be an assassin?

"Master, I am the Lord God!"


"I am your system. Every time you reincarnate, you will lose your memory. I won't introduce the details to you. Just treat yourself as having a golden finger."

"Then what are your abilities?"

"Assists you in cultivation, making you a man beyond the endless universe."

"Change your name, the main god is too ugly. Call it... Sword Servant."


Adam's expression was a little ugly, his brain was already a little tingling, and he muttered to himself, "This is my second previous life? So that's how the Qiankun Bangfa came about."

Adam's expression returned to clarity.

"So this is my third reincarnation?"

"Yes master, if you can't escape in this life, you will be reincarnated and lose your memory."

"Why do I recover my memory this time?"

"Deadpool is too special, this is something I didn't expect, I don't know if this is good or bad for you."

Adam remembered the first conversation he had with Luoluo.

"Hello Summoner, I am your Summoner Assistant System."

"Let me just say, as a time traveler, how could you not have a golden finger! Do you have a name?"

"My name is Sword Servant."

"Why does a summoner's assistant have such a name?"

"This name was given to me by you, in a previous life."

"I don't know what you're talking about, but from now on, you'll be called Luoluo."

The aura on Adam's body became more and more fierce. Although he lost the Zhantian Sword, he remembered the technique of Zhantian Sword Drawing.

"From today onwards, I, Adam, will be the Sword God."

The sword qi transformed from the strong divine power inside Adam's body has not changed except for the multi-fold increase in attack power. It has neither decreased nor increased, nor does it become pure as in the novel.

It seems that the divine power of the Asgardian protoss and Adam's sword energy are of the same level of high-level energy.

After all the divine power in Adam's body was transformed into sword energy, wisps of golden light were forced out of his body, which belonged to Odin's power.

"Master, Odin's seal has been broken, and your time in this world is running out." The voice of the system appeared in Adam's mind.

"Luoluo, can you estimate how long it will be?" Adam looked at the head of Deadpool in his hand, and he was a little tangled. He found the head, is it really appropriate not to put him back on the body? After all, he also helped him awaken the memory of his previous life and awaken his divine power.

After a brief silence, the system replied: "At present, the will of this world has not clearly rejected you, the master. If you don't leave this small island to interact with the characters in the plot, there should be about a month."

"Enough." Adam smiled, and lightly flicked Deadpool's head. "You are so awesome, you can still speak without a mouth."

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