Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 355 The End of Karma

Adam's sword slashed fiercely on Phoenix Girl's back, and Phoenix Girl turned into mist just like Tianqi before she could turn her head.

The phoenix girl of this world is the future white phoenix, and it is the white phoenix of the multiverse that Adam provokes.

The power of the phoenix is ​​very powerful, and the White Phoenix King is only a part of the power of the phoenix. Adam's sword carried all of Adam's power and cut through the universe. Through the power of the phoenix on the Phoenix girl, he broke the boundary of the universe and erased the phoenix. Adam's memory.

Although Adam is not considered revenge, but in the end the karma with Phoenix is ​​settled, and Phoenix will no longer chase Adam to fight.

"What have you done!" After Tianqi was beaten to death by Phoenix Girl, Professor Charles finally breathed a sigh of relief, but just after he breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Adam cut Phoenix Girl away with a sword, and yelled at Adam: "Why are you doing this!"

"Quiet." Adam glanced at Professor Charles, and said flatly: "This is between me and her, and it has nothing to do with anyone else. You'd better not participate, and you are not qualified to participate."

Magneto looked at Adam vigilantly, surrounded by countless metals to protect him. You must know that he couldn't even beat Tianqi, and Adam killed Phoenix Girl, but Phoenix Girl killed the existence of Tianqi.

Storm standing there was at a loss. She never knew that Adam was so strong. Storm looked at Lingdie suspiciously. If Adam was really so strong, why did the two of them find themselves to form an alliance against Tianqi?

The beast jumped and appeared next to Professor Charles, and stopped tightly in front of Professor Charles, staring at Adam, as if he was afraid that Adam would pounce on him.

Kuaiying was still lying on the ground, the pain of a broken leg was too serious for him, he had never been injured so seriously, and he didn't even take a look at what happened on the field, he didn't care at all. know what happened.

Although Cyclops has just met Phoenix Girl not long ago, the relationship between the two can be regarded as rapid development, and they are indeed destined to be a future couple.

Cyclops was distraught when he saw the death of Phoenix Girl, and his head became hot, thinking that Adam, who was countless times stronger than him, shot laser light.

The orange laser light hit Adam, but Adam didn't notice it, and let the laser light hit him.

"Annoying." Adam looked down at the laser light hitting his chest, and then looked up at Cyclops not far away.

Adam didn't mean to kill Cyclops, because Cyclops in the last universe gave Adam a locomotive, and Adam liked that locomotive very much. For the sake of the locomotive, forgive Cyclops for being unreasonable.

"Adam..." Lingdie stood not far from Adam, looked at Adam with confused eyes, and said with a trembling voice, "Is this the trump card you mentioned?"

"Yes." Adam nodded, and his figure appeared beside Lingdie in an instant. He held Lingdie gently in his arms, and whispered in Lingdie's ear: "The matter is settled, now I will take you Come home and meet my mom, and your future sisters."

Lingdie blushed, everything that happened today had a great impact on her world view, she closed her eyes and leaned against Adam's arms, not knowing what to say.

Adam hugged the spirit butterfly and activated the space gem on the Supreme Throne, a blue light flashed,

The two disappeared in front of many mutants.

The silhouettes of Adam and Lingdie appeared in a void accompanied by blue light. Adam hugged Lingdie tightly and protected her with divine power to prevent her from being hurt by the surrounding nothingness.

"What's going on here?" Adam's eyes revealed confusion, his original single universe disappeared, did Thanos evolve and destroy the universe?

Because Lingdie couldn't bear the oppression of the inter-universe space ability, she had already passed out, lying pitifully in Adam's arms with her eyes tightly closed.

Adam looked down at the butterfly in his arms. His breathing was strong and his heartbeat was strong. There should be no problem.

Adam closed his eyes and began to look for people connected with him through the contract.

The first one Adam looked for was Chris, the new Thor who was the best under his hand. According to the contract, Chris was dead.

Adam frowned, and began to look for Balder, the God of Light, who was also dead.

Adam directly checked all his contract objects, and found that all of them were dead except his mother, the goddess of death, and his girlfriend, the witch Carrie.

"What the hell is going on!" Adam's eyes were red, and the anger in his heart surged wave after wave. Someone even dared to kill all of his God King Adam's subordinates!

Including Adam's favorite Aurora!

Adam wanted to contact the Goddess of Death through a contract, but found that the other party where the Goddess of Death was now was very special and could not be contacted at all, but it was not dangerous to reach the Goddess of Death through a contract.

Adam contacted Carrie again through the contract, and this time finally got in touch.


"Adam, are you okay? Great!"

"I'm fine, where are you?"

"I'm with my grandfather, I'm learning racial ability, I can't meet you yet."

"Where's mom?"

"She went to the multiverse to seek revenge from the Phoenix, and then came into contact with the death rules of the multiverse and was robbing death for the power of death."

"Death? The death of one of the five creation gods?"

"Well, a strong man at the same level as my grandfather, but don't worry, my mother is evenly matched with her, but I don't have time to talk to you for the time being."

"You know what happened to our monolithic universe? I came back and found nothing!"

"That..." Carrie said hesitantly, "Because of some accident... I accidentally ate it all..."

"Uh..." Adam had a headache. "Eat them all? Including Aurora?"

" was an accident..." Carrie said with some embarrassment: "I didn't do it on purpose, or something happened that I can't control."

"Okay, it's okay." Adam rubbed his eyebrows a little irritably, what else could happen if things were already like this. "Let's do this first, I'll go find my mother first."

Adam didn't want to blame Carrie, because the matter was not irreversible. Adam's contract was very strong, and he could resurrect the contractor through the contract.

Of course, not yet, Adam's strength is not enough.

Adam looked at the sleepy spirit butterfly in his arms, and activated the space ability through the connection with the goddess of death. The location of the goddess of death is in a wonderful space in a multiverse.

ability to activate.




Tony Stark, the largest arms dealer in the United States, even announced the closure of the Stark Group's weapons research and development department, and declared on TV shortly afterwards that he was Iron Man.

Adam turned off the TV, looked back at Psylocke who was frying steak, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"An enhanced version of the world?"

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