
A group of American soldiers got into the jungle, relying on their elite strength, and quickly followed Adam's trail.

Suddenly, one of the black soldiers paused because of an obstacle and fell to the back. Then he clearly saw something behind his comrade David ***.

"Oh~**! David, what the hell is behind your ****!"

The exclamation of black soldiers.

As a result, the voice just fell...


An ear-shattering explosion directly blew up the soldier David's butt, which was covered in blood and flesh, spraying the black soldier's face with blood and some pieces of meat.

The same goes for the other soldiers, with blood, feces and urine splashed all over their faces, and they were in a panic.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

Many soldiers yelled in fright, looking for the enemy everywhere with their guns in hand. They had never seen such a strange attack, and even the enemy had not seen it, and one person died.

On the side of the army command center, after hearing the explosion and the shouts of soldiers, the atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

General Ross held the microphone: "What happened?"

"Back to the general, we don't know what happened, and then David was blown up, was blown into two pieces, and died. There was no smoke reaction at the scene, let alone shrapnel."

"General, I think the opponent should be a mutant, and his ability should be to make bombs."

"Mutant?" General Ross slammed the table, annoyed, "Sly yellow-skinned monkey!"

On the 10-meter-high tree, Adam looked down at the panic-stricken appearance of the mighty and majestic American soldiers below, and discounted Hache boredly.

Adam could imagine that General Ross was furious at this time, and he might beat his wife when he got home.

However, Adam laughed when he heard the American soldier speculate that he was a mutant and his ability was a bomb.

"I'm not a mutant, and my ability is not limited to making bombs. It was just an energy attack. I just tried to hide the energy. Hey, why am I telling you this, you can't hear it."

Adam gestured with his right hand into a pistol, and fired 7 shots at the soldiers under the tree.

7 blood mist fireworks bloom in the dark jungle!

Including the captain and black soldiers, a total of 7 soldiers were directly blown to the head and died on the spot.

Of the 15 soldiers, 8 are dead now, and 7 remain.

As for the enemy, he didn't even see his shadow.

"Haha, a bunch of fools." Adam sat on the tree and smiled happily.

"Damn! What kind of ability is this!" General Ross in the command center saw the whole process of the incident through the front-facing camera of his helmet, roared angrily, and smashed a keyboard. I must beat my wife when I go back, otherwise I don't know how to vent my anger.

"Can anyone tell me what the hell this is?"

in the jungle,

8 people died in a row. The American soldiers who used to be bold and ambitious have now become frightened birds, aiming around with guns, and their nerves will be broken at any sign of trouble.

Suddenly a bush 5 meters away suddenly moved, and a rabbit was frightened.

chug chug~~~

Eight M4A1 carbines fired wildly at the bushes. One of the soldiers couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere, and even shouted while shooting:

"Go to hell, yellow-skinned monkey!!"

Yellow monkey?


Adam's originally playful face suddenly turned cold. The soul in Adam is an out-and-out Chinese, and one of the most hated names is "yellow monkey". This is the kind of racial discrimination in the United States, looking down on the Chinese people with a superior attitude.

Yellow-skinned monkeys, this is definitely the greatest humiliation to the Chinese.

Adam looked coldly at the American soldiers below: "I didn't want to kill so many people, but now, I've changed my mind, enjoy it."

"Hi!" Adam looked at the soldiers below and shouted, "Do you want to have a shot?"

"The enemy is in the tree!"

However, this reaction was already too slow, and a huge explosion sounded.

boom boom boom~~~

7 soldiers, turned into 7 balls of blood mist, die!

General Ross saw all this, his eyes split.


He smashed another keyboard

"Damn yellow-skinned monkey!"

"Immediately send three helicopters and three special forces squads over there, to see people and corpses!!"

"Immediately! Immediately! go~go~go~~"

In less than half an hour, three Apache helicopters took off from the military base and flew straight to the jungle in the mountainous area where Adam was.

The Apache helicopter can be said to be the NO.1 among the helicopters equipped by the U.S. military. It is a four-blade, twin-engine armed helicopter with a three-point wheel landing gear and a tandem double cockpit. It also comes with a target acquisition and night vision system sensor suite.

As for weapons, they are even more local tyrants among the local tyrants.

Under the fuselage, between the landing gear is equipped with M230 chain guns.

There are four anchor points fixed on the wing root stabilizer, which can carry AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and Hydra70 rockets.

This is definitely a big killer! !

This time, General Ross is definitely going to kill that Son of Death! To pieces! !

Adam killed 15 American soldiers, knowing that this matter will never be resolved. It is estimated that a larger number of troops will rush over soon. This time, helicopters, missiles and so on are absolutely indispensable.

But would Adam be afraid?


What Adam didn't know was that he was already famous. At this time, Washington (Washington) couldn't bear the news media and the Internet's constant blackmailing of the US Army, and had already intervened. .

However, although this approach eased public opinion in the United States, it made the news more famous and began to spread to Europe and Asia.

Don't think that these countries usually "respect" the United States, but at this time, how can they let go of the opportunity to blacken the United States?

One after another, foreign media began to report on this matter, such as the inhumanity of human experimentation in the United States, the insanity of the United States, such as... blah blah blah~~~

And the name "Son of Death" was constantly mentioned, and many foreign netizens deducted 666 while giving him the title of "World's Number One Reporter".

"Master, I found that 3 Apache helicopters are rushing here, carrying a lot of bullets and missiles... and the target is the master."

"Luoluo, long time no see." Adam hadn't heard the system's voice for a long time. "3? How many people?"

"Three special forces teams, a total of 18 people." The system replied: "Actually, I have always been there, but the master doesn't need me for the time being."

"Don't say that, you are still very useful, look, you are playing games with me now." Adam asked with excitement on his face, "Hey, you really think highly of me, how long will it be?"

"There are still 8 minutes to get here." The system said: "I have already scanned this world. Most of the existence of this world is stronger than the previous single universe. The supreme mage seems to be an acquaintance."

"Eight minutes? That's enough." Adam smiled, not panicking at all. "As for other things, take your time."

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