Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 4 Odin and Hela

In the Norwegian airport, Adam walked alone with a suitcase.

Adam came to Norway alone. Because the Terminator John couldn't pass the security check, Adam asked the Terminator to find a place in Los Angeles to wait for him.

The Terminator followed Adam's order, bought a house in Los Angeles, and began to learn how to cook and cook Chinese food at home.

"Mom, I feel you."

Adam stood at the airport, looking into the distance.


In a dark, lonely, independent space, a woman exuding death and despair opened her eyes.

Adam walked out of the airport and got into a taxi.

The driver looked at Adam and asked, "Young man, are you the only one out to play? Where are you going?"

Adam said: "I don't know the name of the place I'm going to, I say you drive, I tell you to stop."

"No problem." The taxi started slowly, and the driver said, "Maybe I know if there are any landmark buildings in the place you are going."

Adam thought for a while and said, "A beautiful place, near the sea, should have a hillside with grass on it."

Adam has no impression of the place where Odin sealed Hela, and can only rely on the picture description seen in the movie.

Adam didn't know if it would be like that in the real world, but he had to guess.

"Haha." The driver smiled, with a hint of pride, and said to Adam: "Young man, in our beautiful city, there are so many beautiful places everywhere."

"OK." Adam rolled his eyes. "Go straight and turn at the intersection ahead, you should follow my instructions."

The taxi drove through the streets, and the driver kept trying to chat with Adam, but Adam had no desire to chat.

Adam's perception became stronger and stronger, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, just stop here." The car drove to the side of the road, and there was no way to move on.

Adam paid and got out of the car with his luggage.

There was a green grassy hill in front of him, and Adam walked to the top of the hill step by step.

After standing on the top of the mountain, Adam saw the endless sea, and the beautiful scenery of sea and sky is really fascinating.

This is where Adam perceives. Adam has a strong perception that his mother is around him, but he cannot touch it.

"Luoluo, is there any way?" Adam had no idea, so he had to turn to the system for help.

"Master, I can't help you. It is recommended that you come after you have awakened your divine power." The system can only help Adam analyze it. "Odin's seal is too powerful. If you want to break this seal, you need at least tens of thousands of summoning energy."

Asgardian protoss, although everyone has their own divine power, they cannot use it before awakening, and need to rely on divine tools to exert their power.

Adam didn't have his own artifact, so his divine power couldn't be used at all.

Adam is not only unable to use divine power, he cannot even use the summoner ability given to him by the system. The biggest difference between him and ordinary people now is his strong body.

Adam can only sadly feel the existence of his mother, but he can't do anything.

In the dark and empty space, the goddess of death with disheveled hair and ragged clothes crazily exudes her divine power.

"Odin! I hate you!"


Huge divine power burst out from the body of the goddess of death, far exceeding her peak state before being sealed.

The dark and empty space was distorted by the powerful death power, and a series of dark space cracks appeared, and the fluctuations of the space oscillated to the surroundings.

In the majestic temple of Asgard, Odin is sitting on the throne listening to Thor's report.


The ice giants have become more and more dishonest. I suggest that I lead the troops and teach them a hard lesson. "

"Thor, I have told you many times that a qualified king will not start a war, we should..."

Before Odin finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and he looked at the distant earth with complicated eyes.


Thor stood up, gripping his Thor's hammer tightly in his hand, his face full of fighting spirit and pride.

"Enough!" Odin interrupted Thor's next words. "You go down first."

"Father!" Thor looked at Odin with a stubborn face. "They have forgotten how powerful Asgard is, we need to make them remember!"

Odin said angrily, "Thor, my son, I told you to go down first!"

Thor still stared at Odin stubbornly, did not move his footsteps, and argued loudly: "They will make an inch, and you will regret it one day!"

"Go down!" Odin stared at Thor with cold eyes, as if seeing the shadow of his eldest daughter from him. "Now!"

Thor looked at Odin's face full of frost, Thor finally compromised, shook his cloak fiercely, turned and walked out of the palace.

"I said, the father will not agree." At the gate of the palace, Loki in a green robe folded his arms and looked at Thor with a smile on his face. "Once again our great hero was driven out of the palace by his great father."

"Loki, why do you think he doesn't agree with us to play?" Thor looked at his brother with a distressed face.

"Because Odin is a benevolent king." Loki smiled mysteriously. "He never took the initiative to provoke a war. The murals in the palace are all painted like this."

Odin in the palace turned into a golden flash, rushed to the sky and disappeared, and no one saw her leave Asgard.

Earth Norway, in the dark and empty space, a golden light covered the entire space, all the cracks in the space were smoothed out, and this small space that was on the verge of collapse finally stabilized.

"My daughter, you are stronger." Odin looked at the disheveled Hela with a complicated face.

"Odin, let me out." Hela looked at Odin with madness on her face. "I'm going back to him now!"

Although Odin's face was full of entanglement and thinking, the firmness and coldness deep in his eyes never changed.

Hela restrained all her divine power and stared at Odin, still holding a glimmer of hope for her father.

Odin thought for a moment, then waved his hand lightly.

Odin gently raised his right hand, and a rich golden light rose from his hand, like a rising sun.

The little sun exploded violently, illuminating the entire space, then the little sun went out, and a person appeared in its original position.

Adam stood on the hillside, looking at the blue sea, his brain was running fast, thinking about all countermeasures.

Suddenly, a golden sun appeared beside Adam, sucking Adam into it.

The sea breeze blew gently, and there was no one on the hillside by the shore.

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