"Well, I have to say, you are a smart young man." Adam shook his head with a wry smile, but he didn't expect his IQ to be crushed by a chatterbox.

"Can you talk to me about my mother now?" Peter's eyes flickered with sadness. "When I was four years old, my parents left me again. I always believed that they loved me."

Adam shook his head and said, "I don't know your father, and I've only met your mother twice."

Adam pretended to be reminiscing and said, "Your mother is a beautiful woman, but she's out of her mind. I'm not scolding her, but she's delusional. She's always dreaming that the world will be destroyed by robots." , and her son will be the savior, for which she was sent to a mental hospital by the police."

"Really?" Peter blinked like a curious baby, and didn't look sad. "When you met my mother, what did she do?"

"When I knew her, she was still a college student. After she was sent to a mental hospital, I never saw her again." Adam was a little speechless, and Peter didn't even feel that his mother was a mental patient. .

"What's her personality like? Do you know her other friends?" Peter stared and asked, "Does my mother look like me?"

"You don't look alike at all, maybe you are more like your father." Adam looked at Peter carefully. "Your mother looks more like a Mexican, and you look like a traditional American."

"Come on, there is no tradition in America." Peter rolled his eyes. "Do you know anyone else who knows her? Who can I learn more about her from?"

Adam thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he had a good idea.

"I really know one." Adam said mysteriously: "Mom has an ex-boyfriend who is an agent named Nick Fury."

"Where is he an agent? FBI? Or where?" Peter's expression was a little excited. "Is he still alive? I mean, the agent's casualty rate is quite high. Are you sure he hasn't suffered any injuries affecting his brain, and his thinking is still clear?"

"Probably." Adam thought for a while, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D. should have a clear mind, right?

Peter asked excitedly: "How can I find him? What does he look like? Is it easy to find? If I post a missing person notice on the TV station, will it affect his work?"

Before Adam could speak, Peter continued: "If my mother is still alive, she will be almost 50 years old this year. Even if her ex-boyfriend is not much older than her, he will not be too young. The secret service industry...he should Have you retired?"

"I'll tell you what he looks like. Can you find a way to find him yourself?" Adam suddenly felt a little headache. When he watched the movie, he thought the chatter was cute, but he didn't expect it to be so scary when he faced it.

Adam is very fortunate now that he didn't put Xiao Jianjian's head and body together at the beginning. The power of Xiao Jianjian's mouth cannon should be stronger than that of Xiao Chong, right?

"Tell me, what does he look like?" Peter looked at Adam expectantly, and found that Adam was in a daze, so he quickly reminded: "You'd better describe its characteristics clearly, my drawing skills are not bad, Maybe I can draw it and look for him in the papers."

As Peter talked, he fell into his own rhythm again, chanting non-stop.

"I should have made him older and wrinkled. The Daily Bugle has an older audience. I should have published it in the Daily Bugle."

"His name is Nick Fury, I've already told you. He's a black man, and he's a one-eyed man. I remember he has no hair." Adam just wanted to end the chat with Peter quickly. "He looks very much like a marinated egg, a humanoid marinated egg with only one eye."

"Do you know what a marinated egg is?" Adam said with a smirk, "You can look it up online.

Braised eggs are a kind of Chinese food. "

"Impossible?" Peter's expression was a little tangled. "My mom's ex-boyfriend was black? I'm not racist up front, I just can't believe it."

"I still have something urgent to do, let's talk another day." Adam stood up after speaking, and walked out of the cafe. "keep in touch."

Peter was still in the bad news he had heard, with his head lowered and he kept mumbling.

"My mother's ex-boyfriend turned out to be a corned egg? Or a one-eyed corned egg? Gosh, tell me it's not true!"

After Adam left the coffee shop, he immediately took a taxi to the hotel that had been booked. All he wants now is to take a shower and get a good night's sleep.

Chatting with Peter for more than ten minutes is like a torture, and Adam's mind is still buzzing.

After Adam came to the hotel, he lay down on the big soft bed and soon entered a state of meditation. Adam, who has awakened his divine power, has already replaced meditation with sleep.

Meditation can't help Adam improve his divine power, nor can he continue to help Adam improve his spiritual power, but it can help Adam hone his newly acquired swordsmanship.

In his consciousness space, Adam kept practicing the few sword moves he got from Dugu Bai. Tianwai Feixian is almost under control, Jian Twenty-Three is still far behind, and Liuyun swordsmanship has no clue.

The next day, just as the sky was dimly lit, Adam ended his meditation.

Adam was not in a hurry to find Dr. Stern, but started a video chat next to the computer in the hotel.

"Carrie, Mom." Adam looked at the two most important women in his life opposite the computer, with a sincere smile on his face. It was completely different from the smile on Dr. Stern and Peter, the smile on Adam's face now seemed to radiate warmth like sunshine.

The Goddess of Death saw a gentle smile on her son's face, and did not speak, but patted the little girl beside her, signaling her to talk to Adam first.

"Adam, how have you been these two days?" Jiali smiled happily at the Goddess of Death, and immediately asked Adam on the computer: "Did you miss me? You won't find another girlfriend, right?"

"Of course not. I only love my Carrie."

omit five thousand words...

After Jiali chatted with Adam for half an hour, she went to hone the martial arts that the goddess of death gave her. Now there are a pair of mother and child on both sides of the computer.

"Mom, do you know that my plan will not succeed?" Adam looked at the Goddess of Death with an embarrassed expression.

"As long as you want to do it, why don't we try it?" The goddess of death looked at Adam dotingly, without explaining anything.

"I've seen the Supreme Mage." Adam said with a wry smile, "The Supreme Mage with the Time Stone is really terrifying. I think even if you face her personally, you may not be able to kill her, let alone be more terrifying than her." Odin."

"No, it seems that I should explain it to you." The goddess of death showed a confident smile.

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