Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 62 God King - Odin

Norway, Norwegian sea seaside.

"You are so relieved to let that kid wander around on the earth, even though you have sealed his divine power." Odin, who looked like an ordinary old man, sat on the beach without any image, and said to the air.

Speaking of air, if someone with strong mental power comes, they will find abnormalities.

The figure of the supreme mage slowly appeared.

???? "What else? After all, standing behind him is your proudest daughter." Gu Yi said with a smile.

"Haha, she is indeed my pride, otherwise I wouldn't have thrown that old guy's Genesis Record to her." Odin smiled heartily. "Hela never understood me. She thought that I sealed her here because I was jealous of her talent. She was afraid that she would rob me of the throne, but she never thought that my lifespan was numbered. "

"The Goddess of Death's breakthrough is because of you?" Gu Yi looked at Odin in surprise. She doesn't know this secret. "I thought her talent was so amazing that she could break through the limitations of the Asa Protoss."

"His talent is indeed amazing, but the restrictions of the Asgards are not so easy to break through." Odin said: "I have studied in Asgard for thousands of years, but I have not found a way. Instead, I have completely integrated with Asgard. We can only pin our hopes on her."

Gu Yi had a strange expression on his face.

Of course Odin knew why, and smiled slightly. "Looks like you know something."

"Did you let that flame giant go on purpose?" Gu Yi's face was a little ugly. "You want to rely on destroying Asgard to free the goddess of death?"

"According to the situation, it's not that bad." Odin's expression was very flat. "It's like the child Adam, who didn't exist in my plan."

"I hope so. Asgard is the backbone of protecting the earth in the future, and there is no room for loss." The Supreme Mage's face was a little ugly, and he always felt that there was something wrong with Odin's plan. "You have never thought about what the goddess of death thinks. Maybe she used to be like what you thought, but now he is focusing on that kid. Maybe your little calculation is about to fail."

"So pessimistic, have you forgotten the Scarlet Witch? That girl with the power of chaos will grow up to be a powerful force to protect the earth."

"Wanda's growth cycle is too long, you and I can't wait for that time. Only Hela can become a strong man who can resist Thanos before we die."

"Hela has now reached the level of the heavenly father. When she comes out of the seal, she will become a strong person surpassing us in a very short time. Even if we die, the nine gods will be safe." Odin smiled. Said.

"No. She still lacks what a real strong person should have." Gu Yi shook his head and said: "There is too much hatred in her heart. After all, she is the goddess of death, not the goddess of dawn."

"you mean?"

"She doesn't have the heart to care for the weak and the strong." Gu Yi said: "In the past, her heart was full of possessiveness, but now her heart may be full of Adam's kid."

???? "Too high a starting point is not a good thing." Odin said: "Strangeness is the eldest princess of Asgard, who possesses incomparable power and has fought with me for many years. One defeat."

"Perhaps we can find a way with Adam." Odin seemed to be in control of the overall situation. "I think your thoughts are the same as mine. Didn't you seal the kid's divine power just to let her experience the pain of mortals?"

"I hope it will come true." Gu Yi shook his head. "I always feel that there are too many mysterious powers in Adam, maybe things don't go as we wish."

"Neither Adam nor Hela will sit back and watch Thanos destroy half of the life in the universe." Odin had a confident smile on his face. "I understand my daughter, she has long regarded the entire universe as her own faith harvesting ground.


"Dormammu has been dishonest recently, it's really troublesome." A rare tired expression appeared on the face of the supreme mage.

???? "Can the neurosurgeon you care about really inherit your position? Why does the more I look at it, the more inappropriate it becomes?" Odin suddenly turned suspiciously and looked at Gu Yi and said.

Gu Yi smiled wryly, and said: "I don't think it's too good either. The character of this person really makes me unable to believe that he will be the next Supreme Mage. But in the future I saw through the eyes of Atomogo, he is indeed The next supreme mage."

Odin didn't speak. He had observed the surgeon. That person's personality was too bad. He really didn't believe that this person would become the supreme mage who guarded the earth.

But the Eye of Atomogo is the time gem that Odin once gave to the former supreme mage Atomogo. The time magic left by the great mage Atomogo can see countless possibilities in the future.

Of all the future possibilities that Ancient One saw with this magic, without exception, the next Supreme Mage was all that neurosurgeon.

Those who play with time will be destroyed by time.

Ancient One had never used the Eye of Atomogo before, but in just one year, she has used it three times, two of which are related to Adam.

Odin looked at the Norwegian Sea in the distance, and his heart was inexplicably shrouded in a haze.

He had a premonition that there would be a huge disaster in Asgard in the not-too-distant future, which would put Asgard in a state of life and death.

This disaster may not be the fire giant he expected, but something else strange. Since Adam appeared, Odin felt that his plan had become less and less reliable.

Half of the plan that Odin is implementing now is planned before, and the other half is completely random.

"I'm going back, maybe Loki already knows his life experience now." Odin looked at the location where the goddess of death was sealed, and he was confident that he would not be discovered.

"Odin, after the next supreme mage succeeds..." Gu Yi was silent for a moment, and said, "Maybe I'm already dead at that time, I will use my soul state to talk to Adam, I don't think he will hold any grudges us."

"So what if you hate it or not?" Odin, who was like an ordinary old man, had a peaceful smile on his face. "The eldest daughter Hella has hated me all her life, and the younger son Loki will soon hate me too. I hope Thor won't blame me."

"You threw Thor to the earth, let him experience the feeling of a mortal, is it really for him to inherit your throne?" Gu Yi suddenly felt that the old fox in front of him would not have such a simple plan, and the supreme mage waved gently With both hands, the power of magic allowed her to see as far away as New Mexico. "That girl named Jane has dark elf blood in her body."

"I once threw the Reality Gem to the dark elves, and they turned the Reality Gem into a family treasure, the ether particle." Odin still had that gentle smile on his face. "Only the blood of the dark elves can make the ether particles send out a summoning signal. My time is running out, maybe I should lure out this group of bereaved dogs and kill them."

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