Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 88 Master Kai is awesome!

Chris was still thinking wildly, but Kay stood up and walked in front of Adam.

Sitting on the throne, Adam looked at this guy who walked in front of him, and his heart was full of good feelings, not because of his name, but because of his appearance.

Adam himself is also black-haired and black-eyed, except for the goddess of death, the guy named Kai in front of him. He was also the second person with black hair and black eyes that he met in this world.

Chris looked at Kai nervously, his back was soaked in sweat, afraid that he would do something that would misunderstand Adam.

Chris was glad that he had obtained Thor's Hammer and Thor's armor, including the red cloak behind him, without revealing the fact that he was covered in cold sweat.

As the leader of a large group of illegal fighters, Chris naturally wouldn't bow down as soon as he saw Adam.

Chris's original plan was to use the identity of Adam's direct line to start a war and cleanse those corrupt and cowardly rulers in Asgard.

As for after cleaning, hehe, princes and generals, would you rather be kind?

But when Chris saw Adam for the first time, he was frightened by the pressure exuding from Adam.

Chris never thought that a young guy would be far stronger than himself and bring him a fatal crisis.

Moreover, Chris had seen Laufey from a distance. That time the Frost Giants almost invaded Asgard, Chris thought he would die in the hands of the Frost Giants.

Standing outside the palace, Chris watched Lauphy bow down to Adam with his own eyes.

That's Laufey!

Laufey, King of the Frost Giants!

Chris saw Laufey confronting Odin with his own eyes. The surging divine power, icy killing intent, and disdain for God King Odin all had a great impact on Chris.

At the end of this confrontation, Odin agreed to a series of not-so-friendly conditions for the Frost Giants in exchange for the Frost Giants' withdrawal.

Chris used to think day and night, if he was in charge of Asgard, should he use troops against Laufey or build a good relationship with Laufey.

But he didn't expect that the person he wanted to use could make Lao Fei kneel at his feet.

Chris saw Adam with apprehension, and because his heart was so shocked, his legs softened and he knelt down in front of Adam.

Chris originally thought that he would feel humiliated because of this mistake, but he didn't expect that the moment he knelt down, he felt a sense of relaxation in his heart.

The moment Adam threw Thor's Hammer at Chris' feet, all the complicated emotions in Chris' heart turned into shock.

These shocks carried the previous fear and awe, all transformed into something called loyalty.

Chris had an urge to die for his confidant.

In particular, Adam expressed his desire to revive the power of Asgard and drive the army out of the Nine Realms, which deeply impressed Chris.

In short, the moment Thor's hammer fell under Chris' feet, one thing was decided, and Chris became Adam's loyal subordinate.

"Your Majesty Adam, can it make me as strong as Odin?" Kai looked at Adam with piercing eyes. In his heart, the former Odin was definitely one of the strongest in the universe.

"Ah..." Adam fell into deep thought.

"Luoluo, what's the effect of the Eight Door Dunjia?"

"Analyze the person in front of you: He should have god-level strength from gates 1 to 3, he should have the strength of a main god from gates 4 to 6, open the seventh gate, and he will have the combat power of a heavenly father, and open the eighth gate. door, forming an array of eight doors, he definitely has the peak strength of the heavenly father."

"Can you beat Odin?"

"If Odin doesn't hang up, it's fine."

Adam nodded and said to Kay, "Yes."

Kai's eyes were wide open, and he knelt down on the ground immediately, and said excitedly: "Please give it to me, Your Majesty, and I will go and get Odin's head for you now.


"What I'm giving you is a martial skill, you have to practice it all." Adam felt a group of crows flying over his head, and the guy in front of him not only had a name like Emperor Kai, but also had a similar personality.

"Then please give it to me, Your Majesty, I'll go back and practice quickly." Kai looked at Adam sincerely. "I heard that Odin is very old and may not live long... I must hurry up!"

Adam felt that Kai was very suitable for him, not because he dared to target Odin, but because he was stupid.

Stupid people generally have one characteristic, that is, they are very loyal, also called foolish loyalty.

Adam likes such a person, he can even say boldly: I can trick him into eating Xiang, twice!

"Then go back and practice hard." Adam took out a card from his arms and threw it at Kai.

This card is exactly the Eight Doors Dunjia skill card.

When the card flew in front of Kai, it turned into a spot of light and entered Kai's brain. Kai immediately understood what Bamen Dunjia was and how to cultivate it.

"Your Majesty, the way of cultivation is very simple, but it takes a lot of time." Kai was a little depressed.

Adam was a little puzzled, and asked suspiciously: "What? Are you in a hurry?"

Could it be that this boy named Kai still has some revenge for killing his father?

Kai said with a bitter face, "I'm afraid that Odin won't survive and I'll be able to practice the eight-door Dunjia formation!"

"Why are you making trouble with Odin?" Adam was a little bit dumbfounded. "Do you have any feud with Odin?"

"No." Kai shook his head and said, "My cousin said that we will be your most solid shield in the future, preventing your enemies from seeing your face."

Kai thought for a while and then said: "I asked my cousin, and my cousin said that your biggest enemy now is the former God King Odin. As long as you kill him, your throne will be stable."

Chris knelt aside with sweat all over his face, feeling a little broken in his heart.

My cousin is only thinking about cultivation and doesn't know much about the world, but he doesn't look stupid, but he didn't expect to be stupid like a honeypot at a critical moment.

Sitting on the throne, Adam also felt that Kay was like a honeypot at this time.

Whether Asgard is chaotic or not, Lord Kay has the final say!

"Kay, go back and practice hard." Adam said with a wry smile, "If there are enemies, I will notify you."

"Oh." Kay nodded, and left the palace happily, and went to the residence not far from the palace, which Chris had arranged for him not long ago.

Chris knelt on the spot with a dull face, and his cousin just left?

Shouldn't he be waiting for me?

You obviously risked your life to block weapons for me on the battlefield before, but haven't you thought about how embarrassing it is for me to kneel here now?

"Chris, about Odin, try to say as little as possible in the future." Adam looked at Chris with dull eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic. Loki didn't cheat Thor like that.

Could it be that Thor's Hammer is poisonous?

Exclusive to the pit brother controlled by the younger brother?

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