Summoner of Miracles

: 380, I will know it by then.


When such a line of characters appears in mid-air, the room of the entire squad boss has recovered its silence.

No, there are two sounds undulating throughout the room.

"Whirring whirring…"


These two wheezing sounds were respectively transmitted from the mouths of two swordsmen who had fought hard, and they could not stop reverberating in this space.

At this time, Luo Zhen still maintains the position of "destructive blow", and Asuna also maintains the position of "Star Splash", and stands very neatly in a row, each other's chest is constantly undulating. The gasps are quite powerful.

The two people's hp slot is already in both red areas, and the danger is how it can be imagined.

Even the colorful butterflies and butterflies are as tired as they are, swaying in midair and almost falling to the ground.

Under such circumstances, the squad boss on the 74th floor was successfully crusade, so that the flames in the room began to dim, and eventually disappeared completely, making the surroundings become very dark.

The silence of the darkness did not know how long it lasted, leaving only two breathingles echoing.

After a long time, Luo Zhencai felt that there was footsteps behind his body, and the girl who made the sword seemed to be close.

"Down down...?...?"

The extremely uncertain voice came from behind Luo.

It is said that Luo Zhen can only make a bitter smile and make such an answer.

"If I don't knock down, I can't really do it."

Responding to all the syrup, the crystal is also invalidated. In this world where there is no way to use magic, this is the true limit of Luo Zhenzhen.

At this point, if it hasn't been knocked down, then Luo Zhen may really want to give up.

This time, the battle was so dangerous that it was the first time that Luo Zhen was desperately trying to do his best in this world. He could even compete with the singularity.

And even Luo really desperate to this level, that is not to mention Asuna.


With a soft percussion, behind the real Luo, the soft petite body hugged up, let a pair of slender hands ring in front of Luo really, unable to force.


Luo really stiffened at once.



Exhausted butterflies and butterflies are also like a wide-eyed, surprised call.

Asusna hugged Luo Zhen from behind, and her head was buried in her back, only a weak voice.

"I thought I couldn't do this..."

Asuna shook her body and said this.

This allowed Luo Zhen’s stiff body to slowly relax, and the crystal sword in his hand also hanged down.

Even if Luo Zhen, what to say at this time is still very clear.

"It's okay." Luo Zhen looked straight ahead, a rare gentle road: "We are still alive."

Now, just need to have this sentence is enough.


Asuna was silent for a long time before she responded gently.

The two kept this position and they didn't separate for a long time.

After the two separated, it was not known how long it had passed.

Since the reply on the hand has all been used up, and the reply crystal can't be used, the two can only sit down on the spot and wait for the hp slot to automatically return.

Fortunately, both of them have the "Response in Combat" skill, and the recovery of blood volume is still considerable. It didn't take long to return to the yellow area, and gradually began to go to the green area.

While sitting down, the two analyzed the previous situation.

“Why is the door suddenly locked up?” Asuna said quite seriously: “Is it really someone who intentionally framed us and shut us down here?”

"At least, I only think about this possibility." Luo Zhen said: "If it is a set problem, then it is a bit wrong on the plane."

If it is like the 4th floor, the squad boss will use a special ability to close the type of the door, which is somewhat unreasonable.

After all, there is only one special skill that shines in the magic eye, and that is breath.

The breath attack is not related to the closing of the gate. Unlike the layer 4 boss, if the gate is not closed, the water flow cannot be filled.

Therefore, Luo Zhen ruled out this possibility and did not think that this time would be this type of setting.

In addition, if it is at the beginning of the Raiders war or if there is a type of player who will automatically close when entering the room for a while, it is also difficult to explain why it is just when Luo Zhen and Asuna are preparing to retreat. Just closed.

Although it may be set to close the door if there is a player ready to retreat, Luo Zhen does not think that it would be so coincidental that only himself and Asuna decided to enter the room today, here This type of setting appears on one floor.

In other words, Luo Zhen does not believe that this crisis will be a trap that has just triggered a new type.

Behind this issue, it is certain to hide the maliciousness of man.

Asuna seemed to be faintly aware of this, and there was a bit of sad expression on the pretty face.

“Who is going to harm us in the end?”

Asuna couldn’t figure this out.

On the contrary, Luo Zhen, very calm.

"There are three possibilities."

Luo Zhen raised four fingers.

"One: Resentful to me or to you, even to the Raiders group players who both of us hate."

"Two: The guy who just left the army."

"Three: A specific object that is malicious to us."

"This is the three possibilities I can think of."

Luo Zhen said so.

"Because this is the front line of the labyrinth area, there will be only the Raiders group as the top player. If someone is interested in me or in your heart, it is entirely possible to do this kind of thing. This is the first kind. Possible reasons."

"And the guys in the Army are also very likely to feel unwilling to be scared away by me and you. I found that we deliberately framed us after entering the room of the custodial boss. This is the second possible reason."

"As for the third possibility, it is even simpler. There are many people in the world who are malicious to us. Poh, who is still absconding, will definitely not miss the chance to kill me. Your sick fans are also very good. It’s possible to follow you and finally do this because of inexplicable resentment. It’s very possible.”

Luo’s words made Asuna immersed in contemplation.

"So how do we find the prisoner?"

Asuna raised such a question.

In this regard, Luo really smiled coldly.

"It's very simple."

Luo Zhen did not hesitate to speak out.

"Gather all the guys who entered the labyrinth today, and you will know when you get there."

After making this decision, Luo Zhencai and Asuna went to the main block on the 75th floor through the ladder leading to the upper level, activated the transfer door, and returned to the 74th floor.

Then, Luo Zhen issued a paper notice as the leader of the Raiders group.

"All members of the Raiders team are gathered at the transfer gate square on the 74th floor."

The atmosphere of the wind and rain filled the entire Raiders group, making the air sinister.

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