Summoner of the Fairy Tail

Extra Story: Dragon Skylark

Four hundred years ago, it was not human beings who ruled this world, but extremely powerful 'dragons'.

The poisonous dragon Sknirok is just one of this ruling class. He is tyrannical, cruel and cruel, and his favorite thing to do is to kill human beings.

In fact, he, Sknirok, doesn't like the taste of human food very much, but he likes to watch the despair of human beings before they die.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. Some dragons, which Sknirok considered extremely stupid, actually stood on the side of humans, believing that humans and dragons should live in peace. Then, two groups of dragons who had different opinions broke out in war.

Sknirok originally didn't want to bother with such tedious matters. Although he loved to torture and kill humans, he didn't want to fight with his own kind.

However, the brutality of the war exceeded his expectations.

There was a human who developed the dragon-slaying magic. Since then, the dragon on the human side has gained the upper hand in the war, and a terrible guy has appeared.

That guy was originally a human being, but after practicing dragon slaying magic, his strength has far surpassed that of ordinary dragons. With this man, the anti-human dragon was defeated.

That person's name was 'Akunologia'.

Sknirok was lucky enough to survive because he did not participate in the battle, but Akunorokia did not intend to stop there, and seemed to regard killing dragons as his lifelong goal. Even the dragons who were in the same camp as him , were all killed by him.

Even the famous Fire Dragon King in the Dragon Clan is not his opponent.

Both humans and dragons deeply understand that Akunologia has become the enemy of the world.

At the same time, Skynyrok realized that he would eventually be killed like the other dragons.

In order to save his life, he had to move closer to the dragon who supported humans.

Sconirock discovered that the fire dragon king Igniru, the white dragon, the shadow dragon, the iron dragon, and the sky dragon combined with human star spirit wizards planned a plan to defeat Akunorokia, which was to cultivate the Dragon Slayer demon. Mentors come to fight Akunologia.

And these dragon slayer wizards were transported through the time and space gate of the protoss to four hundred years later, an era with the most magical power.

After Schnellokma knew about it, he immediately expressed that he would also participate in the plan, and immediately found an excellent baby to adopt.

But not long after adopting the baby, Sknirock was told that he was about to fight Akunorokia to the death.

Sknirock was in a mess right now, didn't he say he wanted to train dragon slayers to defeat black dragons?

Then Ignilu told him that you can't put all your hopes on these children. These children who learn dragon slaying magic are the last cards.

Hearing Ignilu's words, of course Sknirok would not agree. Originally, he joined this camp to avoid Akunorokia.

So Sknirok fled, took the baby with him, and disappeared.

Not long after, Sknirok heard that Akunologia had won, and the souls of the five dragons were taken away by him.

How those dragons will train dragon slayers in the future, Schnellok doesn't know, and doesn't want to know, he only knows that there are fewer and fewer dragons in the world, and he will be destroyed soon.

So Sknirok created a kind of magic.

Originally, dragons were a race with high intelligence, but they were born strong, so most of them got used to fighting with instinct, and it was not difficult for them to create a brand new kind of magic.

Sknirock studied the human body and discovered the mystery of the human body, and that mystery is 'heredity'.

The name of that magic was named 'Inherited Secret Moment' by Sknirock.

After Sknirock cultivated the adopted human beings with a certain dragon-slaying physique, it was hidden in his genetic factors.

He tampered with that human's memory, made him forget that he was a dragon slayer, and continued to live as an ordinary human.

That human race has reproduced generation after generation, and Sknirok is in the blood of every human being, quietly waiting four hundred years later for the arrival of the era of sufficient mana.

Finally, on a certain day, Sknirok felt the abundant magic power of the earth, descending from the human body again.

Sknirock, who had been holding back for 400 years without killing anyone, immediately discovered a small village not far away, and the viciousness in his nature drove him to destroy it.

Weak humans are no match for him, but for some reason, a monster in the shape of a dragon appears.

That monster has the appearance of a dragon, with a white body, exuding a magical power of 'light'.

But it is by no means a dragon.

Four hundred years later, Sknirok was much weaker. This was because the genetic secret moment was not perfect, and these four hundred years had consumed too much of his mana.

At one hour and three quarters, he hadn't had time to recover.

In the end, Sknirock and the white dragon died together.

This is the story of the dragon Sknyrok.

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