Summoner of the Fairy Tail

Chapter 147: The Second President

A raging fire was burning, and bright crimson shone around. It's just that strangely, a smear of darkness suddenly erupted, swallowing the flames.

Upon closer inspection, this pitch-black thing turned out to be a flame.

The two flames with different colors and properties collided with each other, erupting with a huge sound, from which two voices could be heard.

One is a scream of pain, and the other is wanton laughter.

It was Natsu who screamed.

The reason for the screams was because it was too hot.

I'm afraid even he himself forgot when was the last time he was burned by a flame, or in other words, this was the first time he was burned by a flame.

Natsu, who possesses the flame dragon slayer magic, should be the nemesis of all flames in the world.

His opponent has long yellow hair, ferocious and arrogant eyes, and red pupils. His identity is Zanquero, one of the seven relatives of Purgatory.

The magic used is called Flame God Slayer Magic, which is one level higher than Dragon Slayer Magic.

The suppression of the flames led to a gap in strength between the two. At this moment, Natsu finally felt the mood of the flame mage who fought against him in the past.

How depressing it is, and how frightening it is.

Naz gritted his teeth fiercely, feeling invincible from the bottom of his heart, as if he was facing Kildath.

There was only one blue kitten watching the battle from the sidelines. Seeing that Natsu was being severely suppressed, he couldn't help but show a worried expression.

"Come on, Natsu."

Happy prayed softly for Naz, but the prayer was completely useless.

I saw Natsu screaming angrily, took a deep breath, his stomach swelled, and he squirted at Zanquero.

"The Roar of the Fire Dragon!"

A huge amount of flames spewed out from Natsu's mouth, and the crimson light was like a small sun, whizzing towards Zanquero with extraordinary heat.

Faced with this roar, Zancro just laughed, opened his mouth and swallowed, all the flames poured into his mouth, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

It seems that God Slayer Magic and Dragon Slayer Magic have the same effect, they can also devour lower flames.

Zancro wiped the corners of his mouth, as if there were still food residues there, and said with a grin.

"It's a delicious fire, brutal, and never burns out."

"Is this the flame that can kill a dragon? However, even if you can kill a dragon, you will definitely not be able to kill a god!"

"The Flame God howls!"

Zancro opened his mouth and spit out, a huge and hot black fireball spewed out from his mouth, the flame seemed to be condensed, giving people a condensed feeling, everything that passed was destroyed, all of a sudden It was blown away hard.

Facing the condensed flames, Natsu had no power to fight back, and his blown body was not only covered with injuries, but also fell into the distance as if fainted.

When Happy saw this, he immediately spread his wings behind his back, and flew towards Natsu with a 'swoosh', and grabbed hold of it firmly.

For a moment, Happy was a little overwhelmed. The strong impact made Naz faint for a while. Happy wanted to run away with Naz, but he also knew that Naz would never run away.

At this moment, a terrifying magical power erupted not far from them, and at the same time there was an impact blast. Seen from the sky, several monsters of different shapes just attacked someone with all their strength. .

Hobby could see clearly that these monsters were clearly Calvin's summoned beasts, and they were also the most powerful ones.

Glancing at Zancro, who was staring at him below, and at the summoned beast not far away, Habi weighed himself up and flew towards Calvin.

When Zancro watched Happy fly up, his expression was astonished. The kitten he had been ignoring before actually snatched the prey from his hand.

This made him furious.

"Don't try to escape!"

With a roar, Zancro ran towards the direction that Harpy flew away.

Happy flew very fast, and arrived at his destination in a short while.

There, the aftermath of the summoned beast's attack had just dissipated, revealing a slightly embarrassed old man.

Facing the strongest blow from Calvin's three summoned beasts, he still didn't seem to be injured much.

Calvin, with a serious face, was not surprised. If he could defeat the opponent so easily, Makarov would not be defeated so easily.

Suddenly, Calvin asked.

"Happy, is Natsu defeated?"

It turned out that he had sensed Happy's arrival, as well as the injured Naz.

"The enemy's flames are stronger than Natsu, and Natsu is no match at all." Haru told the truth.

However, the moment Happy opened his mouth, an angry cry came from Naz's mouth.

"I'm not defeated! It's just a temporary disadvantage!"

Naz has already woken up, and he was awakened by the words of Happy and Calvin. Even in a coma, he can't bear to hear others belittle him.

Hearing Naz's angry voice, Calvin was a little relieved, still looking at the old man in front of him coldly, and said seriously.

"That old guy is very powerful. I can't help you now. You can beat your opponent, Natsu."

It was the first time for Natsu to hear such words of trust from Calvin's mouth. In an instant, his fighting spirit was ignited.

"Of course! I'll beat him right away!" Natsu was on fire, not referring to his fighting spirit or anything, but his whole body was on fire.

Scared, Habi quickly let go.

But it doesn't matter, this height can't kill Naz Xiaoqiang's life.

After landing, Naz kicked hard on the ground, and he rushed towards a certain direction at high speed.

Happy was slightly taken aback, looked at Calvin, and said.

"Then let's leave first, can you be alone?"

"It's not your turn to worry, go and look at Naz." Calvin said confidently, and Happy also raised the corner of his mouth, and flew away after Naz with a 'swoosh', obviously confident in Calvin full.

However, as soon as Happy left, Calvin's face became serious again.

When the two were talking to each other just now, the old man on the opposite side didn't do anything, but waited calmly with his arms crossed.

"The old man is really patient."

"We must give you time to say goodbye to your partner, right?" the old man said slowly.

"Do you think I will die by your hands?" Calvin curled his lips and said disdainfully.

Although the old man was very strong, he didn't think that the other party could kill him easily.

The old man chuckled and looked at Calvin with an inexplicable expression.

"As Makarov's child, your strength is indeed beyond my imagination. However, before you die, that kid just now will go to hell first."

Calvin's eyes flashed slightly, and he did not agree with the old man's declaration to Naz. However, there were other things on his mind.

"Judging from your tone, it turns out that you and the president know each other."

"Oh~ don't you know? The documents in the guild should have my records." The old man said with dissatisfaction, showing displeasure on his expression.

Calvin raised his eyebrows and said firmly.

"Sure enough, no wonder the president is so afraid of you, you are the second generation president, Prechto!"

"Recognize me? This is indeed my previous identity and name, but now, I am the president of the Devil's Heart, Hades!"

The old man let go of his upturned hands, exuding a dangerous smell all over his body, stretching out his palms and pushing, a wave of magic suddenly unfolded, facing Calvin directly.

The red-eyed black dragon retracted its wings and blocked the attack for Calvin. At the same time, the black mage and the dragon swordsman jumped out together, slashing the trajectory of the aisle with sharp swords, and the green magic wand flashed dazzling starlight.

The old man waved his hands and kept drawing magic circles. The magic circle immediately showed its power, firmly suppressing the two summoned beasts.

A huge black shadow covered the sunlight, and the old man who was in the dark looked up, and saw that the ferocious dragon head had opened its big mouth, and the sharp dragon teeth were biting at him fiercely.

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