Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 63 The Power of the Machine Gunner

"No!" Irene immediately vetoed: "You are now a wounded person and cannot participate in the operation!"

Even Leng Feng echoed: "Boy, you can't use this arm anymore, why are you trying to be brave?! Hurry up and stay here for me!"

Kent could only shake his head helplessly, and said to Irene: "Irene, with you here, those mercenaries are willing to work hard here.

They said they were thanking me, but their real benefactor is you, and with you, they can maintain their combat capability and morale to the greatest extent. "

There is one more thing Kent didn't say, that is, Irene has an inspiring stunt, which can improve the overall attributes of her companions in a small range. For those "blank board" mercenaries, Irene can be said to be the best support.


"Okay, I have to go, and Simon taught me a shooting skill, even if I shoot with one hand, I will maintain accuracy."

Irene still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Kent. As he spoke, Kent shook the AR-X with his left hand.

Listening to Kent's indisputable tone, Irene had no choice but to agree: "Okay, but you must come back alive."

"Okay, I promise." Kent smiled softly.

Suddenly, Leng Feng grabbed Kent's neck, and said softly to Irene like he was holding a chicken: "Irene, you can stay here, I will take good care of this kid."

"Uncle, I will leave Kent to you." Irene said in a worried voice.


"Boom!" The explosion of rockets sounded.

"Crack! Crack!" The mall exploded, splashing tiles and rubble.

Just as Leng Feng was about to reassure Irene, suddenly, an RPG rocket appeared from nowhere and directly hit the H\u0026N clothing store just now.

The sudden attack, coupled with the powerful shock wave, caused all the people present to lie on the ground with their heads in their hands, including Kent, but he was forced to the ground by Leng Feng.


"Enemy attack! Eleven o'clock direction!"

"Everyone fight back! Fight back! Create fire suppression for me!"

"Sniper! Accurate shooter! Just find the guy with the rocket launcher and fuck him hard!"

At the moment of being attacked, the mercenaries who originally defended the surrounding area also responded, and the head of the mercenary regiment would give orders according to the situation.

As for the personal mercenaries, they are not fools, they are veterans who have been on countless battlefields, and they know how to cooperate and find their own targets.


"Ahem!" Kent inhaled a lot of smoke and dust, making it difficult for him to breathe. At the same time, he got up quickly with Leng Feng's support.

Leng Feng grabbed Kent and ran behind a plant stand in a shopping mall to use as a cover.

The Secret Service, or now the members of the 141 Special Service Team, also looked for cover as soon as they got up, and tried to find the source of the attack.

Simon protected Professor Quill and ran to Kent, and said in a hasty tone, "What should we do now?!"

"Don't worry! This must be the vanguard, and the number will definitely not be many!"

Immediately afterwards, Kent used the walkie-talkie to shout on the public frequency: "Everyone! Report the situation, where is the exact location of the enemy?! How many people are there!"

"Twelve o'clock is the north of the center of the mall, and the enemy is in the direction of eleven o'clock, about 400 meters away from the mall. The number of people is about 30, and they are still advancing!"

As soon as Kent asked the question, the head of a mercenary group gave the answer.

The moment he heard the answer, Kent shouted at Carlos on the side: "Carlos! Go to the north for support! Assist the mercenaries in suppressing firepower!"

"Yes! Commander!"

Carlos grabbed the M90X, half-bowed and trotted to the sandbag position in the north, and put the M90X on the sandbag skillfully,

He held the handle of the gun with his right hand and pressed the body of the machine gun with his left hand, watching the enemy 400 meters away, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"


[Carlos Oliveira's stunt is detected, and the heavy weapon expert activates it, increasing its 4 shot data.

Carlos Oliveira's current shooting data is 90]


The trajectory of the tracer projectile flies towards the distant enemy like a fire snake, and its rhythm is not the ordinary 3-point shooting, but Carlos' unique 1-4-1 burst shooting.

Since Carlos has a very strong body, it is almost handy to control the M90X, which is almost close to a heavy machine gun.

Originally, the mercenaries behind this row of sandbag positions were still doing 'blind shooting', but when they saw Carlos, even if they emptied their magazines, they forgot to reload them again, just admiring Carlos as if they were bombing. Piano machine gun solo.

The distance of 400 meters is the limit range for ordinary assault rifles. When the 5.56 caliber bullet reaches about 400 meters, the ballistic trajectory will become very unstable, and the lethality will also be reduced a lot.

This is why the mercenaries are conducting 'blind shooting'. Their purpose is very simple, that is to suppress firepower and create opportunities for snipers and precision shooters.

Machine guns are different. The caliber of common machine guns is 7.62. This is a common model with precision marksman rifles and sniper rifles, but the accuracy is much worse.

It can be said that the distance of 400 meters is an absolutely effective killing range for the M90X. In front of Carlos, a heavy weapon expert, the enemy 400 meters away falls to the ground like a sieve.

The enemy, that is, the UBCS, they didn't even expect that someone could control a machine gun and shoot accurately at a long distance, so they didn't pay attention to looking for cover at all.

After a chain of ammunition passed, no one in the UBCS in the strengthened platoon could stand up and continue the pathfinding attack, because they were completely defeated by Carlos and a group of precision shooters and snipers.


"Shh~" Carlos let out a bright whistle, carried the M90X on his shoulders, walked up to Kent under the attention of everyone, and said proudly: "Commander, the task you assigned has been completed, is there any reward~ "

"Hehe, I'll reward you with 200. You did a good job." Kent smiled casually.

"Head, this...!"

"Okay, everyone, get ready, we have to hurry up and take action!"

Kent didn't give Carlos any more time to tease, and waved his right hand loudly.

At this time, Kent was already wearing ordinary secret service combat equipment, and he exchanged his nano-coated body armor and armed belt for Leng Feng.

In fact, even without matching clothes, optical camouflage can also be used, but it is very easy to be spotted at close range.

—{Author: In the game, the protagonist wears short sleeves, and the whole body can also be invisible. Yes, they are definitely the best, manual and funny~}—

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