Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 7 Harvest

"Oh..." Kent sighed, and now he finally knew why Mars looked so backward.

But if you think about it carefully, more than two hundred years ago, if you convert the time, it would be 20XX. Could it be that there was the technology of interstellar migration at that time?

And before the interstellar immigration, the main difficulty is the planetary environment, the atmosphere, gravity, atmospheric pressure, magnetic field, etc. are all problems.

In Kent's world view, only the earth in the entire solar system is suitable for human survival.

Mars seems to be the planet where humans are most likely to emigrate. After all, the environment of Mars is very friendly compared with other planets in the solar system.

Humans in this world have the ability to transform Mars, Kent does not doubt much, but Venus is different, the difficulty of transformation is far more than a thousand times, or even ten thousand times that of Mars.

In the 20th century, scientists speculated that Venus was the planet most likely to harbor life other than the Earth. It is also a terrestrial planet, and its distance from the sun is considered moderate. Many people even think that the environment of Venus is a tropical rainforest.

You must know that the English name of Venus is Venus, named after the goddess of love and beauty, which shows how much human beings like this sister planet of the earth with a veil.

However, when human probes approached and landed on Venus one after another, its mysterious veil was slowly lifted.

The atmospheric pressure of Venus is 92 times that of the Earth, and the temperature is as high as 465 degrees Celsius. Even the main component of the atmosphere is sulfur dioxide.

This is not a beautiful planet, more like a hell planet. Human beings will be crushed instantly on Venus, let alone survive.

But in this world, human beings seem to have overcome this technical barrier and can actually transform such a hell.

With doubts, Kent said again: "Hey, did human beings more than two hundred years ago have the ability to modify the planetary environment?"

"Hum..." Simon shrugged, also puzzled: "I don't know, I'm an idiot when it comes to technology, I only know that the coalition government is not very good, and the history is still heard from my chief."

"Is that so..." Kent was a little disappointed.

After all, it is human nature to be curious, and he really wants to know what is going on in this world.

But when Kent was confused, Simon said, "Okay, take out the gun and follow me."

At this moment, the two of them have arrived at Grad's camp, which is more luxurious than a camp.

Although Simon has done an investigation, there should be only 32 people left in the Grad organization, but it is better to be cautious.

"En." Kent responded, and also took the AK-12 behind his back in his hand.

But when he was about to approach the gate, Simon glanced back at Kent, and immediately ordered in a low voice: "Put the gun on the ground, don't point it at anyone."

"Oh." Kent realized that the muzzle of his gun was pointing at Simon's back, so he immediately pointed the muzzle at the ground.

Holding the gun in both hands, Simon walked slowly to the open door, first leaning against the wall, at this time Kent also imitated Simon, walking to the wall in style.

Seeing that Kent was in place, Simon immediately probed into the courtyard, made a gesture after confirming that there was no one there, and walked into the courtyard first.

Kent also raised his gun through the gate and walked into the yard, only to find that there was only a larger bungalow and a few tents inside.

At this time, Simon had gone into the bungalow and disappeared. Kent also checked the tent with trepidation, but he only saw dirty clothes and a lot of used toilet paper.


"Hey! Look what I found!"

While Kent was pinching his nose and searching the tents one after another, Simon came out of the bungalow with two black travel bags and shouted excitedly at Kent.

"Oh?" Kent was also interested, and ignored those tents,

Walked up to Simon and asked, "What are these?"

"Look." Simon didn't talk nonsense, and unzipped a bag.

"Wow..." Kent's eyes straightened after seeing what was inside.

What I saw in this travel bag were stacks of cash tied with white paper strips.

In his previous life, Kent was a college student who hadn't graduated, and his family's conditions were only ordinary. He had never seen this kind of battle at all. This was a bag of hundred-dollar bills.

"This..." Kent pointed at the bag, his voice trembling, " this?"

"Hehe." Simon chuckled and said, "There is at least 300,000 cash here. Isn't your family short of money? Isn't this the money?"


At this moment, Kent finally suppressed the excitement in his heart, grabbed a wad of banknotes and began to fiddle with them.

This money has purple lines and is about the same size as a soft girl coin. The earth is printed on the front and a map of the world is printed on the back.

"Well." Simon took back the banknote in Kent's hand, threw it into the bag, zipped it up, and said calmly: "This is the currency issued by the central bank of the earth, and it is also the currency common to all galaxies.

You can buy the AK-12 in your hand for 500. Of course, it is a popular AK-12, and you can customize it for more than 500. "

"I see..." Ken nodded.

However, he also learned another piece of information from Simon's words, that is, there are other galaxies besides the solar system.

Kent didn't ask any more questions, but pointed to another travel bag and said, "What about this one?"

"This? Haha, what's inside is the real good stuff!" Simon said excitedly.

"Oh? Really?" Kent also began to wonder what good things are in it. After all, it can make Simon, who is not interested in money, happy, so there must be...

"Of course it's some good equipment, look!"

Simon opened the zipper of the travel bag, and pointed to the items in the bag excitedly.

Kent was also very interested and squatted down, opened the bag with his hands, and saw three black tubes, several pendants similar to night vision goggles, a gun-mounted grenade launcher, and many types of grenades.

After Kent took out the black tube and fiddled with it, he looked at Simon and asked, "This thing...isn't it a bazooka?"

"Yes." Simon pointed to the bag and said, "There are three M44 LAW light assault rocket launchers, four wearable low-light night vision goggles, one XM210 external grenade launcher, ten conventional grenades and five white phosphorus bombs. "

"Hey!" Kent flipped through the bag, looking at the weapons, his eyes glowing like Simon's.

Kent is a man... well... male, except for women, guns are the only thing that can make men crazy. In some people's eyes, guns are even more 'sexy' than women.

Simon took back the M44 LAW in Kent's hand, put the bazooka into the travel bag, stood up and said, "Let's go, Laura is still waiting."

"Yeah." Kent also nodded, helped Simon lift the travel bag full of cash, and said, "Let's go, buddy."

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