Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 481: Attack Horn

Rhodes has always been very popular in doing things. In fact, when he solemnly announced the alliance agreement with the two dragons, Rhode's army had quietly arrived at the border and was ready for battle. In fact, for Rhodes himself, he did not want to start a war just a few days after he returned. However, Rhodes is aware of the danger of this chaos. It is like a plague with extremely high lethality and infectiousness, and currently has no effective control and treatment methods. If it cannot be attacked in the shortest time and at the fastest speed, If you kill, then the consequences are simply unthinkable.

What's more terrible is that such "plagues" are not just "passive" transmissions. On the contrary, they will also "actively" launch attacks, and they are very dangerous. To deal with such an enemy, we must absolutely eliminate it with overwhelming power. But unfortunately, with the exception of Rhodes, there are no "overwhelming" advantages to the undead army of Night Country.

"Are you ready? Rabis?"

Standing on the high tower, Rhode asked in a low voice, gazing at the country covered by dark and eternal night in the distance. Hearing his inquiries, Labis nodded hurriedly.

"Although some rush work has been completed, Lord Rhodes. It's just that ... because the construction materials required for the magic cavalry standard equipment need to be refined, which wastes considerable time. Even if we have accelerated as much as possible in the later stage Progress, but in the end it was only time to equip three legions ... "

"Three is enough. We can order the rear to fully open. We can abandon the mount, even if it is just infantry. I will see at least five legions all change their magic guided armor within twenty days." Said one side. Rhode looked down at the rows of soldiers under his feet. This was the elite of the vanity leader. Most of them were mercenaries who had been born and died with Rhodes and opened up the land of chaos. And the soldiers under their hands also came from the original place of atonement and participated in many wars against undead. They are battle-hardened warriors. However, this alone is not enough.

The most striking thing is the armor on these soldiers. They are all wearing uniform, dark armor that wraps all parts of the body. At first glance, it looks like a round and smooth magical armor with the outer skin of an oval beetle, but the runes etched on it and emitting a faint magical aura have guaranteed that these armors are absolutely extraordinary. In fact, these armors are far more complicated than they seem. Although they weigh nearly a hundred kilograms, the "light spirit" runes attached to them can ensure that these armors are as light as leather. The existence of "giant force" can make users of these armors burst into a giant-like power. Coupled with the dual protection of "Stone Skin" and "Defense Magic Enchantment", these soldiers can still advance without fear even under the dual pressure of arrow rain and magic. But the so-called good horse with good saddle, these equipments also cost a lot. It can even be said that the equipment of each soldier is enough to support a heavy cavalry team of about ten people! Even with Labes and Marlene, you can't reduce this consumption. After all, let's not talk about how much energy and money it takes to draw advanced magic runes. The magic crystals used to maintain these magics are naturally not a few. Coupled with the ore and metal needed to make armor, this is almost enough to buy a city.

Of course, these were not made immediately after Rhodes returned. In fact, the dress-up work of the Nether Leader Army began long before Rhodes left the Dragon Soul Continent. At that time, Rhodes was ready for World War I. Although there was a blessing from the "Resurrection Aura", This does not mean that you can rush up with a stick. The reason why Rhodes made these magical armors at the time, in addition to strengthening attacks and defenses to the greatest extent, also meant to resist the insidious and cunning methods of the night kingdom. After all, he knew very well that the kingdom of the night was careful. In addition to the necromancy spells, these guys were also very good at plagues and curses. Although these things are unlikely to take the lives of soldiers, they are also enough to reduce their combat effectiveness. Therefore, Rhodes also needs an elite guard who can always dare to fight bayonet and is not afraid of the range of undead infections to face the kingdom of night. Now it seems that they should be enough to deal with chaos.

"What about the order-enhancing enchantment device?"

"In progress, there should be no problems. But Lord Rhodes, because this is just a test product. So Miss Marlene must be responsible for providing the output ..."

"It doesn't matter, it's only temporary anyway."

Upon hearing Rabise's uneasy reminder, Rhodes waved her hand and interrupted her. Then he turned around and stroked Bess's hair.

"I'll leave it to you later, no problem."

"Ah ......... Yes! Lord Rhode, please give it to me!"

Feeling Rhodes's touch, Rabes's cheeks turned red slightly, then she hurriedly reached out to pull up the hood, then took two steps backwards and whispered. And seeing Rabis's reaction, the corner of Rhodes's mouth slightly raised, then he reached up and picked up a magic crystal and threw it into the air. Soon, he saw the magic crystal emitting a bright and dazzling luster, and then suspended in the air. . Rhode looked at the magic crystal in front of him and coughed softly. Then he lowered his head and looked at the soldier in front of him.

"Masters, I think you already know that we are about to face an unprecedented war."

Rhodes said, his voice was not loud, but echoed clearly in the ears of each soldier. Hearing Rhode's voice, the soldiers raised their heads and looked at the standing figure on the wall that was not healthy at all, and even a little thin.

"The undead still haven't given up their attacks on us. Many of you have experienced battles with them. Not long ago, they tried to invade our territory. Many people were forced to leave their homes under the threat of death. You once witnessed your home burned by flames, your loved ones were killed, and then turned into undead puppets, forced to leave the land where they originally lived. But it is clear that they are not satisfied with this, and they also Has never been satisfied. "

Speaking of this, Rhodes lowered his voice, and when he heard him, the soldiers also bowed their heads, clenched their fists in anger, and an unprecedented anger erupted in his eyes. Indeed, as Rhodes said, the invasion of undead creatures during this time has annoyed the soldiers. Although they repelled the attack of the undead again and again, the anger did not subside. They know what these undead want to do, and they have no intention of giving up. If possible, they also hope to solve these problems once and for all, but unfortunately, after all, they are only soldiers, not generals.

"And now ......... everything will change!"

Speaking of which, Rhode's voice suddenly increased.

"We have had enough of aggression, and now it is time for us to fight back. We will go deep into the kingdom of darkness, completely destroy the night capital, and destroy the dragon of darkness that has fallen into madness! It goes against being the master of order He has fallen into the abyss of chaos. He is trying to walk chaos to every corner of the world and completely destroy this continent. As the people of order, we must stop its stupid behavior ... ………… ... "

Speaking of this, Rhodes suddenly became silent. This caused many soldiers below to look at each other involuntarily, wondering why His Majesty the Dragon of Void suddenly remained silent, but when they were puzzled, Rhode's voice sounded again.

"Although I have said so much, but I want to say these are shit! The most important thing is that we want revenge! We have to kill this shameless group of undead creatures! Let those **** who have no brains know the graveyard. It's their place of residence! Tooth for tooth, blood for blood! How they treated us at the beginning, we need to get back ten times! The era of crying, trembling, fearing and escaping in the face of undead creatures is over, now is the time Let them shiver under our iron hoof for mercy, and then die as a weed trampled by muddy water! Order only one, see the enemy and kill, see the enemy! Dig the **** out of the grave and burn their bodies For the ashes, one does not stay! Ready to set off ---! The goal, the kingdom of the night, this time is a counterattack, an aggression! We must completely occupy the land of eternal night, and drive these walking dogs who have committed to submission and chaos to destruction The other side, let them be completely destroyed !!! "


With Rhodes' roar, it was a weird silence. No one spoke, everyone stood there silently. Seeing this scene, Labis couldn't help looking at Rhode with some worry, but just as she was about to say something, the cheering and shouting like a volcano erupted suddenly, rising from the ground and ringing through the sky.

"Her Majesty the Dragon of Void !! Her Majesty the Dragon of Void !!"

"Revenge !! We want revenge !!!

"Go through those undead creatures raised by **** !!! Now is the time for us to return their interest !!!"

The mixed roars and shouts are completely irregular, and the shouts of joy, anger, and excitement are combined to form a chaotic noise. The soldiers raised their hands high, clenched their arms, and vented their emotions. Facing the scene in front of him, Rod's mouth slightly raised, then he raised his right hand high. With Rhodes' motion, a dazzling radiance rose into the sky. Immediately afterwards, the sky began to tremble.

The infinite and eternal night began to twist, as if crushed and crushed by mud. It was just a blink of an eye. The darkness at the junction of the void collar and the country of night was turned into a fragmentary fragment, and they were not even late enough. Disappeared was swallowed up by the imaginary starry sky of Vientiane.

And the next moment—warm, dazzling, soft sunlight emerged from the other side of the horizon, shining on this land originally covered by eternal darkness. As if a stage play, finally opened the deep curtain and started a brand new performance.

It also represents the beginning of a full-scale war.

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