Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 484: Stalemate

The thick mist couldn't stop rolling back up and looked like it was trying to form a barrier to resist the attack. But just a blink of an eye, the floating battleship whistling forward just cut the fog resistance as if it were a cake, and then the next moment, it rushed to the ghost ship in front of it without stagnation. I only heard a loud sound of "Boom", and then the ghost ship that could not escape was slammed into the air by the floating battleship. Debris fluttered for a while, and it seemed that the ghost was full of wounds as the years passed. The ship couldn't withstand such an impact at all. With the squeaking noise of "squeak", the broken hull began to gradually tilt and squeeze and deform. But after only a few moments, the hull that seemed to be squashed was twisted again like a strong spring and restored to its original shape. At this moment, with the collision of the ships on both sides, a new round of fighting began again.

"For the glorious divine glory !!"

Accompanying the clear and loud shouts, one after another bright and dazzling radiance erupted from the deck of the floating ship, and then, the angels of war enshrouded in holy brilliance raised the sword in their hands, spread their wings, and toward the ghost in front of them. The boat leaped away. With the cold, rolling death fog, banshees appeared on the deck. They have pale skin, illusory figures, and tattered long skirts fluttering and dancing. These banshees were once the most beautiful elves in the world, but the fear and aversion of death distorted their souls, making them completely a different kind of appalling existence. Now their only purpose in this world is to kill the creatures here, and to tear the soul of the prey. And looking at the angels shining with the light in front of them, the banshees were not as scared and afraid as other undead creatures. Instead, they just stepped back a few steps. Then he opened his mouth.

"—————— !!!!!!"

The harsh sounds erupted from the mouths of the banshees. The cold, death, and sharp howling sounds filled with evil curse breath turned into a life-saving weapon at this moment, covering the angels in front of them. The face of the banshees was full of malicious and cursing rage. The war angels hurriedly clenched the sword in their hands, and the bright holy light suddenly emerged from the sword, forming a protection against the threat of death. But even so, their bodies stopped for a moment and then fell heavily on the deck. And just as the war angels fell. The banshees had already waved their sharp minions and rushed towards the prey in front of them.


Although dizzy and dizzy by the howl of the banshee, the war angels still bit their teeth and raised their swords to stab the banshee in front of them. The long sword shining with holiness and glance swept across the air in this way, and then chopped heavily in the body of the banshee. If you change other weapons, then it is meaningless in front of the banshee, a nearly transparent spirit body. But the war angel's long sword full of divine energy can ensure that it crosses this boundary, thereby hurting the essence of its soul.

"Uh ---"

The long sword pierced forward into the spirit body, replaced by a sound like a water droplet evaporating when it hits a soldering iron, white smoke emerged from the junction of the sword's edge and the spirit body, and sacred light energy surged along. Jian Feng broke out and penetrated into the body of the banshee.


The banshee stabbed by the sword of the war angel made a scream of screams, and she wielded her sharp claws vigorously. Grasp the wings of the angel in front of her, and the killing and anger that erupted in the hollow black eyes seemed to be enough to tear the enemy in front into pieces in the next instant. In the face of the Banshee's attack, the war angel did not hesitate to flip his wrist and pierced the sword straight into the Banshee's body.

The melee on the deck is still continuing, and on the other side, the howling artillery fire has no meaning to reduce. Under the command of Gaya, the floating fleet of the Principality of Muen completely gave up the pursuit of the main force of the ghost fleet, will All the goals and energy were placed in the bombardment of the Seventh Fleet. The Seventh Fleet, which was originally intended to break into the side as a spoiler in accordance with the order, is now unable to return to the sky. It was as if he was charging forward, trying to hit the enemy from the side. An unexpected Knights group found that the opponent was already waiting for it. Just wait for yourself to be hooked. Even if there is a sea of ​​swords in front of me, I can only do it now.

But unfortunately, the current Seventh Fleet has fallen into a quagmire and cannot extricate itself. The sparkling magical glow roared past. A wave of bright fire burst out on the ghost ship. With the mournful sound like the beast was injured, one ghost ship after another shattered, silenced, and fell from the sky among the magical artillery fire.

"Damn !!"

Panning through the telescope to see the battle situation, Loran clenched his pipe in a desperate anger and waved his fist. If Loland had any doubts about the battle before, now he is fully aware of the opponent's conspiracy. Originally, in the view of Lorraine, the leader of the void and the principalities of the Principality of Munn jointly attacked and bombed directly with heavy fire. It must be the idea of ​​quick decision. That's why he boldly chose to use three fleets as bait to force the other side to be fooled. However, it was not expected that the opponent was just a gimmick with a surprise attack. Except for the unexpected attack at the beginning, at other times it was a completely positive attack. That's why Muen's floating fleet turned a blind eye to his temptations-even if several other fleets are running away, it doesn't matter. Anyway, for Muen, there will be a chance to wipe out the kingdom of night Ghost Fleet. Because of this, instead of being agitated and calm, they were extremely calm and calm, which made Lorraine's seductive behavior come to his own door. If he chooses to retreat at that time, then the Principality of Munn will probably follow closely, but because of his stupid behavior, the Principality of Munn already has an enemy that can be destroyed, and naturally he will not care about his escape. " The main fleet. "

It's too late now to turn around to reinforce.

Thinking of this, Loren could not help raising his head and glanced into the distance. Even through the dense mist, he could still see the sacred radiance emitted by the opponent ’s huge and disorienting magical warship. The light was so pure that It was here that Lorrain felt a sting. Although it has been known from the intelligence for a long time that the Void Leader's guided warship is powerful, it has only used three guided warships to destroy Casablanca. But only after personal contact can I feel how terrible it is. Now I can rely on the characteristics of the ghost fleet to deal with each other. Once the fleet that attacked Moun in turn was entangled, then I am afraid I can't get rid of it completely.

"Order, everyone, evacuate immediately!"

At this time, there is no other way than to confirm your mistakes and failures.

"Your Majesty, the withdrawal of the Ghost Fleet has been confirmed!"

The fog gradually subsided, and with the disappearance of the ghost fleet, the original griffon soul disappeared.

"It seems that the enemy has also noticed our strategy."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rhodes shrugged. Then he turned his head and looked at the girl standing beside him. At the sight of Rhodes's gaze, her sister nodded slightly with a smile.

"If I can, I also hope to go further, but the other party will react quickly."

As Lorran had expected, Rhodes made a surprise attack this time, not intending to learn from the kingdom of the night to break through the opponent's front through surprise attacks and then attack. It is indeed just a surprise gesture. In addition to being able to successfully occupy the advantage in the early stage, it can also create the illusion that the other party intends to win quickly. And if the kingdom of night is really deceived, in order to avoid being penetrated by the defense line in the shortest time, they will inevitably mobilize a large number of troops to stop Rhode's assault at the fastest speed, so Rhodes can be at ease The other party deals, and consumes the living power of the night kingdom as much as possible.

It is a pity that the kingdom of the night is not stupid now. They did not mobilize the army to come to contain as Rhode expected, but retreated decisively. It can be seen from this that they are also aware that the current situation is not normal, and this also means ...

"Next, we may face a tough battle."

"Yes, that's what we want."

Upon hearing her sister's answer, the corner of Rhodes' mouth twitched slightly, and a smug smile appeared. If the kingdom of the night really chooses to stay tight, then Rhodes's heart can't be better. Because in this way, he can ensure that those undead creatures contaminated by chaos are wiped out without worrying about the possibility of missing fish. Rhodes was also worried that the other party would do what he thought, but with the retreat of the ghost fleet, a stone in his heart finally landed safely. Now, deep down in Rhodes, there is only one more question left.

That is, will Ion really choose this way to face himself?

This alone is something Rhodes cannot predict.

"Your Majesty!"

Just then, suddenly, a rushing voice sounded in Rhodes' ear, interrupting his thoughts. He turned his head and looked at the soldier in front of him.

"What happened? What happened?"

"I just heard from the northern line that the undead army of the country of night has fully entered the country of law!"

Hearing this, Rhodes sank.

It's time to come.

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