Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 495: Battle

The huge bone claws collided with the lava-condensed pillar of fire, making a loud explosion. Watermark Advertisement Test Watermark Advertisement Test But at this moment Canary and Dee have not paid attention to the results of their competition at all. On the contrary, the two men immediately began to make a gesture of casting again when they released the spell. The important thing between the casters is that they are quick and accurate, as in the animation, the two people shoot each other's beams and then they can compete for longer. It is meaningless. A top caster must not only master how to be proficient and quickly, and release the spell in the shortest time, but also guess whether the opponent's next spell is attack or defense, and have made corresponding responses. In a way, the duel between the two top casters is more like a gamble. When you master the cards in your hand, you also have to guess what cards the other hand has and make a choice accordingly.

As a legendary top caster, Dee is naturally not slow. Although Canary technology is only moderately high among Rhodes' team, Starlight itself is a top team, and even if it can only rank in the middle and upper reaches, its technology can not be underestimated. I saw the two hands passing through the air as if they were turning into light and shadow, making one after another complicated gestures, and then they almost retracted their hands at the same time, and then pushed forward hard.

No light, no lightning, calm as if nothing had happened. But the next moment, the ground that was empty before them suddenly burst, and the torrent of magic turned into a sharp axe to split the ground. Even the hard rocks could not withstand this powerful magic, and immediately ran away. And Canary quickly drew her hands on her chest, and then drew a circle, and soon, the condensed wind formed in front of her, forming an extremely solid barrier. Blocked the scattered gravel. But at this moment, a weird black shadow flew out of the gravel, Di hands forward, holding his hands into claws. The canary swooped forward. Just a blink of an eye. His hands were pressed against the wind barrier in this way, and only a banging sound was heard. The barrier that protects the canary is completely broken. Seeing this scene, Di's eyes appeared a little joyful expression, but then, in his eyes. There was a sudden flash of surprise.


The scattered flames exploded, only to see Di's figure receding back as quickly as he was bitten, while Canary raised his right hand without panic, and the three flames moved along the ground like a serpent. , Chasing after the blood-sucking species. Facing the crisis at hand, Di Meng gritted his teeth, and then a blood mist was sprayed from his mouth. The fire snake that enveloped me was just a moment of effort, and the burning flames were completely extinguished.

"Sister Canary reacted very quickly."

Hearing his sister's comment, Rhode nodded. This is not a fight between life and death. But the two sides can be considered as hard as they can. Although the manipulation of the rules of order has not yet been shown, just the competition between the casters is enough to see the strength on both sides. Di just now clearly intends to rely on his identity as a blood-sucking species. After all, he is different from a human such as Canary. The regeneration ability and speed of blood-sucking species can ensure that he can easily bypass those gravel obstacles without Need defense. But as humans, canaries must choose to protect themselves. That's why Di Cai chose to attack decisively and tried to defeat Canary's protective barrier while defeating her.

But Dee did not expect that Canary was not stupid, and her unique dual-casting skills were prepared for this. Just as Canary releases the wind barrier, her left hand is actually ready for another spell. As a human being, the canary is naturally unable to compare with Dee, but if it is prepared in advance for the spell to be sent to the door, that is another matter. Di apparently did not expect Canary to have such a move, and hurriedly suffered a big loss immediately. If it weren't for his blood-sucking speed so fast that Canary's subsequent follow-up was too late, I'm afraid it will become an eight-baked roasted bat at this time.

At the moment, Di also gave up the original casting method, and saw his figure flicker, and fluttered around Canary with all the afterimages. Obviously, he is obviously bullying the canary with his own talent. No matter what, the canary is just an ordinary human being, even if she comes to this world and gains her own power through Rhodes. But her physical nature hasn't changed, and human beings have to be a little inferior in the face of blood-sucking creatures such agile creatures.

But in the face of Di's changes, Canary chose to stand by. She folded her hands, and the swirling wind mixed with the flames formed a perfect barrier to wrap the maiden. This way, no matter where the vampire attacked Canary from any place, it was absolutely impossible for her to cause any harm. However ...... this way Canary also lost the initiative, she could not grasp and lock her enemies at all, and did not know when Dee would shoot. It stands to reason that at this time the canary should wait and see what changed, but the girl chose a completely different approach.

"Masa ... uiy ... dis ........."

In the face of De's harassment, Canary lowered her head indifferently. She folded her hands and sang in a low voice. Soon, with canary chants, runes emerged from her hands, then slowly drifted to her side. And seeing this scene, Di could not help but be shocked. As a caster, he certainly understood that the girl in front of him was planning to release a large range of legendary magic. Such magic itself naturally does not need to be aimed at the target to perform! As long as she is released, she is dead!

Although Dee also wonders why Canary chose to release legendary magic at this time. Although this spell is very powerful, it has one of the biggest drawbacks: the singing time is very long, and even if it is exhausted, it can never be completed in just tens of seconds. Even if they are attacked, the vocalist must not stop or forcibly interrupt, otherwise they will be severely backfired. With the strength that Canary had shown before, she could never have made such a mistake. Is she so confident in her defense? But the mage's protection is not as good as that of the spirit master!

This puzzled thought flashed in Di's mind, but he didn't think much. The so-called opportunity is no longer here, and you have to fight for it anyway, otherwise, once the opponent launches the legendary spell, then you are also finished! Think of it here. Dee no longer because, he drew several circles in the air in front of his eyes quickly, and then saw that the hands that were originally white and jade were suddenly covered by the dark pattern, and then Di shot like a sharp arrow. To the girl in front of me!

For Di's arrival. Canary was completely unresponsive. In other words, she doesn't have time to respond now, she doesn't even see what Di is doing. The girl just sang the curse quickly and smoothly with her hands folded. But at this moment, Dee's hands fluttered to Canary.


In this way, the palms of the blood-sucking species collided with the barriers of the squall flames in front of them, and the flames and scattered wind blades suddenly flew in all directions. But Di was not surprised, he could clearly feel it. This protective barrier is not as strong as I thought! Although the power of its unique rules makes it stronger than ordinary protective spells, its existence as the legendary peak also has the power of order!

Thinking of this, Di flashed a blood-red light in his eyes, then his left hand swept forward, and soon, blood splattered from the blood-sucking arm. But they did not fly away, but quickly condensed to form a sharp blood blade on the right hand of the vampire, and then Di held up his right hand and split it forward with force!

"———— !!!!"

The power of the rules began to collide. The fierce wind that was spinning and the flames attached to it were struggling to resist the attack of the blood blade in front of them. But Di was completely unmoved, and his left hand quickly made a move. Soon, the dark mist poured out of the blood-sucking species and condensed in the palm of Di's palm. Immediately, Di patted his palm forward hard, hitting **** the barrier.


This time, the protective barrier that could not support it finally disappeared. The piercing cold replaced the wind and flames, and the sharp red blade whistled and pierced the girl's neck in front of her. And Canary seemed completely ignorant of it. She still closed her hands, lowered her eyes, and the chant was at a critical moment. But Dee can be sure that before she sings the spell, she can defeat the enemy in front of her!


However, Di's expectation was shattered immediately after hearing the harsh collision sound. His blood blade had not even had time to contaminate Canary's body, so he was blocked by the shining barrier ... ...

Holy Spirit! !!

"Ready to die !?"

At the same time Dine was shocked, a voice suddenly came from his side. Di did not hesitate to turn forward, the blood blade in his hand quickly turned into a sharp spear stabling forward. But then, a dazzling and holy beam of light descended from the sky, blasting the blood-red spear in his hand into pieces. Immediately afterwards, a little bubble gum appeared from her. She clenched her right fist and blasted forward, hitting Di's body heavily. The blood-sucking species was too late to respond, so it screamed and flew out. At the same time, the death knight that followed immediately emerged from the thick fog, and she slashed down the huge blade she raised, slashing towards the girl who was facing her back to attack the vampire .

And at this moment, Canary's chanting came to an abrupt end. She raised her hands and raised her head. The clear and bright eyes looked forward—not Di, but the figure of the death knight, then She pushed forward gently with both hands.

The brilliance of magic and spirits shone and erupted at this moment, covering the whole world. The boiling flames and whirlwinds turned into chains, binding the death knight to death, and then a constantly rotating magic array emerged out of thin air. The next moment, countless bursts of meteor storms fell from the sky, and heavy bombardment hit the ground.


Seeing this, Rhodes shrugged his shoulders, then he turned his head and said to the girl next to him.

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