Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 507: Hidden secret

"Why ...... Mother Mother is here?"

Looking at the black dragon that seemed to have fallen into eternal sleep, Yi Lin couldn't hide her surprise. Anjielinte looked at Yilin, and then looked at the black dragon. In the end, she said nothing and walked to the side. As a child of the former Kingdom of Night, of course she knew very well about the upper authorities of the Kingdom of Night. Just as the successor of the Dragon Soul of the Kingdom of Law was born only in the World Tree, the successor of the Dragon Soul of the Country of Night was born only among the Dragon clan. It's just that Yalong breeds are scarcely born, there are less than twenty left in this generation, and these dragons basically spend their time sleeping. Unless the kingdom of night comes to life or death, they will not show up. If it wasn't for Yi Lin to be Aon's sister, then she would be just one of those dragons who had fallen asleep and would not run around the world like they do now.

As for Yi Lin's mother, An Jie Lin Te is more or less aware of the situation. Anyhow, she is also the mother who gave birth to the creation of the Dragon Soul, and naturally is the object of reverence for the whole country. I just heard that she died of a serious illness a long time ago, and now she's actually imprisoned here-well, anyway, this kind of thing Anjie Linte doesn't feel much surprised, she was committed by her relatives The family is ruined, no, or in the vampire of the kingdom of the night, this family ethics plot is almost commonplace, so she quietly retreated to it now, anyway, no matter how you look at it, it ’s Yilin ’s private affairs, she ’s best Don't mix it here, just don't see anything.

"Master Mother !?"

Yi Lin didn't care about An Jie Linte beside her at the moment, she stared at the scene in front of her, and was extremely shocked. The news of her mother's serious illness and death, Eileen also knew, but at the time she didn't think there was anything wrong. Because the Dragons themselves have a strong vitality, but once infected, they will definitely be seriously ill, and when Yi Lin learns that her mother is seriously ill, she will be sick when she hurries back. It was my brother who was in charge of everything. At that time, Yi Lin was very upset because of her mother's illness, so she pushed everything to her brother for responsibility. That is after that. Ion gained the inheritance of Dragon Soul and officially became the successor of Dragon Soul.

But now it seems that this is not the case, and Eileen can be sure. What appeared to him was indeed his mother. And she was not an illusion. That familiar atmosphere, that familiar appearance, everything can make sure that Eileen is in front of herself, indeed her mother! !!

"………………who is it…………"

Seems to have heard Yi Lin's call, and soon, the dragon who had originally fallen into a coma slowly raised his head, opened his eyes, and looked forward. After staring blankly in the void for a moment. This seemed to reluctantly recover a little bit of clarity, locked his eyes on Yi Lin's body, and revealed a bit of doubt.

"…………who is it……………"

"Master, I'm Elin! Why are you here ...? And why did you become like this ?!"

Looking at the black dragon with scaly bodies all over his eyes, Yi Lin bit her lip. Now she only felt a mess in her head. In fact, Irene was not stupid. After seeing her mother, she immediately guessed that there was something wrong. At that time, the mother's funeral was also attended by her, but she did not see her mother's body. According to the rules of the dragon clan, each dragon was sent to the valley of the dragon for burial and dormancy. But Irene didn't see the body. According to the elder brother, it was too much for her mother to look at her, and Eileen herself did not want to see her dead mother, so she accepted Ion's statement. But now in retrospect, the funeral was indeed full of doubts, and after that, Eileen had faintly heard some wind, but these gossips were no longer after Ion became the heir of the Dragon Soul and ruled the kingdom of night appear. At the time, Eileen only thought that this was a rumor spread by some people to his brother because of jealousy. After all, such things are not uncommon in the kingdom of the night. And they really can't produce any substantial evidence. As for going to the valley of the dragon to disturb the sleeping of the dead, of course, it is not allowed, and only the dying dragon can open and enter it. In other words, if Yilin wants to enter the Valley of Dragons to find out the truth of the rumors, then the first thing she needs to do is to kill herself half-dead, which is naturally impossible for Yilin ...

"......... Elin .........?"

Hear the name. The eyes of the black dragon gradually became brighter, and then suddenly became much darker again.

"......... Eileen ......... the name ......... I have heard ......... it seems ... where ........."

"Master Mother?"

Looking at the situation of the black dragon in front of her, Yi Lin bit her teeth, and she quickly glanced at the surrounding area. She soon discovered that the huge chain that tied the black dragon was now shining with a strange green light. Obviously, her mother So what it looks like now is related to these chains! Thinking of this, Eileen no longer hesitated, she immediately reached out to pull out the long sword, and then the whole person suddenly leaped up, raised the long sword in her hand, and swung it hard at the chain in front of her!


But what Yi Lin didn't expect was that the moment when her blade touched the chain, a powerful force immediately broke out from above and bounced her blade. This surprised Elin, but she didn't give up because of it. On the contrary, the girl clenched the hilt with both hands, and the dazzling sword light suddenly burst from the sword's body like a beautiful moonlight, and then Elin tried again. Cut off. However, with the sound of "Dang", the sword in Yilin's hand was once again flying away.

Failed again?

Looking at the dangling chain in front of her eyes, Elin was stunned there, and in the hit just now, she had almost shown her own attack. However, it was not able to cut the chain. The only gain was that the chain was not completely unbreakable. At least under the attack of Eileen, it collapsed a corner, but it was only a fingernail-sized piece. Looking at the huge iron chain with the thickness of the arm in front of me, and looking at the almost inconceivable gap above, Ilin couldn't help it. At this time, the black dragon opened his eyes again and glanced at her.

"Don't ... waste your power ... you are the dragons. The special runes applied to these chains are enough to make them immune to any dragon's power. Even if you try your best, you can't cut these chains ... ......... "

Speaking of which, Black Dragon looked at the girl in front of her, showing a little tenderness in her eyes.

"It's weird ...... I seem to have felt your breath somewhere ......... I used to have two children, and the breath on your body is very similar to my daughter ... Maybe she grew up with you Roughly the same……………"

"Master Mother ........."

Hearing the words of the black dragon, Elin bit her lip. She had now discovered that although the black dragon seemed to be sober and sane, her memory seemed to be incomplete and she was standing in front of her, but she could not recognize herself at all. This feeling made Elin feel so painful, but what can she do? Holding the sword in his hand tightly, Eileen looked at the black dragon in front of him with a complicated expression. But Black Dragon didn't seem to care about Yilin in front of him anymore. Instead, he raised his head and stared blankly into the air, seemingly dreaming.

"It's so good ......... I used to have two children. They are both excellent children ......... being obedient and clever and smart is my pride. Especially my daughter ... she inherited our dark night dragon The outstanding part, every time I see her, I am proud of her. We all think that she must be an excellent ruler to make this kingdom of eternal night more prosperous, like her ancestors, at night Leave your own style in the history of the country ... "


Hearing here, Eileen and Angeline are stunned. What's going on? According to the black dragon in front of her, was she optimistic about Yilin becoming the heir to the dragon soul? Not Ion? how can that be? Thinking of this, the two looked at each other, and each other saw the doubts deep inside each other. At this time, Angeline coughed and asked curiously.

"That ... Lord Black Dragon? Don't you have two children? Why are you sure your daughter will inherit the Dragon Spirit?"


Hearing Angeline's inquiries, Black Dragon narrowed her eyes and looked at her, then raised her head again. Looking at it, it now seems that its consciousness has entered a trance state, which can be said to have questions. In other words, because of her long years of imprisonment, her spirit has become abnormal. Perhaps she wasn't answering Angeline's question at all, but asking herself.

"Because ... I have two children ... but the heir to the Dragon Soul ... there is only one ......... They need to prove by their own efforts that they are worthy of the inheritance of the Dragon Soul. My two Although a little older child is very capable, he has a stubborn and extreme personality. I don't think he is suitable to be the master of the kingdom of the night. Compared to him, my daughter is smarter and has a better personality. Gentleness, with her, will surely make the kingdom of night flourish in her hands-like our ancestors. But ... "


"But ... she ... no, he ......... that he ... didn't want to accept ... destiny ... he ........."

Speaking of this, the black dragon suddenly seemed to be under a painful attack, and lowered his head and shivered. It was only a moment before it suddenly patted its own claws.

"......... So ......... I will be here ......... because ... if you lose me ... he will not be eligible for inheritance!"


Hearing here, Eileen and Angeline both froze.

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