Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 510: Escape the birth day

"Haha ... haha ​​... haha ​​..."

Holding the incomprehensible long sword, An Jie Linte's head will not run towards the depths of the dark channel. She is so anxious that An Jie Linte actually feels that she has been caused by rapid breathing. The illusion of pain—as an undead creature, she didn't need to breathe at all, but now Angeline felt as if she had been restored to life with flesh and blood. But now, of course, she would not have the idle time and time to care about this issue. She just flew forward desperately, and her wings could no longer flap. Although the blow just now failed to hit Angeline's body, the cold current was still She passed by, bringing serious wounds to Angeline's wings. At this moment, her pair of originally smooth and flat wings had shaken behind like curtains that had experienced countless storms and tatters. Just Looking at it makes people feel shocking.

"Huh ........."

I don't know how long I ran, and after making sure that there was nothing to catch up behind, Angeline slowed down. She reached out to support the next wall, then turned her head and looked behind. Nothing was chasing herself, which also eased Angeline. However, the little blood-sucking species did not relax her vigilance. She held the sword in her arms, looked cautiously to the left and right, and then moved forward again.

In fact, if she can, Angeline also hopes to hold the sword to fight. As the original ancient blood race, she naturally has her own unique sword skill. And the power of this invisible long sword, An Jie Linte can naturally feel clearly. If she can use this sword, then at least the little one's strength can be improved by more than one level. But unfortunately, although this sword allows her to hold her in her arms, all other things are prohibited, and Angeline has not tried to hold it as a weapon or hang it around her waist. . But the next moment she did this, she did n’t turn her head and then her arms, so she had no choice but to hold it in her arms ...

"Huh ......... I'll rely on it next, I don't know how long it will take, I hope not to make any troublesome forks."

As she walked along the passage, Angeline said to herself. She walked lightly, wandering through the air like a ghost. Then lightly flew forward along the passage. Fortunately, it was probably Angeline's prayer that worked, and she never appeared in front of her as if it was a fork in the air, and then it took seven rounds and eight rounds and finally turned into a dead end. On the contrary, what delighted Angeline was that after walking for a long time on the flat passage, she could feel that the ground started to rise upward, which showed that she was approaching the ground instead of continuing to go deep into the ground --- To be honest, Angeline was really afraid of what to do if the end of the passage was a larger and more dangerous underground prison. The bone dragon was not his opponent. If you meet other trickier guys, then you have to be killed.

I don't know how long it was before Angie Lint's eyes finally appeared what she longed to see. It was a thick stone door closed. There was a faint magic aura on it, and it could be seen that a heavy seal was applied on it. If Angeline hadn't guessed wrong, then this should be the exit of this **** underground maze. As for how to open this stone door, Angeline did not think much. She subconsciously glanced at the entire body in her arms, which was almost invisible, except the turquoise green sword that twined around the sword was flashing from time to time. Until now, Angeline didn't know the origin of the sword, but since it has self-awareness and is located in such a deep maze, there must be some way to deal with the seal here Right.

as expected. Just as Angeline thought, just after she approached the stone door, the faint aura of the sword suddenly became violent, and the next moment, the same appeared on the stone door in front of her. Glory. Then listening to the sound of "Booming", Shimen slowly opened. Taunting, the cold water vapour passed through the gap in the door, blowing on Angeline's face. This made the little blood-sucking species instantly raise her spirit. She widened her blood-red eyes and stared at the back of Shimen, but there seemed to be no danger except for a natural grotto. After there was nothing else, Angeline turned quickly through the stone gate, and she arched her body, rushing through the gap of the stone gate like a beast, and then quickly hidden in the shadows around her. Then Angeline turned her head and glanced at the surrounding environment in an instant. At this moment, beside her, the originally opened stone door made a "creak" sound and closed again.


The open stone door closed again, and the dark cave restored peace again. But Angeline didn't leave immediately, she was still hiding in the darkness, her eyes silently staring at the darkness in front of her. As the original bloodline who has been in danger and hunted countless times, Angeline is an expert in this area. She will never be stupid enough to put herself in danger, and it is because of this, even if she is In extremely unfavorable circumstances, Angeline also has a way to protect herself, precisely because of her cautious nature.

After a few hours, convinced that there were no ambush vampires around, she finally slowly walked out of the shadows, then she glanced at the stalactite pillars in front of her head, then turned into a shadow again, and flew forward. .

The next road is completely without artificial traces, and all you can see is the purely formed mountain caves, but this time Anjielinte has not been fainted by those cave roads that cause headaches. If she has a clear goal and is not restricted by those blue spirit stones, then she can use her own ability to pass through obstacles and move on.

Just in front, just in front, just a little bit, just a little bit!

Feeling the smell of dirt and wind, Anjielinte has never been so excited as she does now. She unconsciously increased the speed and passed through the cave quickly. The next moment, I saw the girl's petite figure so suddenly. Flying up, turning into a bat, quickly flying from the depths of the cave. Finally, the annoying cave completely disappeared in front of Angeline! And what reappeared in front of her was what An Jie Lin Te thought about day and night ...

"what is this?"

Angeline, who regained her human form, stood on the ground again, not as joyful as she had imagined. Instead, she stared at the sky in front of her eyes with doubt, flashing a little doubt in her blood-red eyes. Puzzled.

In Angeline's memory, the sky of the night country is beautiful, dark and deep. Shining, diamond-like stars and bright red, memorable full moon. They have been like this since the birth of the kingdom of night and have never changed. But now, this is not the scene shown to Angeline. On the contrary, the sky in front of Angeline seems to be like someone mixing black and white paint, and then roughly applied it Beautiful painting. Just looking at it makes people feel nauseated, and the feeling is so clear that the joy of successfully separating Angeline from the bottom of the sun is completely wiped out. Even at the moment when she saw the sky, Angeline actually had the idea that "perhaps it would be better to stay in the ground", which was completely unimaginable to her at the last moment. At that time, Angeline thought that as long as she was able to leave here, she could do anything—I didn't expect to regret it so soon.

"what on earth is it?"

An Jie Linte retreated her eyes and stopped looking at the weird night sky. After looking at it for a long time, she even found that she was a little dizzy, and even the sky and the earth were a little unclear. At this moment, she was standing on the middle of a barren mountain. The only thing to be thankful for was that the exit of this tunnel was indeed outside the night city, but from the angle of Anjielinte, the whole night city was still dark Wrapped by the curtain, this shows that Ion has no intention to withdraw this layer of ultimate defense. However, it wasn't just this that surprised Angeline, but all that was displayed in front of her.

There is already chaos outside the night capital, burning flames, death, and ruins everywhere. It looked as if it had been attacked by some terrible monster. This even made Angeline feel like she was in **** for a while. The smell of death, chaos, and **** tastes merged into one, and it was as if the wizard was suffering the potion, throwing everything away. Put them into a large pot and stir them hard to see the original shape.

"... Master, can you hear me? Master?"

After confirming that she had left the barrier, Angeline immediately communicated with Rhodes through a spiritual connection, but it was strange that although she had left the scope of the barrier, Angeline was still unable to get along with Luo Germany contacted, she could barely even feel Rhode's position, but the news sent was as if the magic communication was disturbed. It was unclear, and even Jie Linte did not know that Rhodes had I didn't hear myself.

It seems that the problem is not just simple in the dark.

Thinking of this, Angeline shook her head, then looked at the other side.

Since Rhodes could not be reached, there was only one choice he could make. (To be continued ...)

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