Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 515: Gloomy area (I)

The warm sun never shines on this land, even the gentle moonlight cannot enter. The only thing here is darkness. Under the torches of those stupid intruders, only the icy walls and hard rocks proclaim their existence-this is the place where eternal darkness envelopes, and even light cannot exist The place.

Gloomy area.

The most evil races are gathered here. The existence of darkness seems to loosen the valves of all desires. Those races that cannot live on the surface or are forced to go underground have sprouted in this darkness. They are struggling in this area. Living in the dark, they gave up something for this purpose, but gained more. Or it can't be compared at all, but nothing is more important to them.

Looking at the dark cave in front of him, Neo rubbed his big nose, then stretched out his hand, clenched the long whip and struck the ground lizard under him. Under his action, the huge four-footed lizard moved forward briskly. Although it stepped on gravel and gravel, it still made no sound.

As a dwarf, Neo was just as good, intelligent, and adventurous as many of his cousins. Some bards liken the dwarf to the spirit of the ground. Of course, perhaps in appearance, no one would agree with this metaphor. But when you are wandering underground, exhausted by the assassination of the dark elves, the greed of the dwarves, and the control of the demon, only the dwarf city will open the door to you and welcome you with enthusiasm and friendliness , Then it is not difficult for you to understand why they get such praise.

Neo stared at the cave in front of him like this, his body tense up and down. Although this Lunio has traveled hundreds of times, he has not relaxed his vigilance. No one knows when the enemy will appear. In the dark, you can barely relax your vigilance when you return to your warm and lovely home. If it wasn't for the huge benefits, then Neo was unwilling to leave his own warm nest in the dwarf city. He kept holding his hand to look at the Adamantite crossbow, while holding the button on the rein in one hand. In this way, if an attack is encountered. Then he can immediately start the defense, and then deal with the enemy-as a race that has lived underground since ancient times, although the dwarf does not look as spicy as the dark elves and as treacherous as the gray dwarf, if someone thinks stupidly If these little guys are very bully, then they will use their unique skills to tell each other. The gnome can live in the ground for so many years without being exterminated is not simply because of good luck. A heavily guarded dwarf city, even the army of dark elves must avoid its edge, let alone those monsters roaming in the caves.

However, this time seems to be a little bit abnormal.

As an underground trader, Neo is keenly aware that something is happening, and several of his customers intend to temporarily abandon their original territory and go to a deeper underground. There are even people who seek to leave the underworld. Access to the surface. This surprised Neo, as if the fish would never desire to go ashore while swimming in the ocean. Perhaps from the perspective of the inhabitants on the surface, the underground world full of death and darkness is simply **** on earth. But for those races born underground, the idea of ​​going to the surface and bathing in the sun has never been before. Be it a kind gnome, a dwarf. Still evil dark elves, gray dwarves are the same. It might be ridiculous to say. But from the perspective of the inhabitants of the ground, the surface is a dangerous place they ca n’t understand—just as they ca n’t understand why the living creatures on the surface are not afraid that one day they will fall into the sky and look up to see Don't they feel uneasy with thick cave walls and ceilings?

Now, some people actually intend to go to the surface and escape from here, which makes Neo feel that things may not be so simple. And what worries him is that according to rumors obtained not long ago, the nearby dark elf city has been completely "closed" and no one is allowed in and out. Not only that, they also purchased a lot of materials, it seems as if they are not planning to go out in the next one or two years. Instead, on the weekdays, Nio would only raise his hands to cheer long live. But now he feels a little worried. Things can develop to the point that those evil dark elves have to close the city, then it means that there may be a major crisis here recently. It seems that after returning, they need to wake up others and appear in case What unexpected event, at least to be prepared first?


At this moment, the four-footed lizard stopped suddenly, and it leaned down alertly, looking at the front. This action immediately made Neo nervous. These underground lizards are all specially trained. They can not only walk around quietly and silently, but also sense other creatures in the crypt. If there is any danger, a warning will be issued to his master, and now it seems that he encountered a very dangerous enemy?

But soon, Neo realized that things were not what he imagined, because the bright red flames reflected on the cave wall had already proved the identity of the other party.

Surface organisms.

Almost at the same time, Neo saw several people in robes holding up torches and coming over from the other side of the opening.

"I don't like this ghost place, head, too dark, too stuffy, too boring!"

Little Bubble Gum (No. 2) spread his hands and complained very dissatisfied. Hearing her, Rhodes just shrugged.

"At least it's quiet here, and it's suitable to hide our whereabouts. Listening to Angeline's statement, now those undead on the surface are basically crazy, don't you want to mix with the group of **** undead regardless of day and night day?"

"Okay ......... I'm just talking."

Faced with Rhode's answer, Bubble just slapped his lips and said nothing more. Not far from her side, Bingxue raised the two cat ears and listened carefully to the surrounding movement. Her eyes flashed with a dim green light, and the whole person walked silently through the cave like a kitten.

This time out, Rhodes didn't take too many people. As he said to his sister, this time they were going to save people instead of directly killing them. So the most important thing is not to get the attention of others. So this time Rhodes didn't bring many people, but they were very suitable for the current situation and environment. Angeline naturally follows, because only she knows where the mysterious and authentic entrance is. In addition, Rhodes also called Leo. This white-skinned dark elf is the guide who is most familiar with the underground world. With her, she can shorten the time to pass to the shortest. In addition, Rhodes also called Little Bubble Gum (No. 2). Although the main body also cried and shouted that the dead skin and the face would come along, but considering the danger of this operation, Rhodes still decisively put a bubble No. Throw it to Canary. This made the bubble very dissatisfied, because another person also followed up deadly, but Rhode accepted it generously.

Annie was humming Geer behind Rhodes, and being able to venture out with Rhodes has always been the favorite thing of the little ones, and this time Rhodes let her go with her. On the one hand, she valued Anne's strength, and the other On the other hand, Marlene and Lijie also hinted to Rhode that Anne's "day" is getting closer. During this time, she showed some irritability. Instead of letting her stay in the camp, it hurt Lijie and Marlene. Might as well follow Rhodes to vent those extra energies. So when Annie got in, Rhodes agreed. This "chi luo" naked double standard certainly makes Little Bubble Gum upset, but unfortunately, she can't do anything about it.

Little Bubble Gum wants to come but can't, but the other person doesn't want to come, but Rhode wants her to come.

That's Qi Ludi.

This "relative demon" has always been quite scared of Rhodes, especially after Rhodes came back with her sister, she turned around her sister all day and could not meet Rhodes without meeting Rhodes. Even if something happens, entrust your sister to tell you. So this time when Rhodes asked Qiludi to go with her, she was 180 unwilling, but unfortunately no one was on her side this time. Even the younger sister smiled and said softly to Qi Ludi, "Please, please, Qi Ludi?" ... So the poor lady of the devil is now helpless and pitiful to follow, The deputy looked like a nobleman who had been trafficked by slave traders.

"Brother, there is something ahead."

Just then, Bingxue stopped suddenly and said softly. Although her archery is actually difficult to use in the underground world. But Rhodes needs Binger's space detection ability. Although Leo is familiar with the underground world, she has n’t returned for a while, and it ’s normal for the troubled monsters in the underground world to come . With Binger, then Rhodes and others can at least avoid the potential troubles and dangers-they don't have extra time to waste on it now.


Hearing Bingxue's words, Rhodes frowned and asked. Bingxue frowned, looking forward, then retracted her gaze.

"It's a gnome."

Then she spoke.

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