Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 529: Gloomy area (end)

Mother Werner was already at a loss.

Her two reinforcements had completely collapsed, and the remaining soldiers basically came to her to take refuge. But having said that, these dark elven mages were not outsiders. In order to prevent her daughter from conspiring against herself, Werner sent a group of men into her two daughters' family to monitor their movements. Because of this, these people certainly don't have much loyalty to their "mother", even if they are at war, they are far behind. Because of this, they barely escaped, and were able to retreat and report back.

Hearing these reports, Werner had a big head. Only then did she find that she had made a rather stupid decision. Werner was thinking in the spirit of the dark elves. She took it for granted that the number of opponents was not enough. Being able to destroy them completely can also suppress the pride of the other side and let them know that Callessodar is a city of dark elves, and not outsiders on their surface can do anything wantonly!

It's not that these outsiders on the surface can do whatever they want!

Now thinking of this sentence, Verna is already complexion, she just feels that her face has been slapped hard by several people, and both cheeks have become red and swollen. Now instead of letting the other party know how to retreat, she has taken in both of her carefully cultivated families. Not only that, but also several small families who also touched the pond fish and were directly buried in burial. And now Werner's side is in chaos.

As the largest city of the Dark Elves, Calles Sodar City has a large natural area. Although the ground is not like the ground, the city is about the same size as Casablanca, the country of light. Nature is also divided into several areas. Bear goblins and grey dwarfs basically live in the slave area of ​​the outer city, and further inside are the business areas for trading, and then the areas of the dark elves family, but the small family has insufficient strength and can only be outside And only those big families will be in the core area. So here it is divided into civilian areas. Inferior aristocracy and core area. Rhodes and others lived in the trade zone, and Werner's offensive came from the civilian area and the lower noble area. As a result, these three places are completely out of order. The civilian area has been turned into a **** by Xi Luosi, and the dark elves living in it have not even been broken into pieces and have been directly smashed into a flesh and blood battlefield. The lower-class aristocracy is also on the verge of collapse under the support of Anjielinte, and the undead army of Anjielinte has developed and grown. Although the blood-sucking species is not as good as the Lich, it is not so easy to create undead. However, the ability of vampires to create ghouls is first-rate. This is not surprising. There are many rumors on the mainland that rumors of being turned into ghouls after being bitten by vampires come from here. Angeline, though, wasn't hungry enough to hit the dark elves. However, as the original blood race, she naturally transformed the other person into a ghoul without sucking blood.

In the face of so many undead that suddenly appeared, the nobles were obviously not prepared enough. They never thought about the situation where the undead would attack themselves from the inside, not to mention that Anne directly flattened almost half of the elemental spirit. In the lower noble area, her wind elements condensed but the indiscriminate map cannons. As a result, several dark elf families who did not send soldiers at all but planned to sit next to them to see the lively death were directly strangled to death in their family resident. The resistance didn't hang up.

And those families that haven't died are also struggling. They haven't been relieved from the process of the wind element being suppressed. As a result, they will face the invasion of large undead creatures. Among them are not only low-level arms such as the grey dwarf and the bear goblin, but even the bodies of many dark elves were directly pulled by Anjie Linte to be sturdy. As a result, those small families did not have any effect to fight directly. Was taken away by a wave of undead tactics. Those who have not been taken away are also struggling to support, I am afraid they will not be able to support them for a long time.

As for the civilian area, it was even more miserable. Xiluosi was completely addicted. Except for those dark elves who first saw the bad opportunity to retreat, none of them ran away. Although Helox was only one person, and she did not control the field with such a wide range of aoe skills as Angeline and Annie, until the round of steel arrows that appeared from Heloth after the explosion of arrows, It was like a large spider web blocking the entire civilian area. Nor is it that no dark elves have tried to escape. But as soon as they got close to the steel chain, they were immediately entangled, and then shredded alive. Not only that, but Xi Luosi still wandering on the battlefield at this moment, smashing everything she saw in front of her with strange laughter, whether it was a building, a person, or anything else ... ...

The situation on Werner's side is even more difficult. Little Bubble Gum has been advancing almost all the way, and people have blocked the killing of the Buddha. They have now rushed to the outer area of ​​the eastern district of the lower noble zone. Seeing her posture is entirely intended to be alone Rush to the core area and beat all the dark elves in one shot. And the army of the dark elves was completely defeated in front of her. The girl didn't seem to know what it meant to be a measure or to stop. All in front of himself disappeared. If she doesn't stand in front of herself, she will die, even if she passes by soy sauce. Who told you to be a dark elf? I control you, good people, bad people, **** will die!

Now the entire city of Callessodar is extremely weird. The center part is roaring. From time to time, there are thunderous roars and various dazzling sacred flashes. It looked as if it was being bombarded by a dozen bomber formations in a continuous connection, a way to completely blast the dark elves back to the Stone Age.

The southern area on the left was screaming again and again, and the roar of undead creatures echoed in the dark and tall burrow. On the contrary, there is a dead silence in the western district-just like the cemetery is cold and silent, let alone the sound, I am afraid that even the breath of life can not feel.

Carles Sodar was tossed like this, which was completely beyond Werna's expectations, she did not expect that the opponent's strength was really so strong. You can completely ignore the deterrent of the Dark Elves. If you want to kill, kill whoever, and if you want to kill anyone, just go to sleep. It seems that the dark elves whose names are enough to make people scary in their eyes are nothing more than swarms of dogs in their eyes. Whatever they want. Do n’t even care what you do.

This feeling ......... this feeling ......... this feeling .........

Werner was furious at first and then panicked. Until now it was scared. The Dark Elves haven't tasted this feeling for a long time. Although the Dark Dragon did crush them once in the beginning, it was many years ago. Even if the dark elves have a long life, they can survive from the creation of the war to the present day (especially considering the unique values ​​of the dark elves), so basically no one living in the dark elves has had this experience. . Even if they have heard this from historical records and word of mouth from the family, but after experiencing it at this moment, they have completely different feelings.

What made Verna's headache even worse was that she hadn't figured out any countermeasures. The whole hall was noisy at this moment. I don't know if the failure of the connection has caused Werner's prestige to a certain extent. Or because of extreme fear, the dark elves forgot their original rules, and they just quarreled in the court.

The cause is also ridiculous to say, they are actually arguing who is the most terrible.

The Dark Elf Mage hit by Annie naturally said that Anne and Angeline are the enemies that need to be worried most now. Everyone is the caster. Have you seen the element spirit? Haven't seen it or heard it! That is the dominant class of the element. How can we win? Not to mention that the blood-sucking species can make so many ghouls in a blink of an eye. At a glance, you know that there is absolutely no one who can easily deal with it. Shouldn't we focus our attention there?

But the dark elves who escaped from Xiluosi's hands finally said that Xiluosi was the most terrible existence. Never in your life have you seen that cruel killing! We think we should find a way to get rid of her first, or wait for her to come. No one can escape! And what about the elemental spirit? After all, it's just a manifestation of the soul, and the masters of the top ten families are not completely unable to deal with it. But this weird undead is completely different. They have tried everything they can, but they don't know **** each other. If Xi Luosi had any skills or means to resist, it's okay to say, but the problem is that she doesn't need anything at all, she just depends on hard resistance. In the face of this existence, the Dark Elves were really at a loss. Therefore, they agreed that Xiluosi was the biggest threat, especially her weird and terrifying style, she was completely enjoying the fun of killing and being killed, even the dark elves could not bear it.

And heard these two groups complain. The caster on Werner ’s side was suddenly upset. You are called here only because your family is not strong enough. You are only ranked in the 30th and 20th or more. Do n’t talk about people. Mothers also pushed sideways. You are simply exaggerating. To be dangerous, little bubble gum is the most dangerous! You must know that she is facing the elite of the Fourth Family along the way, but from the equipment to the strength can be in the forefront in Callesodar City, but now faced with a little girl was beaten Lost helmets and armors and defeated the army, even high-ranking mages have already died several! And from the previous intelligence, this little girl is clearly the leader, so the most important thing is to unite and defeat her, as long as you defeat her, then other people will not be a problem.

The quarrel between the three parties became more and more fierce. One despised the other and was extremely timid. He couldn't stand just looking at the blood, and it was an insult to the glory of the dark elves. The despised side is naturally not to be left behind, and in turn rebuked the other side to see the elemental spirits frightened their legs, which was simply unbearable. If you were not so timid, the family might not lose so quickly. The third party said that you are all scum, what **** and timid, let you see what is really powerful and terrible! You ca n’t even put a fart in front of Little Bubble Gum!

As soon as this was heard, both sides were unhappy. One of them shouted there and kind of you to see how the mother-in-law was suffocated directly by the condensation of the wind element. The other one said don't talk big here. If you watched the scene of Xi Luosi's killing, I'm afraid that he will faint. It is impossible to stand here and talk to us!

The three parties became more and more noisy, almost all annoyed to the point where they had to make a difference. There was no idea that what they had done had seriously hit everyone's morale. The dark elves who were originally staying in the family were very disturbed to hear the news of the defeat from the front line. And now at this moment they are listening here one by one to tell how powerful and terrifying each other is. How irresistible, it was pale directly scared. Had it not been for the rules of the Dark Elves, I'm afraid someone would have escaped. Even if he hasn't escaped yet, the morale has plummeted, and he was completely afraid before the war. If the three parties come to the door at this moment, I am afraid that the first reaction of many people here is to turn around and run.

"Well, shut up for me !!!"

After returning to God, Mother Werner also found that the situation was not right, and hurriedly yelled. Fortunately, as the mother of the fourth family, her majesty had not gone away. After hearing her anger, the mage who had been clamoring or even trying to pull their sleeves closed their mouths. They stared at each other nervously, after venting their anger and fear. Of course, these dark elves also know that they have done something wrong just now, it ’s almost as if they are fighting to protect their idols .... The problem is that the conscience of the heavens and the earth, they can “adore” them a little Nothing.


Glaring at her group of people, Verna didn't know what to say. According to her thoughts, these people disturbed the army and directly pulled out and chopped it. But unfortunately, under the pressure of little bubble gum and others. On his own side, the losses were already heavy, and the high-level casters lined up to death. Now these people are still a useful supplement. If they did not die in the battle against the enemy, but died in their own hands, then it would be too stupid.

What to do next?

Werner has been thinking about this problem, she is thinking about whether to close, but now even Werner herself does not know if it is too late. She doesn't even know if she is qualified to negotiate with the other party. Because the people like Little Bubble Gum are really too strong, and look at them, they don't seem to care about what benefits they will get. So, what good is it even if Werner gives more compensation? They can break into the treasure house of the fourth family and sweep everything away, right?

As for women? This is even more impossible. The opponent has a caster, and there are more spells that can manipulate the mind and even brainwashing. If the opponent really needs this, you can grab them all directly and then do whatever you want after brainwashing. They must be There is nothing to fight back. No, by then, I'm afraid they don't even know who they are.

So what now? Continue to die?

Werner didn't know what to do for a while, although according to the current intelligence information, the two roads on the side did not intend to continue for the time being, but it was not much better. Angeline is devoting herself to the development and growth of her undead army. It seems that she really intends to thoroughly clean Carles Sodar. On the contrary, Xi Luosi is a person after all, and it seems that her interest in killing is far greater than offensive. The two sides need not think about it for the time being. But the problem is that at present, Little Bubble Gum is almost crazy, seeing what hits her, whether it is attacking her or not attacking her, as long as she sees it, it is a dead end. Originally, Werner also expected that the other party would break out with such full force, and it might be very expensive. But now, it seems that Little Bubble Gum is obviously in good spirits, and it seems that there is no problem playing another day and night.

But Werner didn't know that at the same time she was embarrassed, at the top of the tall stalactite building in the core area, a conference related to the fate of the city of Callessodar was underway.

"Now it looks like our situation is very bad."

Mother Durex sneered and huddled in a chair, staring at her mothers who were wearing the same rusty red spider robes. The nine mothers and mothers who had the greatest powers sat quietly in their chairs, exchanging sight. Little Bubble Gum and others made such a big noise and naturally shocked the members of the top ten families. And just when Werner was stumped, the nine main mothers of the ten major families had quietly gathered and began to discuss the current situation.

Werner didn't know about the meeting, in fact it had been decisively abandoned on her and her family's behalf. And now. The nine mothers and mothers discussed naturally not about the fourth family, but about their own safety-frankly, the little bubble gum was so crazy did surprise the dark elves, they have never I have encountered such a powerful and weird person who doesn't listen to people. I don't know what to do.

Mother Durex who asked the question was also dark at the moment, secretly celebrating the idiot of Mother Werner's family. It attracted the firepower that originally needed to attract itself. Fortunately, this allowed the Banrui family to survive. If it weren't for Mother Werner's daughter, she was too stupid to draw the firepower under the banner of temptation, and now she is unlucky.

Although Little Bubble Gum has not yet entered the fourth family directly, it now seems that it is almost a matter of time.


In the face of Mother Durex's words, the other eight mothers were silent, after a while. The other mistress frowned and said.

"So, what should we do now?"

"Giving up is the only option."

No one is named by name. This is a consistent rule of the council. They never intentionally say the name of a certain family or a mother-in-law. This is the "fairness" of the dark elves. As long as it is not said, it does not exist. . As long as there is no evidence. Then don't admit it. As long as there is no defeat, then victory. So although I didn't say it directly. But everyone knew they were referring to the person who was not present.

"But we are not sure if this is the best choice? Will our threat end there?"

Just then, Solon, the third mother, frowned, and said.

A dead silence.

This is also the inner question of the dark elves' mothers. Although Rhodes originally said that he had borrowed the road, looking at him like this was almost no different from the plan to enter the army to kill everything. Although there are only five people on the other side. But no one ignored Rhodes himself but he hadn't shot yet. What's more, even for five people, the towers on both sides have now been flattened, and when the middle is finished, the next step must be to hit Huanglong straight. What should they do then?

Hit "gg" directly?

Of course, they don't know what it means to hit "gg".

Although Rhodes said he was passing by, what if he came at them in the first place? This possibility is not without, the masters and mothers all know that the surface is not calm now, they also have their own intelligence channels, knowing that Rhode's Void Dragon and Muen's coalition have been advancing since this time, while the Dark Dragon It is irresistible. What if Rhodes came to subdue them this time? This possibility is not absent. The dark elves are the most powerful races. In their view, it is almost natural to rule everything. If someone says he has no interest in power, the dark elves will only treat the other person as a lunatic and an idiot. So from the current point of view, Rhodes wants to directly win Calles Sodar and even further rule the entire underground world. The greatest possibility is in these mothers' hearts.

This was reached in the minds of almost all the Dark Elves, but they did not agree on what to do next. For the Dark Elves, changing a ruler seems to be nothing, but the problem is that they do not intend to give up on this. In any case, Rhodes is also a big thorn and directly comes to his troubles. If the Dark Elves really do not say a word The cower flinched, so what prestige will they have in the underground world in the future?

The current situation is that little bubble gum advances step by step, An Jie Linte expands the army of death leisurely, and Xi Luosi is hurriedly killing mowing grass. All three were very happy. In this case, the dark elves face an overwhelming disadvantage. Of course, they are not completely without killers, but ... the other party also has a dragon of void. Now the void The Dragon has already made the entire city of Callesodar before this shot. What will happen to the Void Dragon when it is shot?

"Mother Durex."

At this moment, suddenly, a voice broke the silence, and the named Mother Durex froze, then raised her head, looking at the figure sitting in the middle of the round table, wondering why she suddenly felt something bad.

"We hope you can go to that Her Majesty's side and ask his true intentions, after all, this is our bottom line."

Hearing this, Durex's eyes turned black.

She certainly understood why she was named.

At the same time, Durex also knew that she could not escape the disaster.

ps: Today the new game was launched, and I went in and played it, and it turned out to be extremely depressing. It is truly a Japanese-style online game. As always, it has inherited the characteristics that nothing can be seen except the characters. The mission is incoherent and repetitive. The map is not fully open. Too slow ...... wasting update time to play it was a wrong decision ... (to be continued ...)

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