Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 535: Dragon's Prison

Rhode's figure turned into a lightning flash into the cave. He didn't even have time to slow down, so he suddenly turned around and hit the cave wall heavily. Then Rhode bit his teeth and suddenly raised it, tossing little bubble gum and Qi Ludi!

"Bubble, blast the cave!"

"Received! Head !!!!"

The bubble thrown by Rhodes did not hesitate. She was still in the air. The pure white light condensed between her hands had erupted. The next moment, the dazzling pillar of sacred light bombarded the cave wall and burst out. The loud noise shook the mountain for a while, and the hard cave wall was completely collapsed. The huge rocks slammed and fell from the air. It was just a blink of an eye, and the hole was completely buried by the rubble. stand up. With the roar, it was possible to hear the roar of undead creatures, but after a while, all the sounds disappeared and disappeared, as if completely covered.


Until this time, everyone was relieved. This is not only because they escaped from the pursuit of undead creatures, but also because the chaos breath was blocked out with the collapse of the underground passage, and the depressing feeling that surrounded them before them also followed. Disappeared. This is what made them relieved that they were able to return to the world of order from the depressing chaos, which was no different for Rhodes and others when they were about to drown. Breathing air on the surface is just as wonderful.

But ......... Although the cave collapsed, it could be considered as blocking the further attack of the undead. But at the same time for Rhodes, it is no different from severing his own way. Even if they can find Eileen. But how to get out of here will also become a headache for Rod. The order on the surface has now reached a critical point of instability. Even if this channel is not stabilized by Rod's own order, I am afraid it would have disappeared long before they entered. From this, it can be inferred that even if Rhodes and others can dig through the channel and climb to the surface, I am afraid that the communication channel of the dark elves cannot be found-no, or when they will be two places Say it.

"This time is really troublesome."

Thinking of this, Rhodes shook his head and sighed. Then stood up. To be honest, this time it was indeed his judgment error. Although Angeline had indeed reminded herself that the country of the night was eroded by chaos, Rhode did not expect that chaos erosion would be so fast. This is troublesome, even if Ilin is rescued, I am afraid that I can't evacuate as successfully as planned before. One is bad, maybe in turn I will be locked in this ghost place. What should I do then? Is it really impossible to learn to dwarf to punch holes?

Forget it. Let ’s talk about this kind of thing until the time. The so-called invincible road, maybe in the prison, I can find other secret exits or maps and other things. After all, before the two were Angeline and Eileen Just to escape, there was no careful search of that place, maybe there was no secret found. Looks now. I only knew the result myself when I went to check it myself.

"Let's go, Angeline, you lead the way."

"Okay, master."

While Rhodes was thinking about her situation, Angeline had taken the time to look around. In the end, she can rest assured that this is indeed the way she escaped from. This finally relieved the little guy. After all, she didn't expect that in just a few days, the Kingdom of Night would have such an earth-shaking change. If she mistaken her destination again, she would really be blind. By that time, not only could Her Royal Highness not be rescued, but even her master was involved. For Angeline, this is definitely not a good result. So she didn't say anything anymore, and hurriedly turned around and took Rhodes and others towards the deep part of the cave.

There was silence in the dark cave, except for the sound of footsteps by Rhodes and others. It was very quiet, just as Angeline had left before. And Bingxueer also confirmed that there are no signs of life here, but everyone did not relax their vigilance because of this--after all, no sign of life does not mean that there is no enemy, let alone that they are now living without life On the land of undead.


Just as everyone walked in the direction of the underground passage under the leadership of Angeline, suddenly, Little Bubble Gum slammed his hands and called out. And this immediately frightened everyone to pick, Anjie Linte pumped all over, almost scared to jump straight up. And Bingxueer's complexion changed slightly, the tail that could not help flickering suddenly straight. Even Qi Ludi turned her head around differently, pulled out the sword in her hand, and looked in the direction of Little Bubble Gum. Instead, Annie didn't respond. She just tilted her head and looked curiously at the girl who was walking next to her but was suddenly nervous.

"What's the matter? Bubbles? It surprises Annie."

"Ah ha ha ha, nothing is fine, but suddenly I think of a very important thing ..."

In the face of everyone's curious eyes, Little Bubble Gum smiled and waved, but her words made others more strange. He said it was nothing, but he also said that he suddenly remembered a very important thing ... What kind of trouble is it going to make? But Little Bubble Gum didn't say much. Instead, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Rhodes.

"Head, Her Majesty the Princess, isn't it ?!"

"Yes, you should be as clear as I remember, aren't you?"

Facing the inexplicable and so-called question of Little Bubble Gum, Rhodes didn't know what she was thinking, but he answered. After hearing Rhode's answer, Little Bubble Gum nodded strongly, then clapped his hands, and murmured to himself.

"Hmm ... yes, that's right! Right! Right! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

what happened?

Looking at the little bubble gum that burst into laughter suddenly, Rhodes and Bingxue looked at each other in doubt. Others faced this scene, and the second monk was puzzled, although the intermittent madness of Little Bubble Gum is nothing new. But which universe has received ultra-long-range radio waves? And just when everyone was wondering. Little Bubble Gum looked at Rod again, then nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, yes, princess, prince. That's what it says in the fairy tale. We are now going to save the imprisoned princess! And you are the prince in the fairy tale! Yes, just a few white horses ......... Really, if now Just a horse! Really. How could such an oversight occur, right! "As she said to herself, Little Bubble Gum seemed to think something, and her eyes suddenly flashed, then she turned her head immediately. Go and look at Annie. "Right! Annie, can't you transform yourself? Now, hurry up. Change back to the white wolf that was before, and let the head of the horse ride on it! Although there is no Prince Charming, it sounds pretty good what!"

"Ah? Really? Would the leader ride Annie?"

When she heard this, Annie seemed to be immediately interested. She widened her eyes and looked at Rhodes with twinkles. Little Bubble Gum raised his hands in excitement. Shouted loudly.

"Yes, head, go boldly! Let's see the fairy tales come to life with our own eyes ... oh!"

"Less nerves here."

But before the words of Little Bubble Gum are finished, Rhodes is not polite, and hits Little Bubble Gum with a punch. Beat her back on that weird idea. He used to wonder how the little bubble gum that was always whimpering was so quiet before, and after a long day of trouble, she thought about these shattering things in her head!

"Woo ......... you cry and say to me ......... the fairy tales are deceiving ........."

Little Bubble Candy, who was severely punched by Rhodes, chose to hold his head and squat. But after a moment she stood up with no conscience and still followed the crowd. But at this time, the little guy hummed to the song of the uncle's family while humming and gazing at Rhodes with an unpleasant smile, and a "meaningful" expression appeared in his eyes. It's just that Rhodes didn't notice the little guy's expression at this time, so he couldn't see anything strange.

"right here!"

After this little episode, Angeline finally took the crowd and found the exit when she escaped again. It looked almost the same as when Angeline left, without any changes. The faint seal rune shimmered on the dark ornate gate, and seeing this gate, Angeline finally let go of her heart, which shows that she did not lead the wrong way, which is enough.

"right here?"

Rhode glanced at the stone gate before him, then he looked at Angeline, who nodded strongly. So Rhodes didn't say much, and soon, he saw his finger pick gently. The next moment, a card appeared between Rhodes' fingers, and then the turquoise soul flashed. Then, the transparent and invisible long sword appeared in Rhode's hands.

What a strange feeling.

Although Rhodes has used a lot of holy swords, this holy sword still feels weird. Not to mention that this sword is completely invisible, even the length can not be determined, and even the hand has no general hilt feel. Instead, it is as warm as jade, just like the finished product of jade carving. I don't know what the true face of this sword is?

Rhodes only thought about this question a little bit, but he quickly returned to his mind. After all, it wasn't the time to think about this, he quickly raised his sword in front of the stone gate in front of him. With Rhodes' movement, the dazzling soul glow erupted from the invisible sword body. In the next moment, it was dispersed into dozens of beams, and quickly shot at the stone gate in front of it, then quickly and accurately A mysterious rune is drawn above.

Subsequently, the stone door slowly opened.

"Booming ..."

With the deep roar, the moist cold wind passed through the gap of the door, blowing towards everyone. In the blink of an eye, the heavy door has been fully opened, showing the inner path to the visitors in front of them.

But this time, Angeline changed her face.

"How could it be ... this, this is not the way I escaped from!"

The young vampire widened his eyes, staring at the white shining channel before him, and said unbelievably.

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